Words Can Be Like Knives - Comments

  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    Hahaha, yes! *dances* 'dork out'

    I would have, and I would have carried on teasing him until he got pissed off, haha. Carl's exactly the same. I'll tell him to say something nice and he'll say I smell. So annoying, haha. I joke that he doesn't have a romantic bone in his body, he very rarely does romantic things. But when he does, he goes all out XD Haha, yeah, "magic is over now, go away" XD

    It is! And they get so angry! Hahaha. I tell him to go and play online with his little bum buddies all the time, I get the eye roll and the middle finger. Hahaha. Normally he's the king of pranks too, so it was nice to see him get pranked for once XD
    May 17th, 2014 at 11:57pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    Yeah, we'll just change that super old song 'Le Freak (Freak out)' to 'Dork Out' and it'll be our theme song. Hahahaha.

    Haha, well, I suppose if the tables were turned, you would've gotten lots of fun out of teasing him... so I can't say I blame him. Hahaha. Yeah, it's so nice when they say those kinds of cute little things. Rob doesn't do it a lot... he likes to joke and say "mean" things, especially if I ask him to say something nice. Hahaha. Boys. I know, right?! Then they clear their throat and it's like "Okay, it's over. Shush now, I'm going back to sleep."

    Haha, band camp... hahaha. Bahahaha! Wow, I would've done the same thing. I've accused Rob of being gay coz he wants to play xbox and talk to his friends instead of going to bed with me. Hahahaha. It's just such an easy way to tease him. Good trick his mates played... especially since he never noticed. Hahaha.
    May 14th, 2014 at 09:06am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    Where there's a will, there's a way! Haha

    Yes! We will out dork them XD

    Yeah, same, Carl's like that he doesn't really care, but I just feel weird about it haha. He mocked me about it for most of the day though Rolling Eyes Awwww, that's really sweet! Haha. When they say little things like that, I get all warm and fuzzy and act all girly hahaha. God, yeah! I'm like "just keep talking.." hahaha.

    Me too, it's so annoying! I go through all these scenarios in my head, then afterwards I'm thinking, I'm a crazy person! Hahaha. This one time (at band camp. Sorry, I couldn't resist lmfao), he left his phone lying around when he was over at his friend's house. They thought it would be funny to change his lock screen photo to that of a naked man, in this really sexy pose. So he gets home drunk, passes out when his phone lying on his chest. I pick it up, check the battery and I'm like "Umm, what?!" He woke up the next morning, and I was like "are you gay?" He's just lying there, eyes wide "WHAT?!" lmfao
    May 13th, 2014 at 08:34pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    Exactly! There is always a way...

    Hahaha, they can't ignore us forever! We'll break them with our dorkiness!

    Haha, it's just a unfortunate sequence of events! Haha. I don't like going through Rob's phone either. He wouldn't care, but it's still not something I think you should do to anyone, y'know? Same as a wallet, it's personal. Haha. Aww, at least he laughed it off. Rob gets hot when he sleeps too... I can be freezing and he'll start throwing blankets off and shit. Haha. Although the morning after I stayed last week, he was like "You should stay every night. I like waking up next to you... you're warm." hahaha. I know, right?! Sleep laden voice is super sexy... it's rough and stuff. Haha.

    Yeah, I agree. We trust them, but our brain just likes to run away with itself and make it out to be the worst possible thing. I suppose it's more about our insecurities, than a trust issue. It sucks and I wish there was an off switch. Haha.
    May 12th, 2014 at 07:49am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    Oh nice! Hahaha. They forget, us women will always find out. ;)

    Same with me and Carl, or I'll sit next to him, right up close and just stare at him until he acknowledges me lmfao

    I feel better knowing I'm not alone XD Same, I wasn't checking his phone on purpose, I was being nice and seeing if it needing charging haha. I'm not comfortable with going through his phone. No, he didn't, thank god. And he did laugh at me for quite some time. He was like, "you should have seen your face, I thought steam was gonna come out of your ears!" Haha. Then he gave me a nice hug and told me not to be so silly, which was nice. I love it when he gives me hugs in the morning, cause he's always boiling hot so it's like having my own personal heater in bed with me, haha. That and his morning voice is seriously sexy tehe haha.

    I think we just jump to the worst possible conclusion straight away without thinking about it, haha. I know he'd never cheat on me, I think my brain just shuts off whenever I see things like that, or it just puts unwanted thoughts in my head XD "Oh my god, he's gonna leave me, he hates me. He doesn't fancy me anymore." Jesus, Brain. Quit! Hahaha.
    May 11th, 2014 at 06:53pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    Rob's screwed now if he tries to lie about when he got off his xbox or if he says he wasn't playing it. Because my dad is back online with his and I can check on when Rob was last on... mwhahahaha!

    Hahahaha. I get in Rob's face, put my eye right near his and be like "We need to try to see eye to eye on this." and he'll laugh, call me a dork and then we're good. Hahaha.

