Things People Say in Sex Scenes [&q's] - Comments

  • Excellent post.
    May 15th, 2014 at 03:13am
  • @ rachthebat.
    Great minds think alike, my British friend. And haha, I’m glad Klaus is getting appreciated, just lazing about up there. xD

    I’m right there with you! I’ve definitely got the same mindset there; glad to hear I’m not the only one who doesn’t enjoy ever hearing the word “tight”.

    See, I completely forgot about the whole pineapple juice factor; you’re completely right! That definitely would put this into a whole different context, I think, so I’d completely get it. I understand it less when no one is doing the whole pineapple thing, though even then, I get that it’s a turn on for some people. Apparently I’m just not one of them. xD

    Ohhhh, yes, very true! For some reason, “dirty little girl” has a whole different connotation to me than saying anything involving slut or whore. /shrug. But yeah, I totally hear you! And I’m sure you’re right about it completely making a difference how it’s said. I think everyone hates cocky guys who have no game. lmfao

    Interesting point! I hadn’t considered the difference between I’m going to and I want to. Hmm. Think

    Oh, now that’s just adorable! Swoon Yeah, that one I’d accept, too, provided its the right kind of relationship for something like that to be said, ‘course. xD

    That definitely makes sense; again, I totally get it. I’m just weird. xD I totally get how it can be such a turn on for some people, and maybe it just has to do with the way it’s said too, but the only times I’ve heard it, I’ve just wanted to roll my eyes and teasingly be all “Oh, really?” ...I’m a bitch.

    Haha, yeah, that Cas gif was pretty perfect. I was so excited when I found it! But yeah, I don’t think that’s just you. xD I say I don’t understand that ever being said, but at the same time, I can visualize certain contexts in which I definitely wouldn’t be concerned or turned off by it. Maybe this is just one of those ‘it depends’ situations, I’unno. /shrug. Going back and reading the one smutty one-shot I’d posted, I just realized that I actually had the guy say that to her, because he was being pissy at that moment. So yeah, I’m apparently hypocritical there. xD

    xDD Considering what the whole blog was on, you’re all good; that’s not really TMI, no worries! But I obviously hear you on that whole point, so yeah. tehe I’m honestly the same way; I don’t really go beyond blindfolds and light bondage, or the occasional days where I’m completely open to him straight up ordering me around.
    May 6th, 2014 at 06:34am
  • @ addictedsevenfold.
    Definitely more than mildly entertained :D
    May 6th, 2014 at 06:18am
  • @ sodapop curtis
    Oh good! I'm glad I'm not the only one! But yeah, I know exactly what you mean about the whole bragging-about-sucking thing, too. xD

    And thank you! I was hoping for someone's opinion who wasn't really in the community, but liked 'bits and pieces, here and there' like you said. I'm not fully into everything with it, either, but I felt like I had enough of an influence there that my judgement would not be very good on guessing what a 'normal' person would prefer. xD

    @ fiction246
    Aw, thanks love! I'm glad to hear the gifs blended, and I certainly hope it mildly entertained you. ^^
    May 6th, 2014 at 06:17am
  • That whole thing was excellent and the gifs were perfect. Made me really think about the stuff I read/write!!!
    May 3rd, 2014 at 01:12am
  • I've been thinking about this a lot lately, I re-read an old one shot and wanted to hide behind my pillow at some of the phrases I used Facepalm I've definitely updated my vocabulary since then, I hope! Haha. Also, I love your gif of Klaus Happy face

    I think the word "tight" isn't sexy at all. I think I'd prefer to hear my boyfriend say something along the lines of "God, you feel amazing" or "you feel so good" rather than "holy shit, you're tight!" just, no. XD And I hate that guys think the more sex you've had, the looser you'll be. That's totally a myth! A woman isn't going to be hanging open after having a baby, is she? Rolling Eyes

    The whole taste thing, I'm gonna go against everyone and say I like it, haha. My boyfriend and I actually drink pineapple juice to make us taste better, it totally works! We decided to give it a try after I read about it online, he likes it when I swallow and TMI but, the first time we tried, I wanted to throw up in my mouth. But yeah, when he's "down there" and he says "wanna know how good you taste?" Yeah, that gets me all hot and bothered. Knowing that he likes it so much he wants to share it with me, oh yeah! Haha. And he will kiss me right after I've swallowed his, too. He doesn't mind the taste of it. I suppose the pineapples have a lot to do with it though, haha.

