Research Paper Awards You With Haters - Comments

  • @ SummerGrace
    Oh no problem. :) I know how that is.
    March 26th, 2014 at 02:59pm
  • @ DarkestStorm

    @ dandyandy
    Thanks for reading and commenting. I don't normally like ranting, but sometimes I have too.
    March 26th, 2014 at 01:40pm
  • If you really want to ruffle some feathers point fingers at sexism and a patriarchal society's institutionalized tendency to systematically objectify, police, and idealize bodies. The fashion industry, if anything, is a reflection of society's standards. The media is slightly more to blame, but again I feel like it's a reflection of a society's poisonous views (which are then taken and perpetuated by the media/fashion industry so it's a circle game you just cant win- which is kind of the point of it, really).

    Don't feel bad. Really, you're A+++. Usually when you're actually right about something, you have ten people screaming in your face that you're wrong. I once had a girl make me think 'stock' (as in 'stocking groceries') was spelled 'stalk' just because she made fun of me relentlessly for fifteen minutes. Now I wish I could go back and be like hey, you're an idiot.

    So yeah, believe in yourself when you know you're right and don't take it personally when people react badly to the truth, because a lot of the time it contradicts whatever truth they've established in their own head, and they probably just need time sorting that out and it's not your job to do it for them.
    March 25th, 2014 at 09:28pm
  • Even if it is partly the fault of the "fashion industry" it isn't just them. You're hardly sick for saying they shouldn't be blamed.
    March 25th, 2014 at 07:03pm