    Oh, Rach! Facepalm I can totally relate, as I would probably do the same thing. I accidentally read a text in Rob's phone once (and I do mean accidentally, I was looking for a message from myself in his inbox, I wasn't snooping) and it was a conversation with some girl I'd never heard of and they appeared to be making plans to hang out... and I was all "WTF?!" Turns out she was an old friend from before I'd even met him and the plans they were making included him bringing me and her bringing her son and partner... I was very embarrassed for freaking out once he explained it. Thankfully he just hugged me and told me not to be silly and that I could trust him, because he'd never cheat on me... of course he did laugh a bit at how much I freaked out. Hahaha. I hope Carl didn't hold your little freak out against you!
    May 9th, 2014 at 03:41am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    Oh, I know right? It's so frustrating!! Cause you know they're lying, but they just carry on denying it and digging themselves a bigger hole. Idiots! Haha.

    If it's a childish, stupid argument, I'll wait for a bit, then kinda sidle up to him and pull funny faces until he laughs, then we'll both say sorry. But he knows now, that if it's a big one, I ain't backing down! Haha.

    We had a row this morning. The cat woke me up, so I wasn't in the best of moods anyway. He'd managed to fall asleep while watching videos on his phone last night, with it still in his hand, so I turned over and took it out of his hand to put it on the side, and I flicked the screen on to see if it needed charging and there was a facetime missed call from some number he didn't have saved. I didn't stop to think that maybe it was a wrong number, I was fuming haha. So I poked him until he woke up and shoved it in his face "WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Hahaha. He's like, one eye open "I don't know!" So I rang it, and turns out it was his cousin who decided to randomly facetime a load of people last night while he was drunk Facepalm I felt so stupid!
    May 9th, 2014 at 12:37am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    Bahahaha! Why do they say no when it's clear that we already know they did it? I swear, they revert to children or something and think it's better to lie because they won't get in as much trouble. Hahaha.

    It's just not right. I think it's because we want to forgive them, so that's why they get away with it. Well, sometimes... hahaha. But you've found your power, so yay! hahaha
    May 2nd, 2014 at 08:28am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    I was just listening to Carl's parents rowing, they sound like them too! Haha. His mum asked his dad if he moved something in the bathroom, and he was like "No." And she said "yes you do, don't lie." So he just sighed and admitted it hahaha. We had a good chuckle at that. Yeah, Carl would be like that too XD

    I do! It's so annoying! Same here, I can pout and give the puppy dog eyes all I want, but he's like "nope, not falling for it." But one look from him, and I'm melting. Dammit! XD I have all the power, mwahaha!
    May 1st, 2014 at 11:28pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    Oh, I want to hit Rob upside the head a good 60-70% of the time. Haha. And funny you should say that... because seriously, I am Marge and Rob is totally Homer to a tee! I've said this so many times... the only difference is that instead of being obsessed with beer, mine is obsessed with xbox. But I'm pretty sure he'd go to the same lengths as Homer to play it. Hahaha.

    Don't you hate it when they have a 'look'?! It's not fair. I don't have a damn look, I can pull all the cute faces I want at him and he's just like "yeah, what?" but if he gives me the puppy/butter wouldn't melt in his mouth look... I'm like "Okay, I forgive you." Bastard! I love that your silent treatment makes him all twitchy and he doesn't like it... and admitting that just gives you all the more power Wink
    May 1st, 2014 at 03:29pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    My parents are like that too, I liken them to Marge and Homer Simpson, they're hilarious! I get these urges sometimes that I really want to punch him in the face, or hit him across the head, hahaha.

    Yeah, if it's a stupid fight, he usually gives me this look, that's like, part puppy dog eyes, part amused smirk and I just can't stay mad at him! Haha. But when he really pisses me off, he knows, I shout a lot and don't even look at him. Then he knows he's in the dog house XD It really is! He says that when I give him the silent treatment, it makes him all twitchy and he doesn't like it. So I said, well, stop acting like a dick sometimes and I wouldn't have to give you the silent treatment.
    May 1st, 2014 at 03:13pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    Me too. I just want to pummel him until he goes "Okay, it is my fault!" hahaha. I suppose that's always going to be an age old problem. Haha. It's the same with my parents, when they fight my dad will say whatever he thinks is going to hurt the most, then afterwards my mum will still be hurt by it and he'll be like "Oh, I didn't mean it." Argh, men.

    Haha, see? It really does pay to hold out sometimes. Honestly, I know where you're coming from. I generally cave a lot sooner than I should, especially if the fight was over something minor. But like you, if he's really pissed me off, then nope. I aint calling or texting first. I think by doing that, you put a little fear into them... in a good way. I mean, it's the best way to get the point across that what they did really hurt or pissed you off. Silent treatment is probably one of our best weapons. Hahaha.
    April 30th, 2014 at 05:26am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    Mine says that too, drives me nuts! I just want to punch him in the face haha. They do, they forget how horrible they were, whereas us women can hold a grudge forever! Haha.

