Have You Ever? - Comments

  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    Unfortunately, I don't think she will be growing up anytime soon Sly It's gonna take her mum to just completely stop doing everything for her, to make her realise, and I don't see that happening, either. I mean, she had to ask his dad to unblock the toilet for her earlier Rolling Eyes What makes me laugh, is when she has a shower. She showers like, once a fortnight, yet she'll put her t-shirt in the bottom of the bath so she doesn't step on any germs. Doesn't make sense. I did get back to sleep, like two hours after being woken up! Grmml

    I managed to get a double bed! :D It meant that I couldn't get a Download ticket, but I think my sanity is worth more than a festival ticket, haha. We're at his house at the moment, he's helping his mum move the house around tomorrow so I said I'd help out. That's good! :D Maybe some more reminders might make him want to move in with you sooner! Carl asked me to move in with him, but I had to say no, too. Mostly the same reason, his room is just tiny. He asked his mum if he and his sister could swap rooms (she's got this huge room to herself, and he's in the box room) but she had a tantrum. His mum was all for it, but she started shouting and balling about it. If he managed to get her room (after fumigating it, haha) I might consider it. But until then, no. Especially with his sister being so annoying, haha. I think Bella would be okay, I've taken her with me to stay at his sometimes, it's just his sister. I know we'd argue all the time because of her.

    My nan has always looked down on my mother, because she doesn't have a "successful job" like my aunt. My aunt works for a bank, she's quite high up the food chain. But she's SO snobby, she makes me sick. Her and my nan are constantly criticizing my mum, and my mum won't stick up for herself, so I had to say something. Now I'm in my grandparents' bad books, no birthday or Christmas cards for about two years now, which is kinda childish, really. Oh god, that's awful! That's the one thing you have to do when you get a pet, house train them. I don't blame you, I wouldn't want to live somewhere like that, either. I bet it's annoying that they are their animals, and they're not even there to take care of them. I'd be pissed off about it.

    I rant to my mum about his sister all the time, haha, my mum said she'd soon whip her into shape! My mum and step dad have met Carl's parents a few times, but not that many. Mainly cause my parents work close to seven days a week, so there's never any time to. It's a nightmare trying to plan a day out or a family meal, haha. But my mum and his mum text each other all the time, haha. Did they make it for his birthday?

    Carl's like that, he's so stubborn! His mum is, too, but I think she'd be the one to cave first, simply because Carl never would. Same as my brother. He's with a different girl now - he just proposed to her, actually - and she only lives up the road, but we speak to her more than him, haha. I had to remind him to tell my mum about the engagement, he's useless! Haha
    June 14th, 2014 at 05:29am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    No, not harsh. I totally understand. It's pathetic that she's an "adult" and still behaves this way. It's bad enough from a teenager, but she's way old enough to know better and have more respect. So when she does get a good dose of reality, I hope she smartens up. Or she's going to have a very sad life. I hope you got back to sleep!

    Well that's good. I hope you're able to organise a double bed for your house. Getting one at Rob's has really helped our relationship... I see him a lot more now. I've actually been at his house for like a week now because his dad went into hospital last Wednesday (minor surgery, he's okay) and is now staying with Rob's mum who lives in the city. It's been good, seeing him every day and stuff. It reminds me of when we lived together and why it's so much easier when we do. Haha. He actually said to me the other day that he wants me to move in here... which was a nice thought, but I had to say no. I have a dog and a cat that couldn't live here and his room is just too small for both our stuff, so it wouldn't work. It would be easier if he moved to mine... but he won't do that until his parents sell this house and he's forced to move. But at least he's being reminded of why things are better when we live together... so that's something Smile

    I don't blame you! I hate people like that... it's really irritating. Especially a family member, who shouldn't be so critical! Plus honestly, half the mess in this house is because of their dogs... who are owned by his sister and his mother. The ones who are never here. They were never trained properly, they will shit in the house if the door isn't open (or even if it is, as I found out the other day... I was so pissed!) and they will chew up anything left on the floor or even on the benches. One is worse than the other, she's a dalmatian and such a brat. The other one is a golden retriever and he's pretty docile. But yeah, because they were never trained properly, they do what they want and it's really irritating. My dog would never even think of doing half the stuff they do... he's very well behaved because I trained him to be. Needless to say they're another reason I don't think I could live here full time. Haha.

