Did I Miss Something? - Comments

  • @ house of cards.
    I know rough Swedish since I play a game made by a Swedish dev team, and sometimes stick the language file in there and learn a bit as I play. It's really fun, actually, since I know everything about the game it's just a matter of connecting two words.
    April 16th, 2014 at 11:45pm
  • Yeah, it's just weird. I really don't get it.

    I have a few friends from that area of the world that come here for university (why you would want to move from the Faroe Islands or Finland to Scotland for university I will never understand) and I'm so jealous of them because I'm the same. I just adore everything about it. In Love
    April 16th, 2014 at 11:33pm
  • @ house of cards.
    It's like classifying Alaska as its own subdivision of the USA. I've lived there; it's certainly an American state.
    I love everything about Nordic culture, history, food, languages... In Love It's awesome.
    April 16th, 2014 at 11:24pm
  • I know, I never did understand it. The entire UK thing confuses me anyway. I don't understand why we can't just be our own countries. I consider myself Scottish and not British anyway so I don't get why I can't just live in Scotland without it being classed as GB.

    I think the politics are okay. I have a friend that lives in Finland when she isn't at uni (totally different country to Sweden but shhhhhhhhh) and she isn't ever complaining about any political strife or potentially ridiculous laws so I assume that as another Nordic country, it'd be the same. Think
    April 16th, 2014 at 11:20pm
  • @ house of cards.
    Weird that Northern Ireland creates a whole new classification. Think
    I totally should. I want to live in Sweden, but I know nothing about the politics there.
    April 16th, 2014 at 11:16pm
  • I don't know. I think that Great Britain is just England, Scotland and Wales, whereas the UK is Great Britain plus Northern Ireland so maybe that's it? I was never that great at geography. XD

    You totally should. It's like the best thing EVER. I'm totally not biased. Shifty
    April 16th, 2014 at 11:14pm
  • @ house of cards.
    But there's an option for just United Kingdom as well, why does Great Britain have two sublocations in the database? XD
    I'll probably never taste that unless I get off my ass and go to Europe like I want to. D:
    April 16th, 2014 at 11:08pm
  • It's because we're part of the UK, I guess. Kind of like how we can't choose England or Wales as countries, we just all get grouped together. Maybe by September, it'll have to be added in if we go independent. XD

    I pretty much only ever drink Irn Bru (which is the best fizzy drink ever because it's Scottish and I'm a patriot Shifty) when I'm at uni so I don't think I could survive without carbonated drinks.
    April 16th, 2014 at 11:05pm
  • @ house of cards.
    It's stupid that they don't have Scotland as its own country in the countries drop-down. Grr I know a lot of people who could benefit from it.
    Ugh, soda. I can't stand soda. I like tea and water and coffee and Gatorade and Mio. Carbonated things are ick to me. xD
    April 16th, 2014 at 10:39pm
  • Oh, I drink iced coffee all the time. I live in Scotland, totally used to things being cold. tehe Not a big fan of tea though, so I can't comment on iced tea. I'm the same. When I eat food, it's usually incredibly unhealthy and / or because my parents are worrying that I'm going to become anorexic. My main issue is that I love fizzy drinks and drinks with tons of sugar in them and I'm just too bloody lazy to work any of it off 90% of the time.
    April 16th, 2014 at 10:26pm
  • @ house of cards.
    I just chug endless iced tea (I realize that a lot of people from the UK find ice in drinks odd, but when you live in a hot climate it's delightful) and Keurig caramel lattes. I mostly live off of drinks - I eat nearly nothing, getting a lot of my energy from what I drink. xD
    April 16th, 2014 at 10:20pm
  • Yeah, I heard that too - I guess it's too much energy and not enough places for it to go. I go to the gym quite a lot so I guess I work it off but I drinks tons of Vitamin Water and then I drink even more Monster, which has craploads of sugar in it as well as ridiculous levels of caffeine that I already have in my system thanks to my coffee addiction. Facepalm
    April 16th, 2014 at 10:15pm
  • @ house of cards.
    They are basically the same. I've heard that energy drinks are worse than soda if you don't actually exercise. I walk, I get enough exercise, but I don't do it often enough to warrant drinking craploads of Gatorade.
    April 16th, 2014 at 10:10pm
  • The second one pretty much sounds like me, but with Vitamin Water. I think they are pretty much the same thing anyway, just one has a healthy-sounding name so I can kid myself into thinking I'm being healthy. Shifty
    April 16th, 2014 at 09:58pm
  • @ house of cards.
    I love noodles. Maybe pasta could be good.
    Or I could just keep drinking Gatorade and scavenging my fridge for food. XD
    April 16th, 2014 at 09:51pm
  • I live on a pretty-much-permanent diet of instant noodles and grapes mixed with Vitamin Water so I totally get you there. Not a big sandwich fan, so noodles seemed like the next best choice but they get bland after a while. First world problems indeed. tehe
    April 16th, 2014 at 09:49pm
  • @ house of cards.
    I can't even have cereal because 1) I'm tired of Rice Krispies and 2) the milk went bad. I could make a sandwich, but I don't like sandwiches. First world problems.
    April 16th, 2014 at 09:47pm
  • I don't think they could put any rules on the Magazine, we don't really...well, we have rules but I don't see how they could be changed. We change the way we work but it's all internal and stuff. I think the Mag is pretty much stable. tehe

    Same. I was in a supermarket about 2 hours ago as well and all I bought was grapes and cookies. Facepalm
    April 16th, 2014 at 09:46pm
  • @ house of cards.
    Same. Hopefully the Magazine remains untarnished.
    Yeah, ick. I should go out and get real food. Hm.
    April 16th, 2014 at 09:42pm
  • @ Vechs
    I think I'd respectfully step down as poem editor if that happened. No use reinforcing rules if I don't follow them myself, so it'd be a bit silly.

    God, stale fries too? That's horrible. I had some weird chicken and bacon thing for my lunch, speaking of bad food, and the bacon tasted like it had been in the fridge at the university for days, it was disgusting. No
    April 16th, 2014 at 09:26pm