How Do Tampons Work?! - Comments

  • lackadaisicalify

    lackadaisicalify (100)

    United States
    Dude okay I never liked tampons. I've always thought of them as butt plugs for your vagina...minus the pleasure part. All my friends started using tampons in middle school and they were always like, "Why don't you use them, they're so much easier!!!" NO THEY'RE NOT. FOR REAL THOUGH. They make me so uncomfortable. I honestly don't think I correctly inserted a tampon until I was out of high school. I understand why people use them; they're less messy, they're convenient for when you're out and about and on your feet all day (that's pretty much the only reason why I might seldom use them), but I dunno, my period never bothered me much (I know, I'm weird) so I just like pads better. You literally just stick 'em on and that's it. What's easier than that?

    Anyway, don't feel bad about not knowing much about sex. I'm twenty and sexually active and I'm still clueless to a lot of stuff. Sex ed fucking sucks and they never tell you the actual useful shit you need to know like how it's impossible to put a condom on unless the dude's dick is completely rigid, you NEED lube if you wanna do it doggie style, and, oh, while we're on the subject of doggie style, it's so fucking uncomfortable for the receiving end's back. THAT is what sex ed needs to teach teenagers.

    Okay I kind of went on a tangent there. I apologize if this is an awkward comment.
    April 17th, 2014 at 11:09pm
  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    @ Loup Garou.
    Hahaga. Glad to make ya laugh! Mr. Green I dunno.... I just feel weird about plugging my sausage wallet up with an absorbent cork basically! tehe
    April 17th, 2014 at 01:42pm
  • Her0ofTime

    Her0ofTime (100)

    The first time I tried a tampon I hated it, and I didn't like it the second time around a couple of years later! For me it was really uncomfortable and I could feel it inside me. At around 16-17 I asked my friend to show me how to use it and she gave me a general idea of how to insert it. After that I haven't turned back. For me, tampons are waayyy more convenient and you don't constantly feel the gushing and blood, sometimes I even forget I'm on my period. I would say practice makes perfect, it may take a couple time before you get it in correctly. You shouldn't really feel it inside (but with being a virgin you will probably feel it for a bit and then adjust) of you, and if you need to pull it out always make sure it is moist! Whether you go for a shower/bath, go to the bathroom, or are on your period always make sure it is moist, this will make it 120% easier to pull out. I've pulled out dry tampons before and it really hurts.

    Honestly, I'd recommend figuring out which position it is most comfortable for you to put it in, but I don't recommend just standing up. Either have one leg on the toilet seat and the other on the ground and insert it, or do a half squat. I personally use a half squat. I also recommend not just putting it in straight, I put it in at a bit of an angle. Hold the applicator between your index and thumb and use your pointer finger to put it in your vagina opening. Plastic applicators are 110% better to use then paper or cardboard applicators, much more easy to slide inside of you. I use Playtex Sport and most of my friends do as well.

    Also on a side note, TSS (toxic shock syndrome) can happen, but it is very rare. The only way you can get it from a tampon is if you keep it in too long when it is dirty. But I have accidentally kept mine in for more then 8 hours on multiple occasions and nothing has happened to me. But for sanitary reasons, try and change it every couple of hours depending on how heavy your flow is. If you have any more questions there are instructions and information in all tampon boxes. Cute

    If you have any more questions feel free to message me. I've had an active sex life since I was 16, on birth control, and so on and so forth so I may be able to help. :)
    April 17th, 2014 at 06:38am
  • Roden.

    Roden. (100)

    United States
    @ Synical

    I laughed so hard at this, I'm sorry. Because I felt the same way the first time I read the instructions O_O
    April 17th, 2014 at 06:08am
  • Roden.

    Roden. (100)

    United States
    I don't really know how to use them either. Like I get it but ugh. Plus it always seems freakin painful to me. I I like pads more anyway.
    April 17th, 2014 at 06:05am
  • Archives of Pain

    Archives of Pain (255)

    United States
    Start with the slim ones. They're pretty simple. Don't keeping pushing if it hurts, take your time. Remember you have to remove the applicator. Te tampon can't get lost in your body. The one major risk with tampons is Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). Don't leave one in for over 6 hours. If you get TSS it probably means a trip to the ICU.
    April 17th, 2014 at 05:10am
  • requiem.

    requiem. (205)

    United States
    Reading the comments, I'm SO surprised to find out how many people don't use or don't know how to use tampons. I LOVE them and it's all I wear. I personally feel cleaner and think it's more sanitary than pads. I just don't like the feel of blooding pooling and that feeling of a waterfall when you stand up after sitting down for a while. Or after you sneeze. And pads feel like I'm wearing a diaper.

    Tampons, never use the cardboard applicators. Always get plastic. I use Kotex click tampons. Your vagina should already be lubricated by some blood when you slide it up there, so it doesn't hurt. It's like when you have sex and you're aroused and wet. So you shove the applicator up there, push the cotton wad in, and then take the applicator out but the cotton stays in.

    It's really not that complicated, haha. Oh and the Kotex ones come in different colors! It really doesn't matter, but I like picking out which color I want to stick up there for a few hours LOL. It just makes you feel better. Tampons are magical; they literally make you forget you're on your period.

