How to Fall Apart. - Comments

  • Ugh, that sounds awful. First off, I'm sorry your hip and ankle hurt. :( Hopefully they heal soon.

    Secondly, I'm sorry about your "friends" and boyfriend. Gosh, that sucks. They shouldn't try to make you smoke or whatever.

    You're great for trying to stick with your morals. Don't feel bad about ever. Hug I hope the summer brightens up for you a bit. For the record, I'd take a walk or the beach over drugs, etc. any day.
    June 6th, 2014 at 07:56am
  • Stick to your guns, Hun! It's hard not to fall under the pressure of others, but just keep reminding yourself why you've made these choices for yourself and if they can't accept and understand that... then they're not real friends.

    As for your boyfriend, try not to take his actions to heart. Guys seem to think that's a compliment for us girls when they do an say shit like that. I'm sure he's not trying to pressure you, he just might be feeling a little sexually frustrated. Try to shrug it off when he does things like that, but it he gets too pushy, talk to him about the agreement you've made and reinterate that that's where you're still at right now.

    Hope your body stops being mean and settles down. Keep your chin up... Your summer just might surprise you! Mr. Green
    June 6th, 2014 at 07:46am