A View on Same-Sex Marriage - Comments

  • Jon Floseph

    Jon Floseph (100)

    United States
    According to Scripture, account username witch, you are correct! The term Christian wasn't around until long after Jesus Christ was resurrected.
    June 11th, 2014 at 04:00am
  • notrelevant

    notrelevant (150)

    Hong Kong
    To be honest, gay people were around loooooong before Christians came around.
    June 11th, 2014 at 03:39am
  • Jon Floseph

    Jon Floseph (100)

    United States
    To Airi.

    I could not consider myself a human being if I was trying to use my opinion to take away your rights. You are a human being, and I have a problem with people (especially Christians, so that would be my people) who try and not give you your rights. It's inhumane (I believe I spelled that right).

    I realize I was too hasty to put this blog up, because there is much more I want to say. However, I may not have that window of opportunity. On the subject of ignored marriages such as marriage performed in the name of other deities, and I also would have something to say about sexual acts done outside of marriage.

    As per Christianity it is our belief that in the beginning when God made man and woman that was the first marriage. So to your response of pre-dated marriage I would love to take a look at whatever research you've found that suggests pre- claims (One of my greatest loves in this world is learning).

    I do not take the entire Bible literally. To do so would be suicide (lol). However the Bible is not just one genre, it is a plethora of poems, histories, stories, parables, and etc. that it is difficult to decypher alone. So I try and use academic studies and commentaries what I read and interpret.

    I would love to tell you what I know of the Bible and what it says in regards to same-sex marriage, and what it says about marriage in general. But I'm not going to force and anything. I will say I have enjoyed this, and though I seem contradictory I do care.

    In my family I have a cousin who is a lesbian. Her name is Jill and her partners name is Victoria, both beautiful and wonderful women. Here's the funny part: My (extended) family is heavy traditional Pentecostal (if you stop reading here I understand, lol). We love her, we don't talk about how much of a sinner she is when we get together, we don't try to force religion down her throat, and we don't cast her off. As far as I know we've always asked how they were, how they get along, hug their necks, help them, support them.

    Because even though this seems screwed up and entirely confusing, I love them as my family, and they are family. We know where we stand on our beliefs, but we all respect each other. They deserve rights too, so do you and your loved ones :)

    I can't explain God. Heck I can't explain a lot. I've had sex outside of marriage. In fact I've even contemplated and was at one point attracted to the thought of having sex with a guy. I have been a recovering porn addict since the age of fifteen. I was looking to feel complete, in women, in men, in video games, in food, in exercise, in drugs, in friends, and even in other religions. I tried someone else besides God, I tried Taoism, I even studied up on Friedrich Nietszche and understood the life of a true atheist, Hinduism even looked appealing.

    But honestly after trying to give my soul to almost everything else except God, when I stopped resisting and gave him a true chance then my life changed. He made me feel complete. Not a woman, not a man, not a video game, not success, or popularity, just a God who is invisible and hard to hear, but very real. I am not saying this to trick you, or lie to you, I am being honest and open. I don't understand his the Bible, even after commentaries and famous speakers, but I owe God my life for saving it, so I am just spreading his Gospel and spreading my message.

    AND. I'M. SO. SORRY. for the length of this reply. lol. I'm kind of answering the logic to my religion for pet sounds as well as your answer, and that's the best answer I can give. I am sorry I gave you so much of my life, but you deserve it. You deserve to hear my best answer. I've really enjoyed the feedback, and I'm happy to keep talking to you, in fact I wish to get to know you more. So if I keep putting up blogs maybe you'll come back and respond to them (lol!). But thank you for the feedback, and thank you for continuing this topic, which has only begun! We're far from finished.

    Let me know your thoughts on this. And also do you have any blogs or stories I can read? I would love to read anything you have.

