Etiquette - Comments

  • I see you posted this a couple days ago, but I'm still gonna throw my two cents in anyways. Haha.

    I think it really depends on the content of the comment. By this, I mean, if you're replying to a comment on your story and answering a question, I think that's best replied to in the story comments. Coz if the reader was possibly confused by something or maybe didn't understand something to do with your characters or plot or whatever, then there's a chance someone else might have wondered the same thing. If you answer in you story comments, it could mean other people will see it and not need to ask you themselves.

    If your reply is unrelated to story, like if someone commented and said something not really related to your story (for example: You like pizza? I like pizza too!) then I think it's best to take the conversation to your profiles. As addictedsevenfold. said, it can make it seem more personal if you chat via profiles, but if you have a lot of readers and want to respond to them all individually, that can get time consuming and even confusing.

    Don't be too concerned with those that think you're just trying to boost your comment number, either. That's stupid and those people need to concern themselves with something a little more important than the comment count on someone elses story. Haha.
    April 26th, 2014 at 07:06pm
  • @ Join the Masquerade
    Yeah, I agree with you. Sometimes when people comment on my profile about something I almost forgot what they were on about. I never comment on my own stories to increase the comment count, and in fact, I get a little worried if I replied too much in my own story, lol. But it looks more organised. :]

    @ addictedsevenfold.
    Thank you for pointing that out! I think I'll have various ways to reply now, depending on what it's about. I think it will be great if I can make people feel, like you said, more appreciated. :3
    April 25th, 2014 at 06:33pm
  • I mean, I think replying to a comment at all is the biggest thing; no matter where you reply, you're showing that care enough to respond, and that's the biggest part of it. So, in that case, C.

    However, I always feel even more appreciated if the author takes the time to comment on my profile rather than just on their story. I don't know; it just seems more personal, like they appreciated it even more, you know?

    That said, I'd never be offended if an author responded on their story! A response is a response, after all; they're both great! I just feel more warm and fuzzy inside when it's a response on my profile.
    April 24th, 2014 at 03:51pm
  • I'm all for c in that I really don't care where someone chooses to reply to me, but I have seen a lot of people get all up in arms about people replying to comments on their own stories because it boosts the comment count. I don't see how it makes any difference and personally, I like to keep the same conversation in one place.
    April 24th, 2014 at 03:44pm