Verbally abusive ex [4am Rambling] - Comments

  • Savery.I.Am!

    Savery.I.Am! (100)

    United States
    Your ex sounds like my almost girlfriend. She was 3 years older than me, and I was in love with her for 5 years since I was nine. We weren't dating but she was my everything, and all she did was play with me. I think it's when she slept with her boyfriend that I opened my eyes. I mean she wouldn't let anyone touch me or love me. She'd whisper that she'd be the only to ever love me, and she'd use my love for her against me. But then if there was another guy or girl I was dating (i was too nice to say no) she'd say such hurtful things that I'll never forget. So it's been almost a year and I haven't seen her. She's my first love, and I never can forget her and what she took from me. Now, I talk to her every now and then through email or some shit, but I miss here.
    I know how you feel. It sucks ass. I've dated like three people since her. One girl, who used me and she betrayed me. Though I didn't really care for her. I dated a doushey guy who I apparently owe 50 dollars. Now I'm currently dating the guy I've had a crush on for two years, but pushed away because of her. I feel ya. It sucks
    March 2nd, 2014 at 11:47pm
  • A. J.

    A. J. (100)

    United States
    The worst part about this is that you thought it was your fault. The verbal abuse is just as bad as it leads to emotional abuse in which you blame yourself. The part where he broke up with you to make you beg, and for you to say you didn't care how he treated you? Happened to me too. My guy was cheating and I couldn't let go. :( Eventually I just said 'F' it and went out with a bunch of ppl to get him out of my head, which wasn't healthy either. I think because of my age (teens) I was immature and didn't know about love or how someone should treat me since it was my first bf. I didn't have a great environment growing up, listening to put downs and name calling from my parents not to mention the conditional love they put upon me to be perfect which I couldn't attain because, hell, who can?
    You are not worthless, helpless or stupid. He is for treating you so bad. He sounds so jealous and envious. That's where that name calling comes from when he got in contact with you again. You have a better life now without him. Yes, they say you never get over your first love, but once you find someone that treats you right, you'll know you're better off without him in your life and without his sh!tty attitude. Let someone in and take care of you for once. Don't let his mindgames get to you. You can pm me if you want. I'm not always on here, but I come on at least 3 times a day to check stuff out. Just an offer. Don't feel obligated. Hey,
    March 2nd, 2014 at 11:46pm
  • deletemyaccountpls

    deletemyaccountpls (115)

    I can relate a lot to this blog. That guy sounds a lot like my ex. I completely get the whole needing someone even though they're an asshole, thing. My ex was verbally and emotionally abusive and he was so controlling and manipulative but I didn't see it until after we broke up, even then I didn't realise how bad he was until we ran into each other and he threw a bottle at me. I don't know how to get over him either (The things he's done rather, I couldn't care less about him as a person) you can talk to me if you like Cute
    March 2nd, 2014 at 12:22pm