Frozen (Mind Blown)/Jonathon Groff/Torn/Game of Thrones - Comments

  • @ semisweet.
    Seriously. What in the world? So it's ok for people to be gay and lesbian, but oh no, let's not mutter the word "transexual", people may get the wrong idea. So ridiculous.
    April 20th, 2014 at 12:54am
  • Right??? Like that's where you draw the line, Fox?
    April 20th, 2014 at 12:40am
  • @ semisweet.
    Lol. That's so weird. The show has shown unprotective sex, drunk sex, teens taking drugs and a couple other things, but they have a problem with the word "transexual". I'm amazed.

    @ hannahdollx
    That sounds adorable, oh gosh. It's so good.

    @ AnotherTeenGirl
    I love that scene with Elsa! The animation was just completely flawless and magical.
    April 19th, 2014 at 08:10pm
  • I loved Frozen too. It was beautiful, and honestly, every time I see that scene where Elsa's running up the mountain singing Let It Go, I'm captivated all over again. The colors and characters and everything, they were just mind blowing. Absolutely amazing. Disney just keeps getting better and better.
    April 19th, 2014 at 06:25pm
  • My boyfriend even enjoyed the movie. Lol and it's so cute because he watched it with his niece for the hundredth time. She's three and she starts singing along. It's so freaking cute.
    April 19th, 2014 at 05:35pm
  • The big thing they changed in Frank N Furter's intro song was that they wouldn't say transsexual haha.
    April 19th, 2014 at 08:10am
  • @ semisweet.
    Good. :)

    Yeah, that's a good point. Plus it's on Fox and...well, I'm actually not sure how Fox's ratings are. It makes sense they changed lyrics and didn't do the whole thing. Still though.
    April 19th, 2014 at 08:07am
  • I'll look into it for sure.

    I wish they had too. But I also understand why they didn't. Rocky Horror is a little more R rated than Glee usually is. They definitely changed some lyrics for songs they did. So yeah.
    April 19th, 2014 at 08:01am
  • @ semisweet.
    You must at least listen to the recording. It's a bit long (roughly two hours and 30 minutes), but because it's so well written, you can easily follow along and know what's going on. Then again, you're talking to a girl who listens to it for fun in the shower...

    The tribute episode really got me interested in Rocky Horror. It was interesting seeing parts played out. I sort of wished they'd done the whole musical and released a soundtrack.
    April 19th, 2014 at 08:00am
  • I've heard of Les Mis but I haven't watched it. It's on my "to watch" list haha.

    The tribute episode for Rocky Horror was fun but it in no way compares to the real thing.
    April 19th, 2014 at 07:57am
  • @ semisweet.
    That's cool. I need to at least watch the movie Mamma Mia, it's been on my "to-watch" list but...yeah. Have you seen/heard Les Mis at all?

    I will definitely check those two out. I saw the tribute episode, I really really liked it a ton.

    Idina's just great. She was great on Glee too. As was Kristin.
    April 19th, 2014 at 07:55am
  • My mom was obsessed with West Side Story so whenever she would watch it, I would watch it. One of the things we'd bonded over. Mamma Mia is amazing! But I love ABBA so... haha. The movie adaptation was actually pretty great and I'm picky about film adaptations. DEFINITELY recommend Little Shop and Rocky Horror. They are so fantastically weird. I just love them. Glee does an episode tribute to Rocky Horror actually.

    I have not heard of it. But I do love Idina so I'm sure I'd like it.
    April 19th, 2014 at 07:51am
  • @ semisweet.
    Aw, she sounds really great. That's nice.

    Good to know. XD If it ever got out...

    I love Rent. If I could only see one play on Broadway, it would be Rent or Les Miserables. I've seen the movie West Side Story only once, in choir back in middle school, even though I now own the dvd...

    I haven't seen the movie or musical Mamma Mia. I like what I've heard of Newsies so far. Oh my gosh, I also like Urinetown. What I've heard of it anyway... I can't believe I forgot to mention Wicked. Gosh...

    I haven't seen Little Shop Of Horrors or Rocky Horror Picture Show. I also haven't listened to their recordings...Even though their among my music collection.

    Have you heard about the new musical Idina's in called If/Then? I wish the recording would come out already so I could listen to it since I'll probably never see it.
    April 19th, 2014 at 07:47am
  • It is a pretty awesome song. And I am hella proud of her. She sings constantly. Whenever I watch her she is just singing to herself as she plays. It's cute. She's just like my brother too - never stops talking. She's a little social butterfly.

