Survey Stealin' - Comments

  • January Rose

    January Rose (100)

    TEN things you wish you could say to TEN people right now:
    1. Why on Earth do final exams need to be worth 30% of our final mark?! - School admins
    2. Can you please turn the music down!? - Mom
    3. Wanna watch some TV? - Sister
    4. What made you want to dance? - Actors pn TV show
    5. Why is this show going downhill? - Producers of TV show
    6. Why are you so awesome? - Morgan Freeman
    7. How do you write bestseller book - J.K. Rowling
    8. How to become an amazing dancer? - Winners of So You Think You Can Dance
    9. Can I please have your autograph? - Taylor Swift
    10. Can I have tickets to your next concert? - Katy Perry

    NINE things about yourself:
    1. I love reading and writing
    2. I'm addiced to the following show: Once Upon a Time
    3. I used to have depression
    4. I hate school. I'm SO glad its over
    5. I want to become a better dancer
    6. I love the school subjects L.A. and Social
    7. I don't know what I want to be when I'm older
    8. If I was in the book Divergent, I would be in the faction Abnegation
    9. I love cookie dough! (not the ice cream though)

    EIGHT things you look for in a boy:
    1. Makes me laugh
    2. Cares about me
    3. Likes me for me
    4. Kind
    5. Generous
    6. Takes things seriously but can still have fun
    7. LOYAL
    8. Cute

    SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot:
    1. Depression thoughts
    2. The show The Next Step
    3. TV shows in general
    4. Music
    5. Sleep
    6. Dance
    7. My family

    SIX things you do before you fall asleep:
    1. Watch TV
    2. Bedtime routine - brush teeth, say goodnight to family, etc
    3. Turn Heater on
    4. Think about life
    5. Think abou things I want/things I'm grateful for
    6. Try and fall asleep.

    FIVE people who mean a lot at the moment:
    1. My sister
    2. My dad
    3. The rest of my family
    4. My best friends
    5. Teachers at school

    FOUR things you really enjoy doing:
    1. Daydreaming.
    2. Writing
    3. Reading
    4. Being alone

    THREE things you absolutely hate:
    1. Racism - Why judge people like that?! It's so horrible
    2. Hypocrites - Don't say it if you don't truely mean it.
    3. Tests - So much work/pressure

    TWO places you want to go to:
    1. Haiti
    2. Jamica

    ONE thing you are afraid of:
    1. Being Alone for the rest of my life
    June 23rd, 2014 at 12:50am
  • January Rose

    January Rose (100)

    TEN things you wish you could say to TEN people right now:
    1. Why on Earth do final exams need to be worth 30% of our final mark?! - School admins
    2. Can you please turn the music down!? - Mom
    3. Wanna watch some TV? - Sister
    4. What made you want to dance? - Actors pn TV show
    5. Why is this show going downhill? - Producers of TV show
    6. Why are you so awesome? - Morgan Freeman
    7. How do you write bestseller book - J.K. Rowling
    8. How to become an amazing dancer? - Winners of So You Think You Can Dance
    9. Can I please have your autograph? - Taylor Swift
    10. Can I have tickets to your next concert? - Katy Perry

    NINE things about yourself:
    1. I love reading and writing
    2. I'm addiced to the following show: Once Upon a Time
    3. I used to have depression
    4. I hate school. I'm SO glad its over
    5. I want to become a better dancer
    6. I love the school subjects L.A. and Social
    7. I don't know what I want to be when I'm older
    8. If I was in the book Divergent, I would be in the faction Abnegation
    9. I love cookie dough! (not the ice cream though)

    EIGHT things you look for in a boy:
    1. Makes me laugh
    2. Cares about me
    3. Likes me for me
    4. Kind
    5. Generous
    6. Takes things seriously but can still have fun
    7. LOYAL
    8. Cute

    SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot:
    1. Depression thoughts
    2. The show The Next Step
    3. TV shows in general
    4. Music
    5. Sleep
    6. Dance
    7. My family

    SIX things you do before you fall asleep:
    1. Watch TV
    2. Bedtime routine - brush teeth, say goodnight to family, etc
    3. Turn Heater on
    4. Think about life
    5. Think abou things I want/things I'm grateful for
    6. Try and fall asleep.

    FIVE people who mean a lot at the moment:
    1. My sister
    2. My dad
    3. The rest of my family
    4. My best friends
    5. Teachers at school

    FOUR things you really enjoy doing:
    1. Daydreaming.
    2. Writing
    3. Reading
    4. Being alone

    THREE things you absolutely hate:
    1. Racism - Why judge people like that?! It's so horrible
    2. Hypocrites - Don't say it if you don't truely mean it.
    3. Tests - So much work/pressure

    TWO places you want to go to:
    1. Haiti
    2. Jamica

    ONE thing you are afraid of:
    1. Being Alone for the rest of my life
    June 23rd, 2014 at 12:48am