I'm Becoming Asexual/Instagram/a Wholly Unproductive Year - Comments

  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    Hello Stranger!

    I just found your blog and I say: Don't worry about it, just put your trust in God.

    Also, if you only have sexual feelings for someone (or view it that way) that makes it seem (to me as a reader of this one and only blog) that... you don't see them as a person. Think about that first, the person who you want to be with- you'll want to talk to them, debate, explore the world, start a family and all the romantic stuff too (of course)! But it's more than just one thing.

    And to be fair- what a loser!!! How dare he run off after your confession. What is he, a Hallmark card? A Meme? What is that, it wasn't even a human response "K, thx, bai". Seriously, wow. Ridiculous. Don't worry not all guys are like that...and more importantly I think that guy must live in some other dimension if he things he can just walk off "dignified" with such a lame response.

    Don't lower yourself into a plant or something...you should be grateful you're confident and you can see a lame response when you get one. It seems pretty immature of him, and you should rise above that.

    Take care!
    March 29th, 2015 at 07:52am