Kids Don't Understand Atheism. - Comments

  • I feel odd commenting due to the fact that I almost fit in that age range and use most of those social media sites. A lot of kids have it bad when it comes to differentiating religious options. And it's almost a trend for kids that listen to metal bands claiming to be an atheist because they think it's call. Facepalm

    And here is where I tell you what I am: I'm going to go ahead and call myself an agnostic. Why? I am not a religious person. I agree more with science and evolution more so than I do with God creating with everything. At the same time, though, I believe that there is a higher being of some sort. The whole concept of religion, to me, is just confusing due to the fact that there are so many different religions and so many different Gods of choice.

    I was born to two Christians and they are the type of people that strongly believe in God to depend on for their hope and good doings, yet they don't worship regularly. Despite that being said, I am somewhat frowned upon by choosing not to participate in certain Christian practices, i.e. saying grace before a meal and/or saying prayers before sleeping.

    I don't mind the existence of religion, I don't. But what bothers me about my other fellow "kids" as you call us is the simple fact that a lot of us have a laxk of understanding of it and that goes to create misconceptions when deciding on a religion.

    And to lighten things, here's what my Biology teacher tells us:
    A true Atheist his or herself an Atheist due to the fact that they believe in Atheism - Atheists believe in nothing.
    April 30th, 2014 at 10:10pm
  • @ Writer in the Rye
    No prob. :) It's cool people have relgion but it's awful when there's evil people in it.

    I got it, haha.
    April 30th, 2014 at 02:39am
  • I'm 15 years old and unfortunately (sometimes fortunate, but more or less) wise beyond my years. I know people in my grade are particularly bad about the whole claiming to be atheists thing. You don't practice a religion? Cool, don't make fun of me because I do. You think I'll condemn you because I'm Christian? You ignorant little soul XD

    Oh and the pronoun "you" was directed at the kids in my grade, not you don't worry XD

    In short, I believe in practicing what you preach. I have a wonderful relationship with God but that doesn't mean I hate gay people - my best friend is gay - or will force my religion upon you. Great goodness the people in my grade drive me insane! Thank you for the well-informed, unbiased blog, it was quite refreshing!

    April 30th, 2014 at 02:26am
  • I see that all to often with the people I attend class with. It seems like just a phase for another small town with a high population of strict Christian parents. The inverted cross picture is always a funny one, though, because it is the Cross of St. Peter. tehe
    April 30th, 2014 at 01:42am
  • People should have to undergo induction rights into any religion, like they have for the jewish faith.
    April 30th, 2014 at 01:38am