Holiday! - Comments

  • BAHAHA! Well thank you - that was much appreciated hahahaha.
    April 27th, 2014 at 07:28pm
  • I just have this mental image now of wearing a flannel with a chest pocket and you just chilling out in there. I break the biscuit into tiny pieces for you and get a little dollhouse tea set for your own personal cuppa. lmfao
    April 26th, 2014 at 05:07am
  • @ semisweet.
    You will have to drunk the biscuits in tea. I would fall in the tea if I tried and that would be bloody awful. You'd be a huge distraction!! I'm proud of myself because I've just finished! Though my room looks like a warzone now. Bahahaha. Thank you so much for making such a sacrifice!

    @ thewolf.
    ;) Zac especially was for you.
    April 26th, 2014 at 01:18am
  • Those boys at the end just killed me.
    April 25th, 2014 at 04:08pm
  • Bahahaha feed you pieces of biscuit! I love it! I probably would be ZERO help packing let's be real. I'd be too busy laughing and distracting you. We'd have a hell of a lot of fun though, yeah? Can I fit in the suitcase??? You can take us all! It will be splendid! Max, Matty, and I can share a bed! You know... just to make things easier and all. I'll take one for the team Wink
    April 25th, 2014 at 04:06pm
  • @ pervntique.

    @ semisweet.
    I would totally hang out in your pocket. You could give me pieces of biscuit and I'd be set...I'm not making this any less creepy am I? Baha. YOU SHOULD COME HELP ME PACK. I'll probably stop for a tea break every ten minutes. It's 1.30 pm and the only prep I've done so far is make sure I have enough knickers for the week. I could go for a nap right now to be honest.

    There is no Greek boy that could be as lovely as Kitten. Not even Eros. Maybe he is Eros! I mean, look at his face. HIS SMILEY FACE. Whoa.
    I'll still be plotting one shots out while I'm away though! I have a trusty notebook. I'm on it.
    Why is Tom winking at me? Can I take him with me? Can I take Tom, Kit, Sebastian and you with me? (and Matty, obviously. Oh and Max. This is turning into quite the trip!) Actually, I'm pretty sure Tom can speak Greek. Obviously he can, because you know, he is perfect.
    Also, I never knew what Dylan was hiding under his shirt!! And that Matty gif was totally just for you, obviously ;) And Oh Scarlett, my lady crush. I'm just rambling now. But I'm not done with you yet miss! I shall certainly reply to your message and comment when I'm not on my phone. So tonight probably. That's my priority. I'm going to do it before I attempt to pack ;)
    April 25th, 2014 at 02:48pm
  • Image

    ^ That was me reading this whole thing.

    omfg I love you! I don't think you understand just how happy you make me, my darling Dominique. If I could keep you in my pocket forever and always I would. Yeah that sounds kind of creepy but I swear it's a compliment. I want to be around you when you're packing like Gatsby because I swear I will be on the floor from laughing so hard. I think we'd both be in stitches before it was all over.

    I am just so, so happy that you get to go on this holiday! Greece is going to be beautiful and amazing and you'll be surrounded by art and history and food and boys that hopefully resemble....


    (I can't believe I found one of him laughing! Kitten, you never laugh! Aw!)

    Okay, sorry. Back to the point at hand. Don't you even worry about those one shot(s). I am so thrilled for them but I want you to totally disconnect and have the time of your life because you deserve it! If you find any extra cute Greek boys lying around send them my way, yeah?


    Finally - how very dare you leave such beautiful gifs??? Zac looking ripped as hell. Henry - another perfect English gent wrapped up in a delicious candy coating. Dylan - my sarcasm soul mate and who knew he was hiding that bod? Sebastian - hello, bby (also, I love that you're still dreaming of him hahaha. Might have to do my research on Mr Stan and write more than just one little sumthin' sumthin' eh?). And ending it with Matty, you rascal!

    While I enjoy those, you enjoy your holiday, my love! I will miss you to pieces!!! Love you!!!

    April 25th, 2014 at 05:57am
  • That Matty gif - ouch. The fangirl in me is fighting to scream out.
    April 25th, 2014 at 12:25am