Sexism and Rape Culture (Warning for Language) - Comments

  • I couldn't even make it through half of this blog before I was seething.
    July 2nd, 2014 at 04:56am
    July 1st, 2014 at 11:22pm
  • @ louis tomlinson.
    It's really disturbing that people literally think rape isn't a big deal. =/ Just. Ugh.
    June 18th, 2014 at 08:07am
  • I totally agree with this entire blog.

    I'm about to be a junior in high school and I've had to explain countless times to countless boys why rape is such a "big deal." There are so many boys who don't understand how/why sex could be unwanted, or the fact that boys can be raped, too (for some reason there's a theory going around that boys want sex 100% of the time). They also don't seem to understand that no one is ever "asking" for it, no matter what they were wearing or how drunk they were.

    There are also those types of people who seem to think that the "friendzone" exists - aka you befriend a woman, attempt to have sex with her, and when she rejects you, she's automatically a bitch. Because apparently, the idea that a woman is not some kind of machine you put niceness into and get sex out of is completely ridiculous. I've heard boys totally verbally rip apart a girl because she "totally rejected him when he tried to get in her pants, even after he was nice to her."

    The fact that there are some men out there who are so ignorant about these things and feel like it's okay to make comments such as the ones you mentioned makes me so angry.
    June 17th, 2014 at 02:09am
  • @ Synical
    I understand what you're saying. And I agree--it DOES seem to be normal. I don't think where you live makes much difference. But society just...continues to normalize it, and that only makes the problem worse. Pretty much everything you said in this comment, I agree with 100%.
    June 16th, 2014 at 01:48am
  • I'm so sorry...these double posts are getting ridiculous!
    June 16th, 2014 at 01:37am
  • This was all very informative. It's good you're making people aware of these things.

    I wasn't trying to call you down on what I said on the other blog or anything, just stating that apparently I live in a place so filled with stereotypes that most of us think that's what is normal.

    It's really daunting. And it's pretty sad it's considered so normal by everyone and everyone does it so much that we don't realize it or try to change it. I guess that's what I was getting at. I wasn't trying to be sexist against men....not that you said I was lol. I just feel the need to explain myself so people don't get the wrong idea about me because sometimes....I word things all wrong. Facepalm

    The media and all the advertising companies are not a help either. They advertise to women all the time that if they wear or buy such and such item, it will please their "men." I guess it works both ways but sex is being pushed down everyone's throats everywhere. It's very tragic.

    It sucks those friends of his were being like that! Those types of conversations make me uncomfortable too. I've been around someone's uncles who while drunk would sit there and talk about all these women they fucked. Behind their wive's backs no less! Women I knew personally and had to see at reunions and not say anything about it to. The men had kids even.....

    It's very sad there are people like that out there. It makes me appreciate my husband even more. I loved the fact that he wasn't all grab assing me right away. We actually got to establish a good foundation relationship first lol. I was actually the one who first initiated our first time having sex together and after he had told me he was glad I did because he didn't want to first because he respected me. He was raised right and to respect women. A lot of it goes back to the environment people were raised in I guess.
    June 16th, 2014 at 01:37am