    Yup. My mum has never met his mum (that shows how little she visits... I've been with Rob for almost 3 years and there's never been an opportunity for my parents to meet his mum) but she already hates her because I tell her all these stories. They reckon they'll come up this weekend to see Rob for his birthday, but neither of us are holding our breath. I really doubt it, honestly.

    Exactly! Rob would make the effort if she did. But they're both as stubborn as each other, honestly. So unless one of them finally gets over it and makes an effort, I don't think anything will change. I don't blame your mum. Haha. Boys are bad at keeping in touch though. My brother doesn't really keep in touch with my mum.. and he lives a few suburbs away. We get updates and talk more to his missus than we do him. Haha.
    June 11th, 2014 at 04:27pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    Oh yeah, I can't wait until real life slaps her in the face, I'll be watching with glee. That probably sounds harsh, but she pisses me off so much. Haha. Which is why I'm awake right now. She's spent the last hour slamming all the doors upstairs, which woke me up. Now I can't get back to sleep. Grr

    I talked to Carl earlier about her, and we both agreed that if I can get a double bed for my room, we'll spend more time at mine during the week. I haven't had a full nights sleep in weeks cause she's always up in the middle of the night, and she's not exactly quiet.

    Exactly, he's a big boy now. Oh god, she reminds me of my grandmother! She'll come to the house and inspect it, running her fingers across surfaces to check for dust. So annoying. I don't blame him for losing it, I would too! I shouted at my grandmother once cause she spent the entire time she was visiting, criticizing my mum. My mum works full time, and she keeps the house running just fine.

    I don't like Rob's mum, hahahaha. That's rude, and just not nice. If it was a genuine reason why she couldn't go, fair enough, but a little rain? Pssh.

    She could make more of an effort, even if it's only a few times a month, she could travel to see them. It's all about compromise. Maybe Rob could go see her one weekend, she could come down the next. My brother did that when he moved to be with his ex-girlfriend, we wouldn't see him for months on end. No phone calls in between. My mum didn't like that girlfriend very much, haha.

    It's okay, I rant enough, haha.
    June 7th, 2014 at 03:37am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    It's people like her that you just can't wait until they get a severe slap in the face with reality. Counting the days... haha. Yeah, you'd think he mother would know better by now, considering how she seems to be. I suppose she is in denial and keeps hoping for the best...

    I don't blame you. Any little dig you can have at her, run with it! Hahaha. I'm sure Carl was probably just like "Whatever, shut up." Hahaha.

    The way I see it, if he wakes up with a sore neck or headache, that's his own fault. She is really over the top... she tries to mother him ALL THE TIME and he just gets frustrated and loses it. She comes to visit them, seemingly just to nag and bitch at them about how the house is run... she even does it to their father, who isn't very well and has lots eye and stomach issues (the guy has a colostomy bag, for gods sake!) and she nags the fuck out of him because the lawn is maybe an inch longer than it should be. So that's why Rob eventually loses it and tells her to fuck off. She doesn't have a very active social life and she doesn't work, so yeah, they get annoyed when she comes up just to boss them around.

    Haha, well, his mother and his sister never showed. It was his brothers birthday and his mother called their father and said because it was raining (not very hard, mind you) about half way between the city and here, she wasn't coming. I was like "wtf? she's got a brand new car... it's a little bit of rain. What a joke!" and Rob got really pissed when he found out. And to top it off, she didn't even call his brother to say she wasn't coming... their dad did. She didn't even call him to say happy birthday.

    See, she moved to the city and eventually his father will go too when they sell their house here, because she works in the city and it's easier since he can't work anymore. Anyways, I've been with Rob for nearly 3 years and his mother moved to Sydney maybe 6 months after we got together. Ever since then, we see her on Christmas day, and that's it. She never makes the effort to come visit Rob, his brother (who has a 1 year old daughter, she never sees and whose 1st birthday she missed) or even her husband. It's expected if they want to see her, they all travel to Sydney (which is about 2 hours away). The entire situation is just fucked up to me... but I try hard not to get in the middle. I only care because Rob gets hurt when she doesn't bother... but at the same time, I'm like "two wrongs don't make a right... someone needs to suck it up and visit the other." But I'm not gonna force him. I understand why he's being stubborn, because she's the one that moved away... the rest of the family is all here, she could make more of an effort.

