They Found Drugs in the Bathroom at Work and Now Everyone's Being Punished - Comments

  • If you are prescribed medication for anxiety by a doctor then your work can't do anything about that.
    June 8th, 2014 at 01:16am
  • That's pretty harsh, good lord. But firing and suspensions would -- as AmorarEsDeVivir said below me -- cause more problems for the company than a solution.

    As for your medication problem, I was involved in FFA earlier in my school year, and as per our school's policy, we have to take a drug test. For us, we just had to fill out a form with medication we took daily, it was all rather discrete. I wish you the best of luck, though!
    June 7th, 2014 at 10:56pm
  • That seems pretty excessive. least your place of employment takes action against drug use in the workplace. I worked for a place once where a coworker of mine saw a guy do a line of coke off his desk in the middle of shift, drug paraphernalia for a lot worse than marij6ana was found in the bathrooms, people always reeked of weed, and we never even got more than a stern talking to, which didn't even happen until our company lost a client because of a bunch of people getting high in front of he buildig during lunch break when the client arrived for a visit. Of course, the lax attitude about drugs was mostly because half the managers were on drugs too. a weird way I'm at least glad they're taking action. I'd prefer that over my old workplace.

    Still, seems a bit over the top. :/ I can't imagine they'd follow through with firing or suspending EVERYONE because that would cost the company a lot of money and productivity, but I guess you never know.
    June 7th, 2014 at 10:03pm
  • Maybe I'm just thinking this because in the city I live in it's the norm to find cigarettes, marijuana, and other crap in high school bathrooms but aren't what your bosses doing a bit much? I mean, it's marijuana. I get it's illegal but threatening to fire and suspend everyone seems extreme. When marijuana was found at my mom's job everyone just had to take a drug test and that was it.

    And like aubs said, I doubt they'll question your medication.
    June 7th, 2014 at 09:53pm
  • I doubt they'll question your medication. I also have to take some medicine, and I'm pretty sure the drug test people know the differences between the medications in your system. I mean, I took one and I was hired and never questioned.
    June 7th, 2014 at 09:28pm