Weird. - Comments

  • @ colibri
    This isn't the first time I've dealt with shitty people in within the police force. It became redundant when the supervisor gave the call back to the woman because she basically repeated what the supervisor said, only she seemed nicer about it. Oh well.

    I'm also never opening the windows. Like ever. Which is cool since I'm not an open window person, anyway and I'm largely known for that within my family for it. I don't know how hornets work since it's the first one I've encountered so I don't know it three might magically pop up since I killed one, and I'm not taking chances so my windows will just stay closed.
    July 23rd, 2014 at 11:52pm
  • I have had to deal with shitty 911 operators, but for different reasons. I've also had to deal with shitty cops but that's a different story. I think in the case of the emergency call the operator got irritated because it wasn't a "Big Important Case". I understand that. She still didn't have to be horrible about it. If this happens again, or if something similar / not an emergency happens, I'm sure your local precinct has a number you can call. Cops usually have a number they keep on their website for civilians in case of a Not So Emergency Emergency. Be warned, though, cops are very difficult to deal with when you're emotional. They just don't understand for some reason, and they can get very cold and cruel. I understand your upset, though. It's hard enough making the call. Don't be discouraged to use 911 in the future, though. They get so upset when people call over minor things that they get angry with you and discourage you from calling when you're in an actual damn emergency.

    Also Raid is damn amazing. I had a fruit fly infestation a few months ago and bought Raid (IT WAS AWESOME) and then after that I started killing every fly I could find with it. Even when I went outside. I didn't care. I wanted them all dead. All insects deserve death. I usually leave a body in a very open space so that they know not to fuck with me, but it isn't always helpful. Now that I ran out of the Raid, though, I feel like they're taking their revenge because they KNOW I can't fight back.
    July 23rd, 2014 at 11:36pm
  • @ Albluerose
    You're so right!! I didn't even think about all of that when she got her phone back. I was too happy to know she was safe than care about his apology. Sadly the moment has passed.
    July 23rd, 2014 at 11:02pm
  • I know how you feel though, I've been through the same situation. But it was my sons father pretending to be someone else so he could curse me out and get away with it. I always knew it was him. So it sucks. If I was her I would have had him call and apologize.
    July 23rd, 2014 at 10:45pm
  • @ Albluerose
    It was a he. She and him are working for the state's Summer Youth Program so they don't have any strings attached to the place they're working with. .-. Ugh. I'm honestly so over it and she said she hit him for it. I wish I could've/should've cursed him out.
    July 23rd, 2014 at 10:35pm
  • That was really fucked of her coworker to do that, I would have went to her job and placed a complaint and had her fired!
    July 23rd, 2014 at 10:29pm