Please be nice to your cashiers! - Comments

  • tabula rasa.

    tabula rasa. (120)

    United States
    @ Audrey T
    Yes! If a price isn't coming up right, I always ask someone to do a price check, and if need be, get a manager (unless there's a sticker on it that clearly states the price, and I only go with the sticker if it's not a huge difference).

    And I definitely agree with the motto "The customer is always right" being an issue. So many people take advantage of it as a deceptive way to get the price they want to pay rather than the price something actually is. It's so frustrating.
    March 28th, 2014 at 03:38am
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    I worked at a couple of stores before, and pretty much whenever we were getting an issue like that with a customer we'd just say, "Only the manager can change prices in the system, would you like me to call her over?" and let the manager deal with it.

    I shop at a lot of bargain stores (like Target, Walmart, Kmart, TjMaxx), and I definitely think those workers need a break. I think a lot of people who are crappy to cashiers have probably never had the 'pleasure' of working as one. They don't know what it's like to work a low paying job (so many cashier jobs start, and stay, at whatever the minimum wage is at the time), which hardly seems like a enough when you're dealing with people who think they're entitled to always get their way. And they sometimes refuse to understand that cashiers generally don't have the power to change prices for any reason.

    Sometimes I think the worst thing for employees is the whole "The customer is always right" logo.
    March 28th, 2014 at 03:34am