    Whoops! Sorry for the rant!
    June 2nd, 2014 at 04:29pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    Yep, she does it a lot, too. Like the CD player in the kitchen. She'll unplug everything in the middle of the night and take it to her room to play music, too loud. I have the patience of a saint, hahaha. I'll just put my ear phones in and drown her out with Avenged or Bullet XD She does it all the time, I don't know why his mum trusts her with money.

    Carl had a huge row with her just now. I've got work tomorrow so instead of me getting up at stupid o clock to go home and get ready, I'll just go from here. So I just had a shower, and I was a little bit longer than I usually am, cause I was shaving my legs. She starts moaning at Carl that I've been in there forever. I was in there for like half an hour, maximum..But when she has a shower (once a month) she's in there for like two hours and everyone else has to wait around, cross legged. So I may have taken a bit longer on purpose just to prove a point File

    My brother used to do that all the time, or he'd fall asleep with the TV still on. My room is right next to his so I'd hear it. I'd stick my head in once and tell him to turn it off, or get into bed, but after that it's his own fault. I'm not checking on him every five minutes. Exactly, he's an adult. If he wakes up with neck ache, it's his own fault, haha. Okay, maybe he could have been a little less harsh, haha, but he's right. She isn't his mother. I catch myself doing it with my own brothers sometimes, I'm like, woah! Haha

    I hope it went alright!
    June 2nd, 2014 at 12:05am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    I can only imagine. Hahaha.

    Seriously?! It's his Playstation, but she thinks it's okay to carry on like that? Wow. Seriously, I have to applaud you for not having murdered her! Clap I think I would have... that's just ridiculous. And she just spent the money on junk food? What the hell?! Wow. This girl needs a serious reality check... what selfish little bitch. Facepalm

    Rob had a fight with his sister on Thursday night. See, he plays xbox in his room and he sits in like an office chair (it's leather and looks like a racing car seat) and on Thursday night, he was playing and fell asleep in the chair. This is pretty normal, he does it every night... hahaha. Anyways, she's come into his room, woke him up and told him to go to bed. He was like "No, I'm fine." played for a bit, then fell asleep again. I don't know how many times she went in there and told him to go to bed, but eventually he snapped and went off at her. Told her she's not his mother, if he wants to sleep in his chair, that's his problem and to just back the fuck off. Then also pointed out that she doesn't live there (which she doesn't, she lives in the city with their mother) Well, she then went and sulked, cried over it and told her parents. So the next day, his dad was like "You really hurt her feelings, you need to apologise." and Rob was like "No. I'm an adult and I'm sick of her telling me what to do." Which is fair enough... I agree with him. He's 27 years old in 12 days... he doesn't need his younger sister telling him what he should do.

    Anyways, apparently we're supposed to see the whole family tomorrow for his brothers birthday and Rob already feels like he's gonna get a lecture from his mother about it. It's going to be interesting. I think it's ridiculous because they're both adults and their parents should just stay out of it, honestly. And I've said it before, but they all just need to stop treating him like a child. It's ridiculous.
    May 31st, 2014 at 10:17am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    I've been tempted to, so many times! Haha.

    I've bitten my tongue for so long with her, I'm surprised I have bitten it off! No, it's Carl's playstation, he just lets his dad and her play on it when he's in work. So she had no right to have a tantrum because he had it in his room. He keeps it downstairs so everyone can have a go when he's not there. She pisses me off so much. Today, his mum asked her to get some bits and bobs in town. What did she do? Spend all the money on crisps and chocolate. Facepalm
    May 30th, 2014 at 01:11am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    Yeah, I'm glad you have an escape, too! Or you might end up in prison because you snapped and beat the shit out of her. Haha.

