Little Things - Comments

  • @ swell
    I'm all for honesty! It's an admirable and tragically rare quality!

    @ crooked
    Yes to all of these! Especially finding money tehe

    @ show me love
    I definitely love when people send me things that remind them of me.

    @ serendipity;
    Making someone laugh is the best! Especially since I have a dry sarcastic sense of humor that people tend not to get.

    You guys are all so wonderful! Your little things make me happy! Hug
    March 10th, 2014 at 07:42pm
  • This blog is so sweet!

    -Good cup of tea, or a strong latte
    -Making someone laugh
    -The feeling when a friend comes to you for a problem
    -my favorite song coming on the radio
    -spending the entire day in yoga pants, so comfy In Love
    -coming home and immediately seeing my kitty run to greet me Cute
    March 10th, 2014 at 06:36pm
  • - A good cup of tea.
    - The smell of old books - like when you go into a small shop or library.
    - When boys call you "darling" or "love."
    - The classic comfort of a cardigan and a pair of leggings.
    - Singing at the top of your lungs no matter how awful you sound.

    ^ totally agree with those!

    - Reading a good book.
    - Finding new music that I love that a lot of my friends haven't heard of.
    - New episodes of tv shows that I love.
    - Being able to help somebody.
    - When somebody sends me something, saying "This made me think/reminded me of you".
    March 10th, 2014 at 06:25pm
  • agreeing to all of it!

    - finding money in a jeans pocket, no matter how little
    - getting something done
    - finding a favourite non-top 40 song on the radio
    - alex said it below but imma list it again: posting a chapter and finding people enjoy it
    - realizing i have nothing to do for the rest of the day
    - when a new ep of a tv show is up
    March 10th, 2014 at 02:37pm
  • aw, these were so sweet Cute

    - when someone appreciates a personality trait in you (specifically my honesty because people tend to find it rude, but I think honesty is a good thing!)
    - coming to gym sweaty and gross but feeling good that you've worked out
    - the clean feeling after having a shower and curling up in bed
    - posting a chapter of a story on mibba
    - having an ice-cream after a gnarly gym sesh, best food to eat when you need some sugar
    March 10th, 2014 at 01:36pm