Tumblr + Art + General Ramble - Comments

  • @ colibri
    1. Thanks! It's just reblog city up in there. I have an ask blog too though.
    2. I have a lot of nonbinary friends and pronouns are second nature. I don't want it to matter what gender I am as long as I'm happy.
    3. Everyone should code. I'm not great at it, but I'm learning. I know base Java and HTML and decent CSS, but that's far from enough. Mibba's more of a... forced family fun time zone. "Have fun the way we want you to and you get things! Say one bad word about your abusive ex and YOU'RE OUT!"
    July 10th, 2014 at 08:54am
  • 1. I like your tumblr.

    2. I agree on gender pronouns. I mind when people mislabel me only because it's always about my short hair. It bothers me that everything is labeled feminine or masculine. I just want to shave my head without the world coming to a halt trying to decide what fucking gender I am.

    Yeah, I always wondered what admins did if they didn't code. I don't get it. Coding is really fun and not that hard and EVERYONE SHOULD CODE. I don't feel like this is a community anymore. It's too much for me now. It sounds pathetic, but I really don't have any reason to write other than to post it on here. I don't even know why I do post on here. I keep deleting everything, too. I get so sick of everything every once in a while. But I'm just very pissed off with this website lately. Everything it does. Everything. Too much.
    July 10th, 2014 at 08:47am
  • Personally, I don't see anything that's happened to Mibba. I mean I can see how it has died down a little, but I have gotten more comments + recs + messages + comment replies than ever before. Last year around this time no one really said anything to me. I mean I got lots of blog comments but 90% of the time my blogs were filled with things to try to make people have a laugh + brighten a potentially bad day.

    But then again, all of my close Mibba friends have me on FB (even though I haven't used it in over a year), on Kik, on Snapchat, in their phone contacts, or Tumblr. And I speak to most of them on a weekly, sometimes daily, basis. So that could be why I don't really see this weird Mibba death... I am now realising that is probably very irrelevant but it makes sense to me XD As for the Dujo comment, I often wonder the same thing. Sometimes I think he doesn't care about Mibba anymore but I understand he has a life like the rest of us. Think
    July 10th, 2014 at 05:04am
  • Personally, I don't see anything that's happened to Mibba. I mean I can see how it has died down a little, but I have gotten more comments + recs + messages + comment replies than ever before. Last year around this time no one really said anything to me. I mean I got lots of blog comments but 90% of the time my blogs were filled with things to try to make people have a laugh + brighten a potentially bad day.

    But then again, all of my close Mibba friends have me on FB (even though I haven't used it in over a year), on Kik, on Snapchat, in their phone contacts, or Tumblr. And I speak to most of them on a weekly, sometimes daily, basis. So that could be why I don't really see this weird Mibba death... I am now realising that is probably very irrelevant but it makes sense to me XD As for the Dujo comment, I often wonder the same thing. Sometimes I think he doesn't care about Mibba anymore but I understand he has a life like the rest of us. Think
    July 10th, 2014 at 05:02am
  • @ laredo.
    I'm speaking with Nic on tumblr about the site. Rather talk there where I run less of a risk of getting in trouble.
    I reckon it's just the way websites are.
    July 10th, 2014 at 02:38am
  • It's really...weird that everyone is getting tired of Mibba but nobody actually ever does anything about it. Mibba members are making comments about leaving everyday and nobody seems eager to be a part of this website anymore. I was happy to come back but I'm already leaving again, for good.

    It's like, what happened? It makes me sad but shit happens, I guess.
    July 10th, 2014 at 02:23am
  • @ pet sounds
    Not literally a computer. I say that all the time.
    July 10th, 2014 at 01:59am
  • You're a computer?
    July 10th, 2014 at 01:28am