Spirit Animals | Tarot Cards | Messages | Auras - Comments

  • @witchlander. That's so awesome that you're a pagan. As far as your spirit animal goes, most people who close their eyes and ask themselves what kind of animal they are, they typically see what they are. If you feel like your an eagle, than you most likely might be. Eagle's are a healing kind of spirit, there responsible, have a strong respect for boundaries, intuitive and creative spirit. They often can have the ability to see hidden spiritual truths and have connection to spirit guides and teachers. Does that sound like you?

    @Damon Salvatore; finding your spirit animal is a little hard. Sometimes you can just ask yourself and you'll see it in your head. Or, your spirit animal can be linked to you, whether you see it everyday or just have a favorite animal. I've absolutely loved cats from the minute I could decide. I adopted a black cat a few years ago and I've never had such a special bond with her than with any animal I've had. My absolute favorite animal is an owl, though. I don't feel as certain to be an owl than I do with a cat. However, they are both known to be linked with dark magic and the power of knowledge. So they're kind of linked. Sometimes you can find it by seeing it person, depending what you truly are. The lady I mentioned in my blog is a crow. She was sitting outside one day and asked herself and a crow came a perched right in front of her, cawing. It's strange how it works. I almost didn't want to believe her.

    Hopefully, one day you'll get the chance to experience a vision. It's truly something new and makes you have a different view on a lot of things. I've figured out that my vision was sending me a message that a spirit was stuck and felt like they weren't worthy of going to the light. I took the initial steps to try to send it to the light, but we will see within the next few days. I'm excited kind of. To see if I posses the power to help things pass on.

    @pet sounds , what did they say about your aura? I'm intrigued to know.

    @sodapop curtis , I am in the same bout as you. I believe in God, but I don't know exactly what religion I'd be in. I feel like all of them make sense at some point. I find reading auras to be extremely exhilarating. Sometimes though, I forget I can. It's never natural like it is with that lady. You'd like tarot cards, I feel. Just make sure you aren't going to dabble into the darker ones, though. Unless you are brave enough to venture into that kind of stuff. Like I mentioned, I'm intrigued about the dark tarot cards, but I'm nonetheless scared to indulge on witch related things.

    I believe you have dealt with spirits. You just didn't know you were. Certain people have spirits around them constantly. Guardian angel to loosely state. But, not really. Anyway, spirits that are linked to us help us will find images in our minds and produce them to us. So, whenever your having visions, your spirit is guiding you to the answer you need. It's definitely something to be awe about. Now, you might not have had an experience like me, but you've definitely dealt with a brighter spirit. If you've ever felt a chill or a feel like there someone's there and you don't see anyone; close your eyes real fast and see if you ever see the color yellow or orange. If you do, it's your spirit.

    That makes complete and total sense. It's so hard for me to really explain how I feel about everything. I've never really tapped into this side of me. I'd like to think that I'm spiritual. I've been told by the lady that I'm very open and vocal and that spirits will flock to me because I will be more inclined to help them go to the light than others. It's definitely insane how much more depth this world will come too. I agree, wholeness over happiness. I
    April 18th, 2014 at 05:08am
  • My beliefs are honestly kind of all over the place. I believe in God (I guess you could say the Christian God, though I can't stand organized religion) because of my personal experiences with him. I also believe in basically everything you wrote this blog about. I can read auras if I concentrate hard on someone, I believe in a lot of astrological aspects, I believe crystals have their own powers and that spirits exist with us on this earth. I've never really got into tarot cards, but the way you talk about them definitely interests me, so I may delve into that.

    I've had visions before when I was desperately seeking an answer to something. When I get them, they're always brief pictures that symbolize something and their meanings always apply to my situation. It puts me in awe every time. I've never had an experience with a spirit of some sort, but what happened to you sounds awesome. You handled it really well; I dunno if I'd abandon my fear that easily. That's something I'm still learning how to do.

    To me, it always comes back to energy; the energy within us that we project, the energy around us and underneath us and how it all connects and affects each other. Overall, I'm just a very spiritual person and I respect all beliefs and try to incorporate aspects from them to become more...whole, I guess you could say. That's essentially what I strive for: wholeness, not happiness.
    April 17th, 2014 at 11:24pm
  • I got my aura read a week ago and it was insane.
    April 17th, 2014 at 10:37pm
  • I'm very interested in all of this. I'm not sure what my spirit animal would be - I wouldn't know where to begin in understanding how the animals are 'assigned' for lack of a better word. By assigned I mean why I'd have one animal and you'd have another.

    And if someone sent me a vision or a message, I'd take interest and see how it related to my current state.
    April 17th, 2014 at 09:52pm
  • As someone who is pagan, I understand signs and what to do with them. I've had multiple signs from the deities I worship. I've also had experiences with spirits. (one of which was recent) I also do a bit of energy work. Nothing with auras, but more so manipulating the energy that is all around us constantly. (everything has energy)

    I don't know for sure what my spirit animal is, but I think it's an eagle? I have a lot of dreams of flying and one of which was specifically an eagle. So it's kind of up in the air. Some type of bird.
    April 17th, 2014 at 09:21pm