I Need a Diagnoses. - Comments

  • Jessii Tara;

    Jessii Tara; (100)

    United States
    @ easy company.
    It's certainly better than not writing anything. :) I don't mind summer, so long as I've got the ability to go swimming, however, that is not the case now, even if I live right near one of the biggest lakes in the U.S.

    When I was younger I was a fish when it came to water, and now, the last time I went swimming was two years ago haha. Unfortunately here where I'm at in Kentucky we don't get too much snow, at least, it's nothing like the snow from where I used to live in Ohio.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 06:54am
  • easy company.

    easy company. (250)

    United States
    @ Symbiont
    Yes!! This is exactly what I do! I write these little bits that have absolutely nothing to do with any story I'm working on at the moment. It's so frustrating but I have no idea how to push through it and move on. Heh. And I much prefer winter too. Summer is so gross and I don't get why so many people get excited for it to come. Sad

    @ Grasshopper.
    We are the same person. Literally. Making layouts is one of my favorite things to do on Mibba and so I'll start to make a new one thinking that it'll help me get more motivated. But I just end up quitting halfway through because I'm a quitter.

    I'm so surprised that are a lot of people who don't like summer either! I figured I was the only one. Haha! Hopefully winter comes really, really soon.

    @ pallid.
    Yesss!!! The too tired to write thing is what I feel sometimes too. Hopefully this funk passes soon because I really miss writing properly. Sad

    @ ladyschrei
    Thank you for your suggestion! I'll try it. Mr. Green
    June 22nd, 2014 at 06:39am
  • Jessii Tara;

    Jessii Tara; (100)

    United States
    This blog describes me pretty well at the moment. It's really annoying. I wanna write, but just... bleh. The only think I've managed in the past few weeks was a string of simple ideas that have nothing to do with my stories whatsoever. I feel like I need to work on one of my main stories but when I sit down to write I just kind of scroll, read over the previous chapter and then I decide to get up and go play video games or something to get out my frustration over the fact that I can't bring myself to write all that much of anything complex and ridiculously creative like usual. I refuse to let myself go into writers block and not write anything, so I've just been writing these short, page long things made up of relatively simple ideas.

    And I feel you on the heat. I live in the south too, we got nothing but cold and ice all winter, there were like three days worth of spring and then bam, it's like Satan decided to go for a walk. O_O I muuuuuuuch prefer winter. If it's cold outside and there's snow on the ground (for some reason snow makes the cold more pleasant to me) then I'm good to go. 80 degrees and up really sucks. I'm so pale. If I go into the sun for too long I can feel my brain melting. Maybe this heat has something to do with our writing mojo. Maybe we both just need writing buddies to keep us motivated.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 06:21am
  • Bellamy.

    Bellamy. (100)

    United States
    I feel as though I get like that sometimes except I'll get as far as making a layout for the story but never actually writing anything at all. Sometimes, if I get like super inspired or motivated I'll go ape sh-t on Word but other than that I just make layouts for a few months at a time.

    I live at the tip of Texas. We don't even get snow but dear lord do we get the heat! People are always telling me to go outside and enjoy at the least a little sun but no. I'm white as a new document and will burn walking to the mailbox (which isn't even at the end of a driveway it's literally outside our house). I hate everything about summer as well. The kids being out of school and screaming all day, the bugs, the heat, the lack of owning a pool, the facebook posts about how its summer and everyone's going downtown while I sit at home. Summer's the worst for me. I can't wait for hurricane season and if it already hurricane season, I cannot wait for a hurricane so I can chill in the rain.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 01:51am
  • n. josten

    n. josten (1270)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    I feel the same way right now. I have plenty of ideas and inspiration, but lack the motivation. I had to talk myself out of trashing a few chapters of a story because suddenly, everything seemed poorly written when just a few days ago, I was proud of it. Now whenever I open Word, I stare at the page for awhile and then it just sits there open in the background while I do other things. I almost just feel too tired to write. The thing about writing, though, is that it always comes back to you.

    Do as ladyschrei recommended and do things that inspire you. That's what I've been doing. Write down your ideas so you don't lose them and you can do as I'm doing. Just ride the wave. It always comes back.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 01:49am
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    I feel like I'm kinda going through the same thing. I have all these ideas and I get excited for some of them and then I'm just like...I don't want to write it, because I feel like they'll become boring or I won't finish them and leave them hanging like I do with a lot of stories, and it just absolutely sucks. My suggestion would maybe be try writing some short stories, see if they can get your juices flowing. Also do things that inspire you the most, whether it be watching tv or looking at photos or listening to music or drawing, do that more often, see if that helps.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 01:17am