The hardest part of becoming vegetarian or vegan isn't giving up meat, it's realizing you're surrounded by hypocrites - Comments

  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    I'm all for people eating whatever they want and others just minding their damned own.

    I've never contemplated being a vegetarian because I know I'd fail at it and then feel bad about myself. I also have medical conditions that require that I eat meat. That being said, I don't eat a lot of it, and when I do, it's chicken breast or good quality steak. I can't eat lamb(unless it's a roast and good quality) because it makes me ill, but that's less about the meat and more about my body literally hating everything I put in it haha. While I eat meat, it's always with salad of some kind or veggies, and it's almost always in good proportions. My mum watches what my dad eats, so she just ends up doing the same with us.

    I'm cool with people wanting to be vegetarian, and I often get a vegetarian meal as a "side dish."(My local Asian restaurant does an Asian Greens dish that's freaking amazing) All that being said, I cannot stand having my eating choices used to slander me, whether it's to call me an animal killer and tell me I'm going to burn in hell, or throwing blood at me and screaming "You're a disgusting murderer, kill yourself and save an animal!" Be a vegetarian, I'm not going to stop you, but don't pull that shit and slam me for not following the "true and only way!" I swear, some people make vegetarianism seem like it's a cult!

    You're family will eventually come around, if not, live in the knowledge that they accept you for your choices but don't choose them for themselves. And if they try forcing meat on, just take it in your stride and say "No thanks." Rise above :)
    April 11th, 2014 at 10:13am
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    I haven't eaten chicken/game in about 6 months. I really miss the taste though. You know those chicken wraps you can get from KFC? Uuuugh.

    My family is sort of supportive. They understand that I have pet chickens and this weird connection to birds. They eat a lot less chicken now because our meals are prepared as a family and we like to be inclusive of everyone, so they'll usually have chicken if I'm out.
    But then sometimes they'll throw in "oh come on, you love chicken corn noodle soup. You can have a little sometimes." And I don't know how to explain how sick and saddened it would make me, knowing what I was eating.

    Stay strong. As long as no one is force feeding you or hiding meat in your food then really, they have that right to be a pain about it. Just stand your ground politely.

    I eventually want to become vegetarian but I'll have to learn how to cook first. There's so much you can't eat and some of those things come as a shock. Like cheese. And skittles. And many brands of vegetable soup.
    April 11th, 2014 at 07:39am
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    Sometimes I do feel bad knowing I ate something that was living, but honestly I can't live without meat. I'm a really picky eater, and as it is I don't really (as in, I rarely) eat vegetables or fruit, so without meat... I'd seriously have nothing to eat that isn't a snack or isn't always pizza or things like that.
    April 11th, 2014 at 07:25am
  • Fandango

    Fandango (775)

    Neutral Zone
    I agree with everything except the "pink slime" comment. Unless you worked in a McD's factory, you wouldn't know what went into the nugget, as they get delivered to the restaurant pre-cooked and pre-battered. All they do in-store is fry it up.

    I saw this a couple months ago, if you're interested.

    But I feel you, omg. I "went vegetarian" about two years ago, and my family made it so difficult on me that I eventually gave it up.
    April 11th, 2014 at 06:18am
  • Painted Bones.

    Painted Bones. (100)

    United States
    @ Koda
    The price where I live sort of varies. On the one hand, fresh fruits and vegetables (provided they're in season and easily grown here) are pretty cheap, but alternatives (Soy/almond/rice milk, fake cheese, fake butter, even my chicken nuggets) are pretty pricey and we try to ration it. But beans are a blessing!

    I have also yet to convince anyone to try substitutes so I'm jealous of your progress with your brother! I'm slowly transitioning into veganism so I keep getting a BUNCH of stuff I want people to try :)
    April 11th, 2014 at 01:38am
  • Koda

    Koda (100)

    United States
    I was a vegetarian for two years, and I absolutely loved it!! I felt so much better than I ever have, and honestly I wish I could go back to being a vegetarian. I quit being one because where I live, it just got too expensive.

    Being a vegetarian is hard too, especially when you are with family or friends or with school related things. I was in band, and we would have cookouts and they would ask what I wanted to have. I just told them I would bring my own. They were fully supportive about it as me and my mom both were vegetarians and we put our Morningstar patties on their grill and they grilled them for us!!

    It's actually funny. My brother wasn't a vegetarian, and said he wouldn't touch a morning star burger in his entire life. I got him to eat it and he said that if you put them in schools, you would never know the difference. So, I fully support any vegetarian or vegan out there, especially vegans.

    But, you are going to have people who are like, "Oh my gosh you are a vegetarian? Why do you not eat meat? Humans are supposed to eat meat." And I just brushed them off. I would also tell them that they honestly have no right to tell me how to live my life and what I put in my mouth for food.

    Btw, that picture kinda looks like corn flakes hahaha. Everything will be alright. Once you keep being a vegetarian for a while, everyone will get used to it and it won't be such a big thing any more. :D :D :D
    April 11th, 2014 at 01:18am
  • Painted Bones.

    Painted Bones. (100)

    United States
    @ Synical
    I honestly don't mean to make anyone uncomfortable just be being but I do understand what you mean, about feeling bad, I used to feel very similar. All I honestly ask is that people recognize what they're doing/not doing and not kind of cozy up in a sense of denial (which I've done) but like we've both said, it's personal choices from person to person. Thank you :)
    April 11th, 2014 at 12:57am
  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    First of all, let me just commend you for standing up for what you believe in in the midst of all those people! It must be tough. People probably try to defend themself cause maybe they feel bad in tour presence because they eat meat knowing you don't. Not that you're forcing it on them or anything, some people just feel guilty.

    I know I'm a contradiction. I love cats and my dogs and would never eat them because they're like family. So why can't I treat cows, chickens and other animals the same? It does bother me but like you said, it's a personal choice. My heart goes out to you because Inknow there's a lot of discrimination out there against vegetarians and vegans. Hang in there! Plus you're one of many who is saving countless animals by not eating them.
    April 11th, 2014 at 12:17am