    Haha. Secret's safe with me Wink

    I love Rent - my goal is to one day see in back on Broadway. I grew up watching West Side Story. I actually have seen Mamma Mia on Broadway and it was INCREDIBLE. Newsies is a good one. I'd like to see Wicked. Little Shop of Horrors is probably my all time favorite. I love campy things like that. Also Rocky Horror Picture Show.
    April 19th, 2014 at 07:41am
  • @ semisweet.
    I do love "Let It Go", especially since I saw it in context. That scene was just amazingly gorgeous.

    You must be so proud. :) That's awesome. Hopefully she can get some voice lessons.

    I will. I have one of their "Best of Queen" two disc cd sets but I haven't actually...listened to it yet. *rolls eyes* That's how I am with music a lot of the time. Hence my giant downloaded collection of music...::whistles: I mean, my legally obtained reasonably sized collection of music.

    Yes! Another musical fan. We were totally meant to meet.

    Favorites: Rent, Next To Normal, Spring Awakening, Bare: A Pop Opera, and Les Miserables. How about you?
    April 19th, 2014 at 07:38am
  • Yeah. There was a lot of "Let It Go" at the talent show that night haha. But it's a pretty song and I do love Idina.

    My little rebel. She's got a killer voice too. For being only seven. My brother is trying to get her into voice lessons.

    Oh man. You have to listen to Queen. Freddie Mercury was a genius.

    I am a big fan of musicals! I was a drama nerd in high school so... haha. Favorites?
    April 19th, 2014 at 07:25am
  • @ Airi.
    Ah. I see. I wasn't such a fan of the humor songs, "Love Is An Open Door" while catchy is not exactly groundbreaking. Certainly no "Tale As Old As Time", "Part Of Your World" or "I See The Light" but of course they can't all be Alan Menken and Howard Ashmen. :) It's sort of ironic I'm not fond of the humor songs considering Lopez co-wrote the music and I enjoyed "Avenue Q" a bit…

    I liked the movie a lot. I didn't think it was too rushed. It seemed like a good amount of time to me. I wasn't aware Elsa had a mental illness but now that becomes very obvious to me. Though one could argue Belle suffered from Stockholm Syndrome... No one could really stay so isolated for years and not have some sort of problem. Well, unless their a natural recluse. Even Quasimodo and Rapunzel had people to talk to when they were locked up. Plus Elsa locks herself up, while her parents do decide to close the gate, she ultimately closes herself off from everyone including her parents.

    I'll probably watch Brave tomorrow. :)
    April 19th, 2014 at 07:24am
  • @ semisweet.
    Okay, haha. Now I don't feel so bad. Oh gosh, my cousin was telling her mom "I want to sing "Let It Go" for the talent show". Haha. That's such a popular song. I kind of don't like it because of how much playing it's been getting, but now I do because hello, Idina Menzel, come on now.

    Nice! Breaking away from the crowd, that one. :)

    Yeah, but he was a cute dick. Still asshole though in the first season. His voice is pretty. I haven't listened to much Queen honestly. Are you a fan of musicals by any chance? Just curious. Like I said in my blog, I like musicals. A lot. Lol.
    April 19th, 2014 at 07:16am
  • Honestly, I didn't really like the Frozen soundtrack. At least not as far as the songs with lyrics go, the scores are pretty decent. With lyrics, the only songs I do like are Let It Go and Do You Want to Build a Snowman?. I was actually pretty disappointed with the songs in it. Unpopular opinion it seems. Shifty

    It's a really good movie though. It was pretty rushed but I think the message that Frozen sends makes up for the faults in the movie. It sends a very good message to people who are struggling with mental illness. While it's never explicitly stated, Elsa is really Disney's first princess with a mental illness (the makers said in an interview that Elsa suffers from depression and anxiety). But it helps people from different parts of life. Anyone outside of the societal norms could find some help in Frozen and I think that's the single best thing about the movie.

    It's a good movie all in all. And you should watch Brave. Weird Brave is one of my favorite Disney movies, I think you'll love it. OwO
    April 19th, 2014 at 07:14am
  • I've heard quite a few spoilers so you're all good haha! I went to see my niece perform in her school talent show and I swear every other kid did something from Frozen. She did Cher Lloyd - that's my girl Wink haha.

    His character was kind of a dick on Glee. But he's hella pretty and his voice is top notch. I grew up listening to Queen so I'm picky about other people singing their songs but he did a good job.
    April 19th, 2014 at 07:09am