    If it hurts, that means it's not far enough in. You can test if it hurts by bending forward or sitting down. You can ask more questions, if you want!
    April 17th, 2014 at 04:55am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    I'm 24 and I don't know how to use them. =| My mum said they were uncomfortable, so I've never bought them.
    April 17th, 2014 at 04:16am
  • adam driver.

    adam driver. (100)

    United States
    tampons are simple. honestly. you literally just stick right at your "entrance" and push it is. lol not the whole thing, but to where the cotton comes out of the plastic.

    ew? i am 23 and have been using them since the 7th grade... they're not really anything special. just way more convenient and comfortable then pads. don't be afraid to ask questions.
    April 17th, 2014 at 04:12am
  • Hannahdoll

    Hannahdoll (100)

    United States
    What they have all said. I can't even use tampons anymore though because it just hurts for me, and because of my birth control my period is pretty light.

    I would probably stay away from anything that is scented and that goes for pads as well just because it could cause yeast infections.
    April 17th, 2014 at 04:09am
  • Looking at Stars

    Looking at Stars (100)

    United Kingdom
    Why aren't things like that taught in schools? Seriously we need less of this whole "sex is bad, wait until you're married, your vagina is like Voldemort, we mustn't speak about it" and more of a comprehensive education about sex and how bodies work.

    There are loads of alternatives for periods that you should try and then just use whatever you feel comfortable with. There's things like sponges, cups, reusable pads (that are a lot more comfortable apparently), and various other things than just the standard tampons and sanitary towels/pads.

    Do some research on google and stuff :)
    April 17th, 2014 at 04:00am
  • Ailurophile

    Ailurophile (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Don't worry I used my first tampon when I was 17. Never used it again for a long, long time. (I put it on wrong the first time.) Now, I'm almost 22 and had to use one last week. I finally felt like it was a successful tampon use lol but I'm still sticking to pads.

    Squatting or standing your leg on something more elevated helps when you put it on. And usually when you don't necessarily feel like THERE IS SOMETHING STUCK UP INSIDE MY VAGINA, then most probably you put it on right.
    April 17th, 2014 at 03:56am
  • Writer in the Rye

    Writer in the Rye (100)

    United States
    Don't worry, I cried the first time I had to use them due to an ocean vacation Twitch

    Lol I just realized how pitiful that sounded.. it didn't hurt, I just got so damn frustrated (and I was obviously on my period) that I cried.

    So. For me, it's IMPOSSIBLE to use the tampons with cardboard-ish applicators. They never work and they hurt me XD So I actually but the semi-expensive Playtex 360 Glide, and they work like magic. I insert them (sorry if I sound awk I feel really awkward writing this XD) like semi-squating and that seems to work. One thing I leaned is it will literally only fit in 1 place, so once you find it, you'll know. Don't worry, I was freaking out because I'm not flexible and felt like a blind-woman trying to insert a cotton wand into my body XD

    It took me a few different months to finally get it, and I can say that if you buy the comfortable kind, they are wonderful. For me, I forget I'm even on my period for awhile.

    Best of luck with everything :)
    April 17th, 2014 at 03:55am
  • Writer in the Rye

    Writer in the Rye (100)

    United States
    Don't worry, I cried the first time I had to use them due to an ocean vacation Twitch

    Lol I just realized how pitiful that sounded.. it didn't hurt, I just got so damn frustrated (and I was obviously on my period) that I cried.

    So. For me, it's IMPOSSIBLE to use the tampons with cardboard-ish applicators. They never work and they hurt me XD So I actually but the semi-expensive Playtex 360 Glide, and they work like magic. I insert them (sorry if I sound awk I feel really awkward writing this XD) like semi-squating and that seems to work. One thing I leaned is it will literally only fit in 1 place, so once you find it, you'll know. Don't worry, I was freaking out because I'm not flexible and felt like a blind-woman trying to insert a cotton wand into my body XD

    It took me a few different months to finally get it, and I can say that if you buy the comfortable kind, they are wonderful. For me, I forget I'm even on my period for awhile.

    Best of luck with everything :)
    April 17th, 2014 at 03:55am
  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    I just stick to pads. When I was eleven before I even got my period, Tampax sent me a sample of one in the mail. The picture instructions frightened the hell out of me so I've stayed away ever since lol. Good luck, though.
    April 17th, 2014 at 03:31am
  • bullets are hailing.

    bullets are hailing. (250)

    United States
    Don't worry. You're not the only one who has no idea how to use tampons.
    I've never used them and for a while, I've been asking my mom to get me some and help me, but all she says to me is "Oh, trust me you'll never want to use them."

    But I want to just in case. I know that's weird of me, but you never know. Twitch
    April 17th, 2014 at 03:30am
  • nymph

    nymph (100)

    United States
    Sometimes it's easier if you're standing up. If it doesn't slide right in, you're doing it wrong. Smoke
    April 17th, 2014 at 03:22am
  • cannibal.

    cannibal. (145)

    United States
    I freaking hate tampons. But yeah, you basically just stick it up there. If you're pushing and it hurts then odds are you're pushing it in the wrong area. Just move it around until it goes in without hurting and you should be good. Sorry if this doesn't help much. I pretty much had to learn on my own because I was out of state with no parent to help me when I first started. It sucked.
    April 17th, 2014 at 03:14am