    Wow... just. Wow. She really needs someone to let loose and just go off on her. Let her know how pathetic her behavior is and that she seriously needs to grow up! I take it it's like a family playstation? Or is it his? Either way, she needs to just shut her mouth and bugger off back to her stinky room. I'm glad their mum stood up to her, but still... she needs way more of that. I hope their mum does snap and stop putting up with her disgusting behavior. Y'know, enough is enough.
    May 27th, 2014 at 03:43am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    I'm thankful that Carl and I can escape to my house whenever we want, otherwise I would probably go insane. His mum is getting sick of it, I can tell. She's starting to raise her voice and argue back when his sister has one of her tantrums. Earlier on, she really pissed me off, I nearly swung for her. Carl's laid up in bed with his foot, so he's got the playstation in his room to keep him occupied while I'm at work. I'd only been there for like 10 minutes before she was kicking off because he had it in his room. Calling him every name under the sun, then saying we were spoilt bastards. I was fuming! His mum told her to shut up and stop acting like a baby, and to turn the tap off (she never turns the tap off when she uses the loo >,<) so she walks into the bathroom, and turns it on even more. How fucking childish is that!
    May 26th, 2014 at 10:47pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    That's just ridiculous. Argh.

    And seriously? She couldn't even vacuum? That's messed up. I don't think I could handle staying in the same house with someone like that... it's just pathetic that she can't even do something that basic. I hope her mum gets the jack of it soon and stops doing things for her... if she throws a tantrum like a child, then so be it. Just goes to show the girl needs to grow up.
    May 25th, 2014 at 08:06am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    They'll be totally screwed! I can't see his sister moving out anytime soon, though. She tried it for a month with her friend, but she couldn't handle it. Still expected her mum to do everything for her.

    I remember when his mum had to go into hospital last year for radiotherapy, she didn't lift a finger to help out. His mum was in for six weeks, so I said I'd stay over and help them out with washing and ironing and what have you. Carl did the cooking, and the only thing we asked her to do was to put the hoover around once a day. But nope, she refused. So I'd be coming home from work every day, putting the hoover round, hanging the washing out, doing the dishes. I was exhausted by the second week. I have the utmost respect for my mother and his, and any other mother!
    May 24th, 2014 at 01:52am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    I can't stand people like that. They seen to have this twisted view that everyone should run around for them... Like they're so entitled. It's a joke. If/when these girls get out in the real world, they're in for a nasty surprise.

    Yeah, it's frustrating when the parent enables the beahaviour. She's honestly not helping her in the long run, because his sister isn't learning how to do anything for herself and will lead a very lonely life if she doesn't learn to be grateful and to put the hard work in to get what you want.
    At least she got it right with Carl, he sounds like the kind of son she can be very proud of. But it'd be nice if his sister stepped up and helped out too.
    May 23rd, 2014 at 11:19am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    She really does. She thinks the world revolves around her, and when she doesn't get her own way, she has a childish tantrum. Pisses me off. Same as his niece, she expects everyone to drop everything and pander to her needs.

    I know right? The way she speaks to her sometimes is disgusting, I'd never even dream of talking to my mum like that! Everyone tells her that she's too soft on his sister, and she agrees with them too. She'll make the change, but then a few weeks later, it's back to how it was before. Oh no, I know what you mean. His mum is just as much to blame for letting her behave the way she does. I told my mum once, she was fuming, haha. If I behaved like that, she'd slap my legs! XD She's the most ungrateful person I've ever met, she's got no manners whatsoever. But then Carl is the complete opposite. He's always taking his mum into town so she can do some shopping, picking things up for her. It is irritating, haha.
    May 21st, 2014 at 11:57pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    Seriously?! Wow, she needs a punch in the face. What a bitch! Rob has pretty much everything done for him, though he does handle his own bills... mostly because he can be kind of funny about his finances and stuff. He doesn't like anyone (except me, actually) knowing his business when it comes to that. But yeah, they do everything else. And he's the middle child, his sister is younger but she's just as bad as his family and she does everything for him too. It's weird.