    P.S. Pardon any grammar mistakes...
    June 11th, 2014 at 03:26am
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    Considering God didn't actually write the bible (which I do not believe in the faith anyway), I cannot believe that he would say such things. Considering all humans are made in his image. Obviously he made it a possibility (if he is real), so how can he condemn those who practice it?
    June 11th, 2014 at 02:46am
  • based

    based (200)

    Marriage was intended for a man and a woman according to your religion, not according to logic. The world must be run by logic, not a religion, in order to be fair and just.
    June 11th, 2014 at 12:25am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    If you look at it from a Christian perspective and take the Bible word-for-word then yes, I suppose you are right in a way. However, that is the funny thing about marriage.... It is, in fact, not a Christian institution. Marriage pre-dates Christianity both in an atheistic sense and in religions that pre-date Christianity. Even if they did not use the exact word "marriage", the idea of it does not belong to Christianity and is not something thought up by Christianity. If someone wishes to believe in the Christian definition of marriage then that's their choice, but they don't have a right to tell/imply to someone else that their marriage is somehow wrong or "inferior" because it does not fit the Christian definition.

    It's been show in studies and glimpses into the past that marriage pre-dates Christianity and same-sex marriage pre-dates Christianity. Homophobia was not an innate thing that was always a part of humans; it was something brought by religions such as Christianity and Islam. Even at that, it's possible at least Christianity never did say homosexuality or same-sex marriage is 'wrong' in the first place. There's quite the discussion of whether or not those portions of the Bible was translated correctly... Or if the Bible was translated correctly at all. Things are often lost in translation, especially between languages that are so different like English and Hebrew. It's an interesting discussion if you're looking for something new to read up on.

    With all that said, I never did understand one thing about Christians who use their religion to condemn same-sex marriage... Why do Christians never condemn non-Christian marriages? Many marriages are performed in courthouses or in different places of worship not of your god; it's not all in the eyes of the Christian god. So why aren't those marriages condemned in the same way same-sex marriages are? I've never quite understood why those go ignored but many Christians so readily condemn same-sex marriage.

    Honestly, as a lesbian, I do find your belief to be offensive and it's not one I can respect. You're telling me that my relationships - that my love - will always be inferior and "imperfect". That's hurtful on so many levels and honestly, I don't understand how you can claim to love everyone while saying things like that. I'm not sure if you can see how hurtful saying things like that is. Furthermore, you say you aren't condemning but that is exactly what you are doing. You are just simply using your god and your holy book as a cover up for condemning same-sex relationships. Saying our love/relationships aren't perfect, missing something, and not what god intended is condemning our relationships and our love.

    I don't think a man needs a woman to be "fulfilled" nor a woman needs a man to be "fulfilled" and happy. I know they don't, in fact, because I know what I feel. A woman may need a man to feel complete and a man may need a woman to feel complete, but not every woman needs/wants a man and not every man needs/wants a woman is what I'm trying to say (not sure if that's coming off very well). A man has never been able to make me happy romantically in the same way a woman does. The current girl I'm with/not with (it's complicated lol) makes me feel completed and makes me feel happy. She is perfect for me in the way a man would never be perfect. I love having males as friends since males are into things most females aren't but I could never imagine myself with a man. I've been with men and it felt wrong. The idea of being with a man doesn't feel right for me but the idea of being with a woman does. Being with a woman has felt right.

    I guess I cannot sit here rightfully and say holding such a view is fine when such a view is hurtful, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. As long as you're not using your opinion to take away someone's rights or purposefully hurt them, you know? I do hope what I have said here about my own feelings, however, does make you reconsider a few things you may think/feel about same-sex relationships.

    And again, I'm sorry for the last message. Mibba really should have the preview button spaced further from the submit one. XD
    June 10th, 2014 at 10:22pm
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Edit: This was not supposed to send yet. Facepalm Clicked the wrong button aha. Give me a bit and I'll send the actual comment once it's finished. I'm sorry~ ^^"
    June 10th, 2014 at 10:05pm