The Hatred of Dark Skin and Eyes - Comments

  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    I guess I just think that has more to do with racism that anything else.

    I didn't mean it as a good thing. I think people of all colours, all eye-colours, genders, nationalities, etc. should be accepted and are perfectly eligible to be "beautiful". I meant it more in the sense that people want what they can't have, and people want things that are considered "rare" because for whatever reason, it adds more value. And it's a biological fact that brown eyes are the dominant gene, green and blue the recessive with blue the hardest to achieve.

    I prefer pale people over dark-skinned people when I am looking at somebody in a romantic/sexual sense and I know there's something behind it, but it's still a preference and it's not something I can easily change not knowing why it's a preference of mine. I think it all boils down to common being less desired and ingrained, (often) unintentional racism.
    April 23rd, 2014 at 06:34pm
  • cannibal.

    cannibal. (145)

    United States
    I have no idea who Dylan O'Brien is so I can't comment on him.

    As far as skin is concerned I prefer any shade of brown, especially darker shades, because it looks more vibrant. It might be because I'm caucasian but I find light skin to be very boring. For eyes, dark brown is my all time favorite because I hardly ever see people who have them.

    @ sodapop curtis
    Malik's eyes aren't blue? This is news to me. All of the photos I've paid attention to with him present have showed him with blue so I thought the others were photoshopped. Oops.
    April 23rd, 2014 at 06:06pm
  • feder

    feder (100)

    @ Join the Masquerade
    A tan is different from being dark skinned. I am dark skinned so I know lol. A person who tans doesn't want to get dark like me, they just want to look like they're glowing. And I'm not understanding the point of your nail polish comment. I was basically saying that people have a problem with dark skin and dark eyes, but not black rims, black cars, etc. Those are just inanimate things and doesn't affect someones physical appearance. Well, some of my examples though, but I mean things that can't be removed or replaced; like skin color and eye color.

    Calling someone rare because they have something not all white people have, or they have something that not all black people have is problematic. Some people take it as a compliment, others don't. It's damaging. It's the same as saying I won't date a black person who is too dark, I want them lighter; darker is undesirable, lighter is more desirable.

    Some people who want to believe that they're smart will say, it's just preference. But everyone's preference is influenced by something they believe. Why is darker undesirable to you? Why is lighter desirable to you? Why am I exotic because I'm black with blue eyes, but my friend is average because she's black with dark brown eyes?

    @ sodapop curtis
    Yeah =( Wow, this seems to be a thing with people lol.
    April 23rd, 2014 at 05:47pm
  • lackadaisicalify

    lackadaisicalify (100)

    United States
    People also do the photoshopped blue eyes thing with Zayn Malik, too, which is especially fucked up considering he's Middle Eastern. It's just the white European beauty standard coming into play again and it's awful.
    April 23rd, 2014 at 05:31pm
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    I sort of disagree with that quote because European beauty standards have changed since Shakespeare's time:

    "If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
    If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head."

    Nowadays, a tan is considered "beautiful" by many peoples' standards and I've noticed, personally, that something like black nail polish is worn for fashion and not as an anti-fashion statement.

    But I agree with the eyes thing. I have brown eyes and don't particularly like brown eyes. I think maybe it could have something to do with people with brown eyes forming a larger part of the population whereas people with blue eyes form a much smaller part. And rare is desirable?
    April 23rd, 2014 at 05:30pm