    I'm not fond of the slut/whore part, but when my boyfriend whispers in my ear that I'm his "dirty little girl" yeah, hose me down! lmfao I think it's the way he says it sometimes too though, he's very cocky but I love it haha. And he is good so he can back up his cockiness hahaha. I hate guys that are cocky but have no game XD

    Haha, I love that gif of Billie Joe! But yeah, I kinda agree with this one. I wouldn't want a running commentary of everything he's doing to me but after an intense bout of foreplay, I'd prefer "I want to ---- you now" not I'm going to. I know you're going to mate, just get on with it.

    I agree with the next one, too. I'd never believe any man who told me I was the most beautiful girl in the world, because I know I'm not. If he was to say I was the most beautiful girl in his world, then maybe I would swoon a little bit. XD

    I personally love it when my guy tells me he's going to come, cause he always says it so huskily and it sounds like he has no choice but to come. If that makes sense..haha. I always tell him when I'm about to, too, just so he knows not to stop haha. I agree with the others, there's nothing worse than getting almost there then stopping. It's like, why would you do that? Twitch

    Oh my god, that Cas gif! lmfao Yeah, I'm gonna go against the grain again and say I kinda like that? I'm a big fan of dirty talk, so when my boyfriend is hovering over me with "that look" in his eye and says lowly "I'm gonna tear you apart" I'm like "come on then big boy!" tehe maybe it's just me haha.

    Joining the trend, haha, I'm naturally submissive too. In and out of the bedroom. My boyfriend is naturally very dominant, so I like that he takes care of me and looks after me. He calls me a good girl all the time, sometimes when it's mundane things like him asking me to do something, and he'll tap me on the ass and say good girl. I get a little thrill out of that, haha. In the bedroom, he'll ask me to get on all fours or, I don't know, do something else, and he'll kiss me and say good girl. I love it. Haha. I'm not in the D/s community - I do try some things with my boyfriend, light bondage, blindfold, hair pulling - but yeah, I love it! Sorry, way too much TMI there! Facepalm
    May 2nd, 2014 at 08:20pm
  • Ugh, I don't like "tight" either, mostly because I hear guys brag about girls being "tight" for them when they had sex and it's just like...dude...the vaginal cavity is supposed to expand when you're turned're literally bragging about the fact that you couldn't get her wet.

    I kinda like "good girl". I don't think I've ever been in a situation where I didn't feel complimented upon hearing it, haha. I'm not into degrading stuff either, but I like bits and pieces of sub/dom stuff here and there, ya know? I just don't think I could ever fully get into the whole shebang with handcuffs and collars and rope and shit...maybe a blindfold, but other than that, nah, son.
    May 1st, 2014 at 05:28pm
  • @ addictedsevenfold.
    I think pretty much every point you made can be open to interpretaion and change depending on the scenario. But then again, some of them (such as the 'taste yourself' one) it probably doesn't matter who says it or what their relationship is, it's still gonna be considered a turn off. Haha.

    I believe that too, that as a relationship grows, you generally find yourself more and more attracted to the other person. I think as you learn things about them and your feelings get deeper, you get sort of a warped (in a good way!) view of them that can't really be altered by anyone else's opinion.

    Exactly! It is so easy for a girl to get so close then lose it... and that's like one of the worst feelings ever. Argh. Facepalm

    Yeah, I agree that we probably are the minority. It seems the more sex a story has (specifically in the Avenged Sevenfold fandom, since that's all I really read) the more readers it's gonna get. People may prefer fantasy over reality... but hey, I also like to think of it in another way that maybe some of the readers are inexperienced with sex, so if you do make it more realistic, you're giving them a better example of what it's really like. Especially since the most referenced thing for the sexually inexperienced is porn and that's not really teaching them anything.

