Writing Survey, Because I Should Be Writing and I'm Not. - Comments

  • @ that.one.misfit.
    Mr. Green Mr. Green

    Yeah I definitely wish I could burn and bury almost everything I wrote from age 9-15/16/17.

    For reals. There was some baseball fan fiction (which I only still love because I wrote it with my best friend and it was hilariously bad) and some pretty terrible poetry, and I don't even know. Some things I do actually cringe when I think about.
    March 16th, 2014 at 08:55am
  • 1. What is your author-pen name? (If you have one, if you don't your name will suffice or your Mibba name.)

    I don't have a pen-name.

    2. When did you start writing?

    I wrote tons of horrible Sonic the Hedgehog fan fiction when I was about 10 Facepalm. I didn't start writing seriously until recently.

    3. Where did you start writing?

    I had a bunch of marble notebooks filled with my fan fiction. I'd bring one to school and make my friend read them at lunch. Just thinking about it makes me cringe.

    4. What was the first story you ever posted?

    The first story I ever posted is the one I have on here. I used to post poetry on a different site.

    5. What is your favorite story you've ever posted?

    I've only posted two, so I don't have much to choose from.

    6. What inspires you to write?

    I have a vivid imagination and I don't really have friends, so I often find myself just making people up in my head. I form their personalities and backstories, and when I start writing about them my characters kind of become my friends. I hope that's not as weird as it sounds Confused.

    7. Do you want to be published?

    When I was a kid I wanted to be an author, but not so much anymore. It would be nice to be published, but I don't have any particular desire for that.

    8. Which author inspires you most and why? (Mibba-wise or published author)

    I'm not too sure.

    9. What genre do you like to write most?

    I love to write romance and drama.

    10. How many stories have you finished?

    I just started writing seriously, and I'm nowhere near done with the two stories I'm working on, but I do plan on finishing them. I don't think I finished any of the fan fiction I wrote as a kid, but I'd consider that a good thing No.


    1. What story are you currently working on?

    An original fiction called Save You From Yourself, and a Sonic fan fiction on another site- I guess I'm trying to redeem myself on that one.

    2. What is your biggest story pet peeve?

    When the characters in a romance fall madly in love immediately. It doesn't usually bother me enough to stop reading, but I always find it kind of annoying when two teenagers meet for the first time and after like, two days, start talking about how they can't live without each other and stuff like that.

    3. What is a story turn on?

    Realistic characters. I also like it when a story makes me wonder why the characters act the way they do and the answer is revealed over the course of the story.

    4. Favorite genre?

    Romance and/or Drama.

    5. Original, fanfiction, or true stories?

    I write and read both original fiction and fan fiction, but I prefer original. I like being able to create my own characters and being able to determine how they speak, act, etc instead of being confined to writing them a specific way from the get-go. I also like being able to read about characters I know nothing about at the start, and getting to know them as the story progresses rather than starting the story expecting them to behave a certain way.

    6. Preferred chapter length.

    It depends. When I'm reading a book it doesn't really matter to me, but if I'm reading a story online I prefer the chapters to be on the shorter side.

    7. How do you like your titles?

    I suck at coming up with titles too, but I like titles that don't really make sense until you read the story. The ones that make you want to read the description to know more because it's hard to guess what it's about from reading the title alone.

    8. How do you come up with characters?

    I daydream a lot, and I like to make up characters and scenarios in my head. I create the basic idea like that, and when I come up with an actual plot the details surrounding the characters just come to me.

    9. Do you get attached to your characters?

    Extremely. I love my characters.

    10. Have an opinion on self-inserts?

    I've never read a story with a self-insert, so no.


    1. How often do you write poetry?

    I used to write it pretty often when I was in my early teens, but I don't write it at all anymore.

    2. Most popular poem on Mibba?

    My most popular? I don't have any posted on here, but I have some posted on a different site that I used to frequent. A few of them got kind of popular over there, but nothing major.

    3. Favorite poem you've ever wrote?

    I'm not sure. I've written quite a few of them, none of which I've reread recently.

    4. What's your style?


    5. What kind of poems do you usually write?

    I used to write a lot of dark, melancholy stuff. I wasn't the happiest high schooler. So typical Rolling Eyes.

    6. Ever write a love poem for a significant other?

    I've never had a significant other, but there was one boy I had a major crush on in high school that I wrote a poem about. I wrote it a few years ago, and now that I think about it, that might be one of my best ones. I realize now that it was just some dumb crush, but at the time it felt like so much more. I spent a lot of time thinking about him, and a lot of sadness and anger went into that poem. If only I could slap 15-year-old me.

    7. Do you have a favorite type of poem?

    I may not write it anymore, but I do still like to read dark, angry poetry.

    8. How about a least favorite?

    Poems that seem rushed. Like the poet kind of just threw some words together and didn't really try and create something beautiful or interesting with it.

    9. Poem turn-off?

    I don't like poems that have no imagery or strong emotion. If the poet can't paint a vivid picture, I would at least like to feel whatever they felt writing it. If neither of those things are accomplished, it kind of defeats the purpose of writing poetry.

    10. Poem turn-on?

    Vivid imagery and strong emotion, the opposite of my last answer Mr. Green.
    March 16th, 2014 at 08:50am