The Amazing Spider-Man 2 | Spoilers | AHmazing - Comments

  • I absolutely cannot wait until the third one. It's gonna be epic because there shall be so many villains, or so we think. My friend, who is a comic book junkie has told me a few things that might happen in the third one and I can't wait!
    May 29th, 2014 at 09:48am
  • Ohmygoshyes, I second that! Emma Stone as MJ! Please make it happen! When I watched it for the first time, I lost it at Gwen's death. I just---THEYWEREINLOVEANDCUTEANDGOSHDARNITHEBROKEHISPROMISETOSTAYAWAY!

    As you can see I'm in denial.

    I would totally do a Spidey story too if people would actually read it!
    May 29th, 2014 at 07:59am