    He actually told me he was shocked that I lasted so long XD Normally, I'll cave in after a few hours and text him but I was determined not to this time, he really pissed me off. He said when I went the whole night without speaking to him, he realised he'd really made me angry, so he swallowed his pride and text me first. So he knows now, next time he pisses me off, I'll just make him sweat it out until he grovels hahaha.
    April 29th, 2014 at 07:08pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    Mine just gets super defensive. The sentence that drives me insane? "I know, but it's not my fault." Even when it clearly is! Argh. Haha. But unfortunately guys always seem to hit below the belt when they fight with their women and they never mean it, but they always seem to forget that once it's said, it's almost impossible for a woman to forget it.

    I'm lucky with him that once he's cooled off and thought about it, 70% of the time he'll call me or text me and apologise. That's not to say that there isn't times when he won't see his faults, but most of the time, he will. But hey, you proved you can outlast him when need be, so maybe some of his stubbornness might wear off ;)
    April 28th, 2014 at 04:14pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Damsel Of Darkness
    Same with mine, he doesn't think before he speaks. Also, when he gets pissed off/angry, he just vomits a load of words, whether they be hurtful or not. And then uses the excuse that he didn't mean anything by it. Um, well don't say it then? The age old saying is true, men are from mars, women are from venus. Hahaha.

    Well that's good, at least he realised he was in the wrong. It would have taken mine days to apologise. He's so stubborn, it annoys the hell out of me. And that was good of his sister to point out his error. Us girl need to stick together against the male of the species haha.
    April 28th, 2014 at 03:06pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ rachthebat.
    I'm definitely inclined to agree with you on the 'men are stupid and never know when to shut up' remark. I did say to him that I don't mind his advice and what not, but if he's gonna do it, he needs to stop and think about how to word it. Because that's his biggest problem, he speaks without really thinking it through and shit like that pops out of his mouth.

    He did end up texting me to apologise shortly after I posted this blog. He said he realised it was uncalled for and he was sorry for hurting my feelings. I honestly think he went home and told his sister what happened and she might have set him straight. Which I appreciate, since I honestly thought she didn't like me... so it's nice to know that at least when he's done something wrong, she can be honest and tell him, rather than just siding with him and saying I'm a bitch for the sake of it. Haha.
    April 27th, 2014 at 03:55pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    No, you're not overreacting or being too sensitive. What he said was a little harsh. Even if he didn't agree with your choice of snack, he should have kept his mouth shut. Or at least been a little more encouraging.

    Mine's the same, he'll say he supports me in whatever I want to do, then says something completely stupid and ends up having the opposite effect. I just think men are stupid and never know when to shut up haha.
    April 27th, 2014 at 03:43pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ insomniac_schwam
    Oh, yeah. I can definitely be sensitve about my weight. He didn't want to say it, but I prodded him because I honestly didn't know what he was huffing about. Maybe I should've just let it go and not pushed him. His tone felt kind of judgemental... and I dunno, it just came across as if I'd just fried up a huge batch of fries or something, y'know? It was damn sandwich. Haha. He doesn't really like arguing and he more often than not just gets defensive and won't acknowledge my side of it until he's gone away and thought about it.

    Which he did. He texted me about two minutes after I posted this blog and said "I'm sorry for what I said. It was a bit uncalled for and I won't say anything like that again." I appreciated it and just wrote back that I don't mind him offering advice and help, but explained that I felt like I'd made a relatively good choice and his comment made me feel like I'd just made another bad one. He then apologised again and said that it was better than what I could have had.

    I am okay Smile And I appreciate you leaving me a comment and helping me sort it out. I know the time of night and the fact that he was a little tired and grumpy after his evening at work, so he didn't really mean for what he said to come out the way it did. I try to make allowances and not let the little comments bother me when I know he's not in the best of moods, but yeah, sometimes it just bugs me that he doesn't think before he speaks. Haha.

    Since he's msged and apologised, I feel better Smile Also, I will respond to your msg on facebook. My net has slowed (over my usage) and facebook is painfully slow to load. This is the only site that will load properly and it still takes a bit to load each page. Haha.
    April 26th, 2014 at 07:22pm
  • Chairman Meow

    Chairman Meow (925)

    I'm glad I could help and you're feeling a bit better. Hug
    April 26th, 2014 at 07:17pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ charity_hope
    Yeah, I think he was a bit tired and grumpy from his evening at work, which is why he got a bit snippy with me. He ended up texting me about two minutes after I posted this blog apologising, so I feel a bit better.

    Thanks for your comment. I appreciate your advice and opinion on it. It was helpful Smile
    April 26th, 2014 at 07:13pm