Fears || Ghosts - Comments

  • I believe in ghosts to a limit, I do believe that they do exist but another part of me doesn't.
    So I have these dolls which are made of glass and so my parents got a divorce 7 years ago and when they did my mum gave me a doll anyways so we moved to a place which has been burnt down before and a little girl died in the fire. So we move in blah, blah, blah 3 years later my mum finds a man and we move in with him and I guess we brought the little girl with us because they can go into dolls or what ever so in December we had a black out for 4 days or so and while I was chopping wood to keep the house warm I look back and I see the fucking girl sitting on the rocking chair and yeah I screamed.
    Also my dad lives beside a graveyard, so when I was a little girl around the age of 5 my mom and dad (when they were still together) went to go shopping and I was upstairs on the computer playing these 5 year old games and my 2 brothers and sister were down stairs, My brother was 10 I believe or somewhere around there so he was playing this weird game anyways so when they left around 5 minutes after I hear a lot of banging so I figure its one of them getting a snack. The sound stopped after like 5 seconds or so and than I hear two pots banging together so I go out and see and all there was, was two pots circling the table so I scream and run. What I didn't know is that it followed me down stairs until my brother did something and it ran away.. Man this is giving me the creeps because I'm in my room at my mothers house with the first story I told you about, one other thing. My ancestors or what ever were witches and practiced black magic so yeah I'm a wiccan I guess! just felt like sharing that!
    April 18th, 2014 at 08:08pm
  • I believe in ghosts. A part of me thinks that they are spirits awaiting reincarnation, or spirits that never found the right way and somehow got stuck in limbo. I've walked through cold spots in the house and felt them trying to claw at my back as I walk through the house between 1 and 4am. My dog even saw one once.
    April 13th, 2014 at 12:47pm
  • I always feel like I'm going to fall when I'm on stairs or an escalator. I actually did fall down some stairs two years ago and broke my ankle. So I get like flashbacks to the sensation of falling and watching the ground come flying at my face. Ugh. I don't even like to think about it.

    Haha. I'm not quite as bad as the kid from Sixth Sense but I am sensitive to smells which is weird. But I'll get whiffs of things that I associate with certain people that have died. I also hear my name being said. Those are all sensations that I get when the being feels familiar. But the evil things. I actually am a big fan of horror movies but the ones that scare me are the ones that deal with demonic possession because I truly believe in that and I believe that there are demons around me sometimes that want in. It's not a good feeling.
    April 13th, 2014 at 09:40am
  • Gee thanks that seriously scared me I imagined all that in my head and now I'm afraid to go to my kitchen and get snacks
    April 13th, 2014 at 05:38am
  • @ archipelago.

    Yeah, IKR? Thank you "based on true story" producers for making me want to poop my pants. xD
    April 13th, 2014 at 03:33am
  • @ Javin Pilotte
    Hahah maybe it's a writer/creative type thing. We're such a bunch of weirdos! Baha.

    I KNOW! It makes me want to cry.
    April 13th, 2014 at 03:29am
  • @ archipelago.
    I'm not sure how common it is. Maybe we are just a stair-fearing bunch. xD

    Ohman BASED ON A TRUE STORY is the worst. =o
    April 13th, 2014 at 02:53am
  • @ pervntique.
    Stairs are just wrong. Especially the ones with the gaps. Someone could grab my leg!
    That's some pretty deep thinking. I can see how it would be a problem to be constantly thinking and questioning. Quite overwhelming!
    I think it's perfectly fine to be afraid of dust. It's made up of some pretty disturbing things :/

    @ Javin Pilotte
    I actually didn't realise it was such a common fear! Eugh stairs.

    I can't handle ghost movies either. Especially when they have the tagline 'based on a true story'. I don't care how much of it is made up, I'm not watching haha.

    @ semisweet.
    I'M THE SAME! I swear I only go up if I absolutely have to. I grip on to the rail, lean far forwards and close my eyes haha. Though I'm ok coming down so you've got it worse than me!
    Whoa. As long as you're not the kid from Sixth Sense. I think the susceptibility thing does often run in families. Going off my mom's experiences, and weirdly my sister has seen the ghosts of animals. Which I completely believe because she can be quite cynical about these things. I understand the mirrors thing actually. I don't like looking in them at night or anything :/
    April 13th, 2014 at 02:46am
  • I hate stairs. I hate them so much. I hate the ones with spaces between each step and it always has my heart fluttering because wow. If I do so as trip, I am screwed. And on top of that, I'm afraid of heights.

    I hate talking about religion and evolution. Mainly because I began thinking to much and I began to question things I have no business questioning. (If the universe was nothing but darkness and nothing existed, how did God/planets just suddenly appear and make all of this cool stuff happen? What if we're just a manifestation in someone/something else's real?) And that proceeds to make me feel as if I'm about to have a heart attack.

    And last but not least, dust. Yes, I'm afraid of dust. I can't stand to touch it or look at it and I'm always afraid that if I inhale it, it'll coat my nose and all of my internal organs and I'll die.

    Dramatic, I know, but those things truly terrify me.
    April 13th, 2014 at 02:00am
  • Duuuddeee I feel you on the first fear. My friend calls me the "#1 slowest stairwalker in the world" because I have the same fear! xD

    Also I totally believe in ghosts but I don't think they'll do anything bad to me. I hope. I think. >.< I can't handle ghost movies though. Too scary.
    April 13th, 2014 at 01:55am
  • First of all, I absolutely HATE escalators. I hold on with both hands and stand as still as possible and my heart is still pounding when I finally get to step off. If I'm with someone else that knows about this fear I will either hold onto them or ask them to stand in front of/behind me (depending on whether we're going down or up). No bueno.

    Secondly, I definitely believe in ghosts. Some members of my family were said to have had a connection to the other side and I've been told that I have it too. That I am especially vulnerable/susceptible/open to experiencing things not of this world. I'm terrified of the dark. I experience things from time to time that I would identify as ghosts or spirits. Sometimes, I'm okay with them, to an extent. I get this feeling that they are family members that had passed on and are just there. But I also have felt malevolent beings in my presence. I don't like mirrors but I can't explain why. I guess I'm afraid that these beings can sometimes use mirrors to their advantage. Now I feel like I sound crazy and am not making any sense so I'll stop. Unsure

    But I get what you mean.
    April 13th, 2014 at 01:37am