This discontentment is something I can't shake. - Comments

  • JeremyTheThirteenth

    JeremyTheThirteenth (105)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Though I am not nor have been in the situation you are in, I can imagine how it would be not living in your home state and feeling unhappy about it. I honestly don't want to ever live in another state except for many college purposes. If you don't know anyone then try to maybe go to a local event, go to a gathering of people who have the same interests as you maybe. If you miss your friends and family then, if you don't already and have the money, try to visit them during holidays, some as small as Saint Patrick's.
    March 9th, 2014 at 12:41am
  • dandyandy

    dandyandy (100)

    United States
    I totally getcha on the occasional need for a sense of community and the feeling of discontentment with sitting around reading and watching TV. Like, life is whirring by like the ending credits of one of those old-school projection movies and I'm still in my pajamas watching reruns? Yeah, I get that.

    I can't say I can relate to the specific situation you have with your boyfriend though, but from what I've read here, I'd think it's not entirely healthy. I mean personally I'd find it terrifying to be in another state with someone without my own support system.
    March 9th, 2014 at 12:27am