    But it's tough, because when you write smut, you do want people to like it... so you end up torn over how real to make it and how much fantasy to put in. I suppose it depends on the story, really. If it's a story with a couple, maybe it's easier to show realism, but if it's just a hook up... well, that's more fun to go the fantasy route Smile
    May 1st, 2014 at 04:14pm
  • @ Airi.

    xD Yeah, see, I’m also pretty naturally submissive. I mean, I can be part of a relationship that really isn’t d/s at all, but I’m still more submissive in everyday things, even, (at least when it comes to relationships. I can be super dominant with peers in groups and things at times). I still really like being told I’m a good girl. xD I totally agree that being treated like a pet can be very non-degrading, though that’s not really my thing either. /shrug.

    Yep, I’m the same there. I can take a joking “you bitch!” kind of thing, especially if I was teasing him or something, but it depends on the relationship. And it doesn’t depend on the relationship with any kind of ‘slut/whore’ commentary; it’s always just hurtful to me, too.

    Hahahaha, that’s a good point! I’d written this with a very hetero mindset with what I was visualizing, but that’s a brilliant point!

    I certainly hope that you’re right about the “taste yourself” thing. I mean, I’ve never heard of anyone experiencing that in reality, luckily. But I have actually read it in a handful of smut stories (or at least read stories where someone expects the partner to lick it off of their finger or something, but doesn’t actually say anything on the matter). Yeah, no bueno. They probably are, you’re right. xD

    That’s very fair; you’re right. I didn’t mean to suggest that I think it’s always rooted in sexism. I know it’s not, I was only trying to comment and say that I think I probably am overreacting in that regard. You’re completely right, I get that it would feel better for the male. That’s why for somer reason I’m good with “you feel so good!” and things like that, but just the word tight gets under my skin.
    May 1st, 2014 at 04:03pm
  • @ Damsel Of Darkness
    That’s totally fair enough! I completely get where you’re coming from on that, and I think it can definitely sound very condescending (in which case I would probably hate it, too). I was guessing that “good girl” wouldn’t be appreciated outside of the d/s community. Thanks for your response!

    And you’re right! I’d completely forgotten that there are specific diets you can put yourself on to make yourself taste better. That’s very true. And I can totally see that being a very sensible comment in those situations, and even outside of those situations. I’m still not sure I’d buy it, but /shrug.

    Hahaha exactly!

    And that’s a good point! A play by play narrating everything would be super weird, in my opinion.

    Again, good point. That definitely is more acceptable depending on who it’s coming from. I was definitely envisioning the guy from the bar scenario, but if it’s a long term relationship, then I can totally get it. I still want to call bull in some ways, just because I don’t care how long of a relationship we’re in, there are some celebrities out there that are always going to be more attractive than me. xD But yeah, as a relationship grows, I feel like your partner becomes more and more attractive to you a lot of the time, so I totally see your point.

    Very true! It’s probably much more important for a girl to say, especially because it’s so easy to lose that if the slightest thing changes.

    I agree. I think most sex scenes are just completely realistic. I think we’re probably the minority though, getting frustrated and bored easily with those scenes. I think a lot of people prefer the fantasy over the reality. ...Which is something I totally need to keep in mind when writing my scenes, because I’d like most readers to enjoy it, and all.
    May 1st, 2014 at 03:53pm
  • I actually really like hearing "good girl", whether it's inside or outside of the bedroom. I'm not sure if it really counts for anything though since I'm part of the d/s community. XD For me, I think I'm just a natural submissive. I like being taken care of; that's about the only way I can describe it. I like being told I'm a good girl when I've made my partner happy or when I've followed a command. Just things like that. I like being held and I liked being petted. I don't mind being treated like a pet in the bedroom as long as it's not degrading. Being treated like a pet doesn't always equal degradation. At least not in my opinion.

    I never liked things like "you dirty little slut". I've never been into degradation/humiliation when it comes to words. It doesn't turn me on and really, it just hurts. Those words are hurtful to me and I don't fancy the idea of hearing my partner say them. No matter how long I've been with them, I don't want to hear it.

    I would be very concerned if I heard something like "I'm going to tear you apart". But I'm also a lesbian so I'd be very concerned as to know what exactly they wanted to tear me apart with. I don't think I'd want to know the answer to that. Shifty

    I think "taste yourself" is purely a porn/erotica thing. I'm not actually sure that any couple really does that... Or maybe they do? I don't know, I've never heard of it happening except in porn. Whenever I see that in a smut scene, I automatically think that the person is basing their smut off of porn and no longer have an interest in reading. XD People need to learn that porn =/= real life. Farthest thing from it actually.

