How to Lose Weight the *Unhealthy* Way. - Comments

  • Exhxle;

    Exhxle; (150)

    Heard and McDonald Islands
    @ shirtless
    I think it's quite good you don't obsess over calories in a way though. That's fine, as long as you try.

    You're welcome and yeee it's safe to assume so. If you ever need to talk or rant or anything drop me a message, I'll always reply when I can. Arms
    April 28th, 2014 at 10:58am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    I'm not really sure what to say right now. I read saeglopur comment and I think she sums it up better than I can even try. Honestly, self-improvement is one thing, but it's only ever gonna work and be the right thing for you if you're doing it for the right reasons.

    Defining your self-worth based on your figure and the numbers on your scale isn't even gonna make you truly happy. If you want to feel better about yourself, do what you can to stop comparing yourself with everyone else around you. You look at a super skinny person and feel jealous... maybe that person looks at someone with curves and feels jealous too.

    I hope if you choose to go down this path, you'll do it in a healthy way and not cause more damage to your young body. You need to focus on the positives about yourself and maybe think about talking to someone. Obsessively counting calories, starving yourself and spending an excessive amount of hours working out is no way to live a happy life.
    April 28th, 2014 at 07:13am
  • The Warden's Wife

    The Warden's Wife (100)

    United States
    Sweetheart, I'm 129 and fit and beautiful. 125 is tiny, I'm even shorter than you! You can eat mainly fruits and veggies and work out and you'll feel better!
    April 28th, 2014 at 06:20am
  • shirtless

    shirtless (105)

    @ Exhxle;
    I think I'll try to start paying more attention to calories, because that could help with letting me know how much exercise I should do every day. And having safe foods actually works out really well too because it does sound healthier, which is what I need. The only bad thing is I don't consume dairy, I take calcium supplements. Protein shouldn't be that huge of a problem either.
    Thank you for your advice Arms I guess it's safe to assume that if I need someone to consult or just rant to about these sort of things, it's you. Thanks again.
    April 28th, 2014 at 05:27am
  • Exhxle;

    Exhxle; (150)

    Heard and McDonald Islands
    @ shirtless
    Oh okay, I pay attention to calories all the time. I obsess over food and calories, it's horrible.
    Yeah that's what I mean by safe foods. My face foods are celery sticks, apples and tea, I could live off of them for day. You could live off of apples and broccoli for days with small amounts of protein and dairy products? maybe carbs, but I hate carbs
    April 28th, 2014 at 04:49am
  • shirtless

    shirtless (105)

    @ Exhxle;
    Safe foods as in what?
    I think you're talking about food like vegetables and fruits and such? I'm really, really picky, but I could eat things like broccoli or apples for days. I never really paid attention to calories for many foods.
    April 28th, 2014 at 04:28am
  • Exhxle;

    Exhxle; (150)

    Heard and McDonald Islands
    @ shirtless
    I have vitamin deficiency and many problems from malnutrition, you know how it is, and I really think it's not worth it. Do you have "safe foods" because if you do you could get vitamins and not consume too many calories.

    You're right, it is. When I see people who happen to be thinner than me I get really competitive and I feel like I have to be smaller then them. I need to get some damn self control I guess. Sad
    April 28th, 2014 at 04:06am
  • shirtless

    shirtless (105)

    @ saeglopur
    I honestly don't know what to say, but that isn't said in a bad way. Thank you for your comment Arms It actually did make me reconsider a couple things and I had to read it a couple times over just to really put it into my head that maybe you're right: maybe it's really not worth it.

    @ Exhxle;
    I'm trying. My immune system already sucks -- I was warned by my doctor last winter that I'm starting to edge towards malnutrition from lack of major vitamins Facepalm -- but I'm like you, it's just hard sometimes to look at others then down at yourself and be satisfied.
    April 28th, 2014 at 03:33am
  • Exhxle;

    Exhxle; (150)

    Heard and McDonald Islands
    I can't be bothered to lecture but I understand this completely. I'm a diagnosed bulimia, I'm 5'6 and 94lbs. I completely understsnding the want and NEED to feel perfect and to look perfect to others.

    I went shopping the other day and passed the thinnest guy. It made me feel like absolute crap. Everything seems to be a "trigger" for me.

    I'm sure you already know the risks and dangers, and at the end of the day it's up to you and it's your choice, but as they say, the healthy way is always the best way. Rolling Eyes be safe.
    April 28th, 2014 at 03:22am
  • saeglopur

    saeglopur (350)

    United States
    Honestly, I'm going to do that thing where I tell you all the things you already know and have already heard but I'm going to do it anyway because I'm selfish and I'll feel better knowing that I at least said something to you. So here it is.

    First. It's not worth it.

    And I'm going to tell you that I'm in your shoes. I just bought my prom dress and had to squeezeeee into a size 9 gown. Literally, I've stood where you're standing. And it sucks not loving the way you look and being jealous of other people. But I'm going to say it again.

    It's not worth it.

    I know, I know so surely and positively that it's not worth it because we all die, and we don't take anything with us, nothing. Our bodies disintegrate and in the end we're all just bones, so why try and get to that point now? And on top of that dismal thought, why would you live the one life you have constantly starving, constantly depriving yourself just so you can look a certain way?

    I want to tell you that its unhealthy, but you know that. I want to tell you that your body burns so much energy so quickly doing the simplest of things. I want to tell you that your body uses energy sending one stimulus to your spine and then returning the impulse. You burn energy when you raise in your hand in school, when you blink, when you write down your homework, and all that energy has to be made by breaking down glucose.

    Depriving yourself of food means depriving yourself of living. You won't have the energy to do anything. Forget about how you'll look because you won't be able to go out and enjoy your body because you'll be too tired to do that.

    Your body needs that sustenance.

    Now I want to leave you with one more thing to think about, something you should consider though you may not and that's okay too because I think at some point you'll think about this comment maybe five days, or five months, or five years from now and you may consider this then but instead of trying to perfect your physical aspects why not work on your emotional aspects. Contemplate why you feel inferior, or why you have to compare yourselves to others. Why can't you be happy with who you are the way you are? Why do you have to be one size smaller, or one pound lighter to be happy? Shouldn't your happiness come from somewhere else, somewhere deeper.

    I know that because I've learned to accept the things I can't change, and instead enjoy life the way it is, the way I am, I'm much happier and when these thoughts of being skinny or looking like some other pretty girl come up I remember that my life is short, and I don't want to spend it telling myself what I can and can't eat.

    In the end all you have are your choices, and of course there are better choices to make, there always will be but I tend to think which choices can I live with? And if I make this choice would I allow, would I want my mother, sister, children to make them too? It is your choice how you view your body, and how you decide to change it, or if you even should, but you should consider why you're doing it.
    April 28th, 2014 at 03:00am