I Just Finished Watching the Premier of Teen Wolf. - Comments

  • Bellamy.

    Bellamy. (100)

    United States
    @ nautical.
    They better mention Allison and Isaac or I will be genuinely pissed. They can't even take back what they did with Malia, like she was dancing and acting like a normal teenager and it's like you did you watch how to twerk videos every night until that moment? Yeah, she didn't twerk but still. I don't even remember where Jackson went but I want to see him come back. So much happened since Jackson that I would have to rewatch his episodes to know what happened to him.

    Daddy Argent better come back though 'cause Kate's back. I hope Allison comes back and that's what Peter was talking about when he said, "can't anyone stay dead in this town?"
    June 25th, 2014 at 04:46pm
  • nautical.

    nautical. (100)

    United States
    I agree with you on pretty much everything Coffee

    Like you said, I think Malia made the shift into a normal high schooler's life way to quickly. Like, she was, what, eight or nine when she turned? And after nine years, she is completely normal? It doesn't make too much sense. And, gosh, don't get me started on the Malia/Stiles/Lydia thing. I've been waiting for Stydia since the beginning and last season made it seem like it was finally going to happen. Sigh.


    They didn't even get a mention. At least when Jackson left, they took a second to mention where he went to, and he got a few other references throughout the season. I just feel like these two are their departures are going to be annoyed and it's driving me nuts. The whole show drives me nuts, to be honest. But besides those minor things, the premiere was good, I think. The thing with Derek was definitely not what I was expecting.
    June 25th, 2014 at 04:29pm