    "You're so tight" isn't always rooted in sexism, although I think it's another one of those "only in porn" things. Generally, men do like it when their partner is tight. When a woman/man is tight, they're going to be smaller which feels better for the male. Although when a man does say this to a woman, it generally is sexism because, you know, how dare a woman be sexually active. I personally don't like hearing it but again, it's one of those things that doesn't really work for lesbians and just sounds bad to say.
    May 1st, 2014 at 09:12am
  • Honestly, I don't think I would appreciate being told I'm a "good girl". I dunno, I suppose to me it just comes across as condescending and like he's speaking to me like a pet. I'm not personally into the whole dom/submissive thing, so yeah, thinking of it that way it seems like more of a turn off for me.

    As for the other things, some I have experienced, some I haven't. The 'you taste so good'... well, that's not really a turn on for me, but I can understand why it's said. I mean, if you consider the fact that there's specific diets you can put yourself on to make yourself taste better (such as the 'pineapple diet' which is supposed to make you sweeter) and things that guys can eat that can make them taste worse (such as a lot of dairy products) so it is something that can be altered.

    'Taste yourself'... yeah, no. As you said, I don't see any guy willingly tasting their own cum, so I think that door swings both ways for most people.

    'You dirty little slut' I'm not into degradation, so yeah, if my boyfriend (and even to a lesser extent, a random guy) said that to me, pretty sure he'd probably cop a punch in the mouth. Tomato

    The whole 'telling me what you're gonna do', well, I suppose that would be a turn on, sure. It depends how indepth it is, I suppose... I don't want a play by play of their actions, but yeah, a few words letting me know what's about to come (baha!) is kind of hot. Haha.

    Comment saying that you're the most beautiful girl in the world... that really depends on the situation. I think if it's said from a long term boyfriend or husband, it's more acceptable, because then he's actually head over heels in love with her so there's a very high chance he believes she is. I mean, I'm not saying it's totally realistic, but I dunno, I feel like it's more acceptable and heartfelt. If it's just some guy you picked up in a bar, then yeah... save the bullshit "compliments" and just get down to business. Haha.

    I agree with you 100% on the "tear you apart" thing. Yeah, please don't. Just, no.

    "I'm gonna cum now/I'm so close" I agree that this can actually be helpful to know, especially with oral sex. With sex itself, it's probably beneficial for the girl to say (since it's not as obvious with women as men) so the guy can really get going and push her over the edge.

    As for all these things being applied to stories... sometimes I think a lot of sex scenes are just completely unrealistic and may as well just be porn. By this, I mean, it comes across like a porno, rather than how things really play out when you're getting down and dirty. It frustrates me, because I get bored reading scenes like that. Eh, just my opinion. Haha
    May 1st, 2014 at 07:20am
  • that would be awesome :)
    May 1st, 2014 at 06:57am
  • @ shelbyvengeance
    Haha, believe me, I considered it! But then I really wanted to include the Damon one and the Caroline one, so I figured I should share the love for this blog, and do a Castiel themed one next time.
    May 1st, 2014 at 06:55am
  • you should find a gif of Castiel for each one. His reactions are always amazing
    May 1st, 2014 at 06:47am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Haha, yeah, I had a pretty poor selection of comments, huh? Of course, only the bad examples came to mind while I was writing this. xD But yeah, I totally hear you. And luckily some of these are pretty rare in most sex scenes I've read on here, but some of them are actually way more common than I'd like. Especially the 'you're so tight' one.

    @ shelbyvengeance
    I'm glad you found it funny! I was pretty much cracking up as I wrote this -- which is totally lame of me -- so I'm glad to have amused you! But yeah, that Castiel gif was just perfect.
    May 1st, 2014 at 06:40am
  • I think I found this funnier than I should. Especially the gif of Castiel for the "I'm gonna tear you apart." And I never want to hear half of those being said, especially the 'taste yourself'
    May 1st, 2014 at 06:29am
  • I'm not sure I wanna hear any of those when I start having sex XD
    May 1st, 2014 at 06:25am