Fictional deaths I will never get over (may contain spoilers) - Comments

    But yes, to all the other deaths on that show. Especially Jenna, Alaric, and Lexi.

    I'm furious about Uriah dying in the the Divergent trilogy. I bawled my eyes out.
    March 27th, 2014 at 01:42am
  • @ Derek's Wolf Angel

    I'm glad!!!

    @ Gansey.

    You're right, that's a better way to put it for sure. I don't thin punishment is the right word. She was just too risky to have around. I was really just sad to see Mika go. AGREE 10000000% percent on Fred. Snape I think in a weird way needed to die. It was like finishing off the whole maruaders generation kind of thing, to me.

    @ castiel's vessel

    I agree. I didn't dislike or like Prim, but I didn't feel as if her death brought any emotional/ moral value to the story. I'm still confused about it, honestly.

    Agree totally. I think the Jo's death could've been significant because it was Ellen's biggest fear, but killing them both was rough. I still cry about Kevin. I think that was one of the more brutal ones.

    @ DarkestStorm

    I hated Katherine but I loved her ability to survive, until she didn't.
    March 27th, 2014 at 12:43am
  • Katherine Pierce R.I.P. <3
    March 27th, 2014 at 12:11am
  • I never really liked Prim but I still can't fathom why on earth her death was necessary. What was the point in killing her?? Was there any? I think not!

    AND WHY DID THEY HAVE TO KILL KEVIN? WHAT THE HELL SPN??? Crazy I could deal with Jo being killed off but Ellen was too much. I swear it's like the writers know that these fictional deaths will destroy us for a while and decide to do it for the joy of it. Grr
    March 27th, 2014 at 12:10am
  • Lizzie didn't get shot as punishment, at least not to me. She didn't understand that walkers aren't people, they're not friends, and her killing Mika was terrible. But Carol shot Lizzie because she was dangerous. She did it to protect everyone else, considering Lizzie was going to kill Judith too, and she'd already tried to suffocate the baby once (but no one saw).

    March 26th, 2014 at 11:57pm
  • I whole heartedly agree with all of these!
    March 26th, 2014 at 11:52pm