So, I Saw The 1975 Last Night. - Comments

  • I agree! Yelling obscene heckles like that is just sexual harassment. It's so uncomfortable. I remember a few months ago someone posted a video of The Maine playing a show and some girl yelled to ask John, the lead singer, if he wanted to have sex later. John was clearly uncomfortable and eventually jokingly (or not so jokingly, I suppose) said, "Do I wanna have sex later? I'm gonna have sex with my hand later." The crowd cheered, seemingly applauding the way he dodged the situation, but it was gross.

    Fangirls are what ruin concerts for me. I love going to shows but I'm also no longer in that stage where I scream bloody murder every time the band is mentioned, etc, so I don't go insane like that at shows. I never really did anyway because I found it annoying. Fans like that have no respect for everyone else at the show.

    And I have to say, if I was in a band and people were yelling stuff like that at me, I'd straight-up be telling them that's rude and disgusting and please stop it. Ugh.
    December 4th, 2015 at 04:23pm
  • I completely agree. I feel like these past few years, fans in general, though I feel it's more female ones, have absolutely no respect for any celebrity in general. And I think maybe the reason is no one is telling them it's not okay. No one's telling them it's not okay to post that kind of stuff online, or to scream it at someone, like I bet no one told that teenage girl her screaming it to him was bad. And then there's the people who do say, "Hey, that's not okay." and then they're yelled at by said fangirls, threatened, told they don't know what they're talking about, things like that.

    Like, I understand joking, completely, and even some of that can be creepy to an extent. But people just need to chill I think.

    Sorry you went through that, though :/ That really sucks.
    June 7th, 2014 at 10:15am
  • That absolutely sucks. I wanted to see them after they announced their U.S. tour dates but was always afraid of the hoards of crazy fan girls. Don't get me wrong, I consider myself a fan girl. But some of the girls who attend the 1975's show I've heard about are pretty insane. Like you said, I heard lots about the teenage girls who yell at the guys to do inappropriate things to them. I get that maybe a few might say that but when literally half the crowd is yelling it, it makes it hard for everyone else to enjoy the concert. I want to say that they should stick to 18+ shows but then again, younger fans could still go with a parent so there's still the possibility of that kind of madness happening.

    I get really sad knowing that the guys have to sit through all that. I'm afraid that they'll feel like nobody really cares about the actual meaning of their band and the songs they play. I'm really sorry that you didn't have such a nice experience at their show. Hopefully next time it won't be so terrible!
    June 7th, 2014 at 03:54am
  • I could not have put this better myself. I've been beating myself up all day because I feel like I'm being ungrateful. At least I did see them live and at least I did meet them briefly. But I have the worst post concert depression and not in a good way. I don't think it has anything to do with age. I never acted that way at 15 or 17 or 21 or now at 26. It has to do with who they are as people and those girls are shitty people. Maybe that makes me cynical or a bitch but I don't care. I hope that December is better... if you're still wanting to go that is? Also, The Sound Garden can kiss my ass. They were so disorganized and trying to make as much money off them as possible by not putting a limit on wrist bands. There was no way they kept to fire code as to how many people were allowed inside. The owner was a dick too.
    June 7th, 2014 at 03:51am
  • That's so sad. If my favourite artist ever did a show, I would certainly go, hope I was alone, and be as quiet as humanly possible. I go to enjoy the music, not terrify the artist!
    June 7th, 2014 at 02:21am
  • @ C418
    Yeah, it was really obnoxious. Not to mention the band had to sit through a signing with all those people. I can't imagine what they said to them upon meeting them. My post really didn't paint the picture vividly enough but they literally kept saying stuff like that through the entire set. There wasn't a moment of quiet where all anyone was focused on was the music.
    June 7th, 2014 at 02:19am
  • Jesus. That scares me to no end... the musical artists I enjoy are more laid-back (and less likely to perform live!) than many popular ones. I don't understand why people think screaming at the musicians and threatening one another will make the band like them! If people ever did that over my music, I'd quit making music!
    June 7th, 2014 at 02:09am