Authors Going AWAL? - Comments

  • BelovedSyn

    BelovedSyn (100)

    United States
    @ rachthebat.

    At my alert? Hahaha.

    Which, Avengeline? Haha

    It is a shame. I understand that society (leadt in america) thinks that relationships=sex but its not like that. I went on a date in February, and IT WAS ONE DATE, barely even spoke to eachother the following week, and suddenly he wants to have sex. And then he proceeced to tell me that being "old fashion" is a "lie" and that what I believed in was wrong. Fu. Lol

    Muahaha. I took it down. I didnt like it much so I re-wrote it. It'll be up either tonight, or mid-monday! I hope so! I've got plans! Muahaha.
    June 15th, 2014 at 03:54pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ SuchASyn
    Mibba ate your alert Grmml

    I liked the new name! :D

    Yes, so much yes! So many stories I read lately, I get turned off by the unnecessary amount of smut that just doesn't fit within the story. It's a shame.

    I had it bookmarked ready to read, but the first chapter wasn't there when I clicked on it D: Will you be re-posting it? It looks like a killer story! :D Yeah, I'm still gonna write it, even if no one wants to read it, haha.
    June 14th, 2014 at 11:17pm
  • BelovedSyn

    BelovedSyn (100)

    United States
    @ rachthebat.

    No worries, haha! Happens to me ALL the time. My bad for changing my name. My friend and I were talking, and I love the name "Evangeline" and she told me to spell it with "avenge" which is awesome. I think, lol.


    Thanks hun! Arms

    Exactly! Like, relationships are not consisted of sex! That's just something that adds intimacy. And that's what some stories lack. Which really makes me sad, because a lot could have SOOO much potential.

    Good! My story right now, you know, "Good For You? one, is going to be a little violent, considering she killed a guy but..hey, it's part of my plan that I have! haha. But good for you. Just advertise, I guess. And if you fall in love with it, write it for the sake of writing it. You know?
    June 12th, 2014 at 11:52pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    It took me a while to realise who you were, then Facepalm

    Welcome back, honey! Arms

    I know exactly what you mean, this is currently my biggest pet peeve. I've been writing stories with more substance, trying to side step past smut and concentrate on building relationships between my characters. But it's like, no one wants to read anything like that. They just want teh smut!

    I'm planning a story at the moment, that will have no gangs, or violence, or fantastical sex. Just normal, realistic relationships, and their problems. Hopefully, people will like it!

    Double post, Mibba spazzed. XD
    June 12th, 2014 at 11:40pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    It took me a while to realise who you were, then Facepalm

    Welcome back, honey! Arms

    I know exactly what you mean, this is currently my biggest pet peeve. I've been writing stories with more substance, trying to side step past smut and concentrate on building relationships between my characters. But it's like, no one wants to read anything like that. They just want teh smut!

    I'm planning a story at the moment, that will have no gangs, or violence, or fantastical sex. Just normal, realistic relationships, and their problems. Hopefully, people will like it!
    June 12th, 2014 at 11:38pm