Survey for My Media Class - Comments

  • DarkestStorm

    DarkestStorm (335)

    United States
    1. Female
    2. 18-24
    3. White (Though technically I'm mixed, but I'm more white than anything else...)
    4. Urban
    5. None
    6. Maybe one hour
    7. C. A light viewer of television
    8. Social Media
    9. b. false/no xD
    10. I totally played Mario Brothers 2 or 3 last night on Nintendo
    11. Typically zero but last night I played for about an hour or two.
    12. Light gamer
    13. False/no xD
    14. Drama
    15. false/no
    16. Rather Widespread; United States
    17. Not very serious...
    18. Increased
    18. Increased
    20. Do I really have to state a reason?

    Okay, I think it's increased just because of how much coverage there is every day over violent crimes.
    April 24th, 2014 at 08:36pm
  • based

    based (200)

    First of all I think you should know I'm laughing because I thought your banner said, "Dang, you'll be okay." Anyway.

    1.) Gender:

    2.) Age Range:
    a. Under 18

    3.) Race
    a. White

    4.) You live in what type of area?
    b. Suburban

    5.) List all of television programs/shows you have watched in the last two weeks.
    Bates Motel, Bar Rescue, Law and Order SVU, Mountain Monsters, Monsters and Mysteries in America, Dr. Phil, Ink Master, Tattoo Nightmares, Mad Men, Fargo, Late Night with Seth Meyers, Uncovering Aliens, The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Fashion Police.

    6.) How many hours a week do you spend watching television?
    Maybe 5?

    7.) Would you consider yourself:
    b. A typical viewer of television

    8.) What methods do you get most of your news (tv, radio, newspaper, social media, word of mouth, etc.)?
    Internet and word of mouth.

    9.) I think most of the television programs I watch reflect/mirror reality in society
    b. false/no

    10.) List all of the video games (including on mobile devices you have played in the last two weeks)
    Snappy Bird (flappy bird)

    11.) How many hours a week do you spend playing video games?

    12.) Would you consider yourself:
    c. A light gamer

    13.) I think most of the video games I play reflect/mirror reality.
    b. false/no

    14.) My favorite genre of movies to watch are:
    a. drama

    15.) I think most of the movies I watch reflect/mirror reality
    b. false/no

    16.) In your opinion, how widespread is violence in your country?
    a. rather widespread

    Specify your country
    United States.

    17.) How serious is the danger for you personally that you might be a victim of a crime?
    c. not very serious

    18.) In the last 5 years, do you think violent crimes in the U.S. have:
    b. decreased

    19.) In the last 25 years, do you think violent crimes in the U.S. have:
    b. decreased

    20.) For answers 18&19 please explain why you believe that it has increased/decreased.
    I think that the media tries to make it seem like there's still a lot of violence out there so that we'll still live in fear, but from my own perspective, I think it's probably decreased. Not necessarily by much, but still. Even five years ago there was much more gang violence and whatnot than there is right now. And 25 years ago? I think it was probably even worse. The reason for this, I think, is because of the internet. People aren't more focused on their immediate surroundings as much as they are on the internet. It provides entertainment, an escape, and also a new perspective (it shows people that there's more to the world than just their neighborhood, more beliefs out there than just their family's, etc.) to people who would have otherwise been sheltered and seen no other perspective than perhaps those of the violent people they're surrounded by. Obviously there has been a lot more "terrorist" acts (school shootings, 911, other sorts of massacres) but honestly I'm skeptical that most of those things even happened or were not completely falsified by the media and government. If they did happen, perhaps it was the internet and video games and television that made those people feel so separate from reality, thus losing their empathy. Police violence is another story.
    April 24th, 2014 at 08:09pm
  • cannibal.

    cannibal. (145)

    United States
    1.) Gender:

    2.) Age Range:
    b. 18-24

    3.) Race
    a. White

    4.) You live in what type of area?
    c. Rural

    5.) Bar Rescue and Hell's Kitchen.

    6.) How many hours a week do you spend watching television? ~ 1 - 3 hours. Depends on how many episodes we have recorded for the shows listed above.

    7.) Would you consider yourself:
    c. A light viewer of television

    8.) What methods do you get most of your news: Radio and Yahoo! News.

    9.) I think most of the television programs I watch reflect/mirror reality in society
    b. false/no

    10.) Bejeweled Blitz. (Mobile)

    11.) ~ 1 - 3.

    12.) Would you consider yourself:
    c. A light gamer

    13.) I think most of the video games I play reflect/mirror reality.
    b. false/no

    14.) My favorite genre of movies to watch are:
    e. horror

    15.) I think most of the movies I watch reflect/mirror reality
    b. false/no

    16.) In your opinion, how widespread is violence in your country?
    b. not very widespread

    Specify your country: United States.

    17.) How serious is the danger for you personally that you might be a victim of a crime?
    d. not serious at all

    18.) In the last 5 years, do you think violent crimes in the U.S. have:
    a. increased

    19.) In the last 25 years, do you think violent crimes in the U.S. have:
    b. decreased

    20.) I firmly believe that racial crimes (murder/assault) have increased within the last several years in the United States. There have been more that occurred and have been discussed around me within the last two years than I have ever heard. I do hear about other violent crimes that aren't racially driven as well but not as much. This includes the amount around the area that I live in.

    * I consider any crime where someone is murdered or badly injured purposely a violent crime. Others may feel differently.
    April 24th, 2014 at 07:46pm
  • aubs

    aubs (420)

    Drabble Scribe
    United States
    1. female
    2. b. 18 - 24
    3. a. white
    4. a. urban
    5. Lost Tapes, Cleveland Show, The Haunted, Ghost Adventures, Pokemo. I'm pretty sure that's it.
    6. 24
    7. b. a typical viewer of television
    8. word of mouth and radio
    9. b. false/ no
    10. Harvest Moon, Bakery Story
    11. 10
    12. c. a light gamer
    13. b. false/ no
    14. c. romance
    15. b. false/ no
    16. b. not very widespread
    country: United States
    17. c. not very serious
    18. b. decreased
    19. b. decreased
    20. Since I don't usually watch the news, I don't really see much about the crimes that occur in my country, which is why I think they have decreased. The amount of super violent crimes that I have heard of isn't very much or very often, so I say that they have decreased.
    April 24th, 2014 at 07:16pm