Minecraft "Slang" - Comments

  • I'm going to give this a go for a laugh, even though the only thing I successfully managed to do in Minecraft was to build a giant tower to the sky.

    ▪ Is it like the safe wall in a game of tag? XD
    ▪ ...when you reach level 30?
    ▪ Groups of bad guys?
    ▪ People who think they are better than they are?
    ▪ The most difficult level?
    ▪ A level where you get rich?
    ▪ The most advanced difficulty setting?
    ▪ Stuff you put under rivers?
    ▪ The amount of blocks you can build in row?
    ▪ The player?
    ▪ One of your previous usernames? XD
    ▪ No idea.
    ▪ The first and best thing?
    ▪ No idea.
    ▪ One of the evil wee guys? They are green, no? I think I remember seeing a plushie of one of them in Games Centre when I was last in.
    ▪ Like...the underworld?
    ▪ Another of your previous usernames. lmfao
    ▪ Are they like God?
    ▪ Like a cattle prod?
    ▪ The reason for playing the game?

    I started this seriously and it just devolved waaaaayyy quickly. I apologise. XD
    June 20th, 2014 at 11:52am
  • I play Minecraft a fair bit so I'm going to hurry and do this on my phone before I leave.

    - Noob tower: is that when people just build a square box and then build up, calling it a 'house
    - Level 30: gets you the best enchantments
    - mobs: enemies, piggies, sheep, everyone but yourself basically
    - squidwards: villagers
    - lava level: is this level 11?
    - diamond level: well, okay, this one is level 11 for sure, so I don't know about lava level. Ooops.
    - bedrock: can't mine it
    - build limit: I didn't know there was a build limit! I know the one for xbox has a really stupid one, can't remember the number though
    - Steve: a player with no skin
    - Herobrine: eviiil Steve
    - /tp: teleports players to one another
    - alpha: original minecraft, I think when it first came out
    - "did a vintagebeef": no idea on this one
    - grinder: to let a bunch mob spawns, usually in a mob spawner, and then you kill for xp
    - the nether: parallel universe, aka hell
    - super hostile: ALL THOSE DAMN HARD MAPS. Spellbound Caves... Good lord.
    - etho: hmm.. not sure
    - blaze rod: dropped from blazes~
    - "the egg": found in the end after you beat the game

    HEYYY~ I believe I know my Minecraft OMGYES
    I don't need the prizes, this was for fun. c:
    June 20th, 2014 at 03:02am