Parents and Band Merch - Comments

  • Yeah I have a friend who's parents said he cant have merch cause its satanic i was like "i dunno what they do or what theyre goal is in life i dunno what it is they stride for ut im positive its not satanic " and Im an athiest so i mean theyre skeptical on me to lol
    March 9th, 2014 at 04:58am
  • my parents are okay with me buying merch, as long as i'm buying it. actually, the only band that they're wary of (and the band i have the most merch for) is the sex pistols. my parents lived in that era and they're 4048% against the punk movement but they can just Hand and it really annoys me when people call bands satanic because i am a satanist. they take the whole satanist concept out of context and act like we worship satan (we don't), and when they apply that to bands it's like, no bitch File
    March 9th, 2014 at 02:55am
  • Fun fact: My dad'll let me go to concert with my older friends. Wont get me to much merch.
    March 9th, 2014 at 01:16am
  • My mom gladly buys merch for me because not only is it clothes but it's also stuff I can wear to school and it helps express myself and an indicator to other people of my interests. I've never heard anyone say band merchandise is Satanic, maybe they're referring to the bands on the clothes? I don't know of any Satanic band and if there is then it is probably associated with some death black metal. My issue, though, is my mom and concerts. She doesn't allow me to go with my friends without an adult. She is afraid I will get injured or killed. She thinks I would fall, people would run all over me, and that I would get a bone broken, pass out, or die from getting trampled. Which in my opinion most of the people that listen to this music are my age and nice enough to help me up immediately after.
    March 9th, 2014 at 12:48am