Are There Limits to Shipping? - Comments

  • eve's elixir.

    eve's elixir. (250)

    This happened to me and an ex-friend of mine and people in our class took pictures of us just sitting next to each other. They tried to do it secretly but ended up giggling tok much so I noticed. That's when I put my foot down. I could care less about being shipped, but start invading my privacy and its a no go.

    So, I would say as soon as they start feeling uncomfortable and explicitly tell you to stop, that's when it's gone too far. People should respect that. And I'm sorry about your English teacher, they're way out of line on this.
    April 17th, 2014 at 01:02am
  • archivist

    archivist (660)

    United States
    I think... as someone who hapens to love a certain YouTuber who not only is shipped hardcore by his entire fanbase with another YouTuber named Zisteau, but also sails the ship himself, it depends. He supports it. Praises it. Makes little comments that send everyone crazy. He doesn't mind it.

    It's important to keep the shippee in mind when you ship. Zisteau and Vechs are adorable. Vechs knows it. Zisteau knows it. The entire fandom of both men knows it. But Vechs is 28 and Zisteau is 35, both straight males and good friends. As long as you don't take it too far, there should be no issue.
    April 16th, 2014 at 11:28pm