    But I don't blame you for being frustrated being around someone like that. Especially since their mother is recovering from cancer! My god, she should be just glad her mother is getting better, not treat her like a slave. That's disgusting. But what's worse is that their mum puts up with it and lets her treat her that way... she should be making her grow up. I mean, honestly, if you have someone that is willing to do everything for you and not expect you to do anything for yourself... well, why wouldn't you take advantage? I'm not defending her, but there's two parts being played, y'know? But people like that are just pathetic and make me sick... especially when they're not grateful. I'm forever reminding Rob to say thank you when someone in his family does something for him. It's irritating. Haha.
    May 19th, 2014 at 11:26am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    Exactly, and his sister turns 26 tomorrow, you would think she'd have grown up by now. Nope. She's like a little kid. His mum does literally everything for her. She gets her up in the morning if she has to be anywhere, makes her food, cleans her room, pays her bills - usually with her own money cause his sister has spent all hers on crap - does her washing, ironing, makes appointments for her cause she doesn't like talking on the phone. And the way she speaks to his mum sometimes, I wanna punch her in the face. His mum is recovering from cancer, but she still treats her like a personal slave. I'm speechless sometimes, she's like "mum, do it for me, I can't do it." And it's something as simple as boiling an egg or taking the bins out. God, she infuriates me, haha. But his mum is soft on her, she's the baby of the family, she gets away with murder! Prime example - his mum made us all dinner tonight, chicken curry and rice. His sister comes down at like 7pm, after sleeping all day, and rolls her eyes and sticks her nose up at it. Starts shouting and swearing that it looks gross, opens the back door and throws the plate onto the lawn and phones the local take away. I mean, what the fuck?!

    Sorry, I'll stop ranting now haha.
    May 17th, 2014 at 11:52pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    I don't get that attitude when the person is an adult. It's like; I'm sorry, but if they really needed sleep, they shouldn't have stayed up so late... it's not a good enough excuse for them to be able to space on their responsibilities and what not. It just bugs me that they treat him like a teenager, you know? He's an adult and if he makes plans, he should be expected to stick to them... not be coddled and treated like it's okay that he blows them off.

    Haha, feel free to vent! I don't mind Smile
    May 14th, 2014 at 08:58am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    Yeah, everything can go do one, it's sleepytime! Haha

    Carl's mum is the same with his sister, it pisses me off so much. She'll stay up all night on her laptop, talking to her American boyfriend (don't even get me started on how weird their relationship is Facepalm), and then sleep all day. But when someone asks about her, or Carl moans about it, his mum is quick to defend her. "She was up all night, so she needs to catch up on her sleep" Maybe if she went to bed at a reasonable hour, like everyone else does, she wouldn't need to sleep all day. I don't think you're a bitch for thinking that way, I do too. I admit, once or twice I've stayed up until like 3am, when I can't sleep or I get engrossed in a story. But I'm always up for work the next day, or if not, I'll sleep in until around 11. There are other things about his sister that piss me off, but I won't bore you with them, haha.
    May 13th, 2014 at 08:28pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    Haha, I did that occasionally back in the day too. But yeah, I can't do it anymore. I get to a certain point, hit a wall and it's like "Nope, bed time." and crash. Hahaha.

    Maybe.... but probably not. Ever since he started playing xbox online, he does the same thing. But maybe this way I can save myself some stress and anger because I'll be there to annoy him until he finally gets out of bed. See, his family are like "Oh, he went to bed late... he needs sleep." regardless of what he was supposed to do that day or who he was supposed to meet. Maybe I'm a bitch, but the way I look at it is that he knew that he had plans and yet still chose to stay up all night... so the fact that he misses out on sleep is his own fault. Why should I be stood up because he couldn't get off the xbox, y'know? They seem to think I'm a bitch for having that attitude... but he's a grown man, not a teenager. Haha.
    May 12th, 2014 at 07:41am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    I've done that once or twice, haha. When I was younger, I would stay up all night then go to work the next day on no sleep at all, but then collapse afterwards and sleep for like a day. I can't do that anymore, I need the sleep haha.

    Good call, kick him out of bed, haha. Maybe if you do it often enough, he'll get the idea and go to bed at a reasonable time XD
    May 11th, 2014 at 05:57pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    See, I don't mind staying up (helps I don't work atm, so I can sleep all day should I feel the need) and I often do until about 3am or so, then I'll get up between 9-10am. Depends on when I wake up, but that's usually around that time. Rob... he'll stay up ridiculously late playing his xbox and if the day after is a day off, he won't get up sometimes until 5pm or later. Even if we had plans, that's what generally happens... so yeah, hence why we end up in fights.

    But now that I can stay there, if we have plans the following day, I'll sleep at his place so I can force him to get up. Hahaha.
    May 9th, 2014 at 03:05am