Jane Austen Novels & My Lame Stories - Comments

  • @ Tipsy Returns
    not yet, although I have seen both movies so I know the stories well. Northanger Abby is definitely my favorite next to P&P so I'm excited to read that next.

    Those epics sound interesting even though they're extremely long. You're probably right, I wouldn't have the patience to read 2k pages so I couldn't properly read them.
    August 3rd, 2014 at 02:10pm
  • @ Lulie Belle
    Yep, they're a very important part of our religious culture. Actually, they're the stories of Gods. And nvm dear, you won't be able to read all of them anyway. They're hella long. Like above 2k pages if nothing. XD
    Actually, try Northanger Abbey. Its really good. Better than Emma. Have you read Sense and Sensibility yet?
    August 3rd, 2014 at 08:24am
  • @ Tipsy Returns
    I knew Emma ended up with Mr. Knightly. I love his character but I always felt like she was selfish and immature until he made her better. And Mr. Woodhouse :) I completely agree with you. He's delightfully adorable.

    the first epic you mentioned, The Ramayana, seems familiar but I don't believe I've read either of them. I imagine to last as long as they have they'd have to be pretty brilliant.
    August 3rd, 2014 at 03:56am
  • @ Lulie Belle
    I've read Emma. It's not as good as P&P, but still nice. As far as the character Emma is concerned, Austen herself wrote that she (Emma) was a heroine that none but she (Austen) herself would like. And if you're wondering about the pairing, she's with Mr. Knightley. But Emma's father is superbly cute, won't you agree?

    Maybe you've heard about the two great Indian Epics - the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. They're pure genius (None of my age have read them though haha).
    August 2nd, 2014 at 04:31am
  • @ Tipsy Returns
    No offense taken :). I think I got into because all my friends were into it at the time. But I'm glad I realized how bad it really was. I still haven't finished the 4th novel in the series. I love that you've read epics from tens of thousands of years ago. I think the oldest thing I've read is The Odyssey and The Iliad.

    I've moved from reading P&P to Emma by Jane Austen. It's taking me a while to get into it though because Emma is kind of a spoiled brat who feels obligated to help her neighbors because her father is such a kind hearted man.
    August 1st, 2014 at 08:12pm
  • @ Lulie Belle
    Not really, I'm into ancient stuff as well. I've read Indian epics that are rumored to have been written tens of thousands of years ago. And they're simply fantastic.

    I disliked Twilight since the beginning, owing to the fact that I was never into romance and it happened to be the very first romantic book I read. I took six months to finish reading it (I found it dull. Sorry, no offense meant) while usually I finish off books in max two days. I haven't watched the movies, but making vampires into such 'romance' freaks, frankly freaked me out. Its like their dark nature just dispersed, I don't like that. I've always loved Bram Stoker's Dracula, its the real thing. It makes you feel that this is a damn vampire you're talking about. (:
    August 1st, 2014 at 08:05am
  • @ Tipsy Returns
    When it came out, and I got caught up in the story line without over thinking it, yes, I adored the Twilight series. Now that the movies are out and it's over popularized and I've had plenty of time to actually think about it, I kind of really dislike it. That's probably because I was always a huge fan of the original vampire stories like Bram Stoker's Dracula, and The Vampyre by John William Polidor. I don't like my vampires to sparkle or to be so very nice. And I hate the werewolf genre in general because it's just too much.

    I guess I'm weirder than I thought. I either read really old books from the 19th and early 20th centuries, or I read dystopian future books from this century.
    July 31st, 2014 at 06:16pm
  • @ Lulie Belle
    Exactly. But, for some reason I really couldn't find Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre comparable to P&P. Maybe its just me...but the fact that Lizzy didn't keep falling for different guys was somewhat adorable. Jane Eyre is still good. I don't really like WH. But one I'd rate below it is...Gone with the Wind. I seriously did not like that one.
    Can I mention something? I always stick to 19th century books as far as romance is concerned. You know, I find the sexual parts annoying. There has to be more to love than just physical attachment. One reason I fell in love with P&P.
    On a side note, do you like the Twilight series?
    July 31st, 2014 at 06:39am
  • @ Tipsy Returns
    :) I'm really glad you read it too! This may sound silly because mostly everyone where I'm from has read these books too, but have you ever read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte? Wuthering Heights By Emily Bronte is pretty good too. I think most modern romance novels focus on the sexual part of the relationship too much, so you sort of have to stick to the books from the Nineteenth Century.
    July 30th, 2014 at 05:11pm
  • @ Lulie Belle
    Nah, I wasn't really talking about stories on here when I asked you for recs. I was asking for something along the lines of P&P, something just as cute, simple, clean and meaningful. Let me know if you come across anything like that (:

    To be honest, I don't really know. The mini series is there on youtube though, its a saga of six episodes, each about an hour long. I never really read the book while in school. I read it after school, just for curiosity. Glad I did. (:
    July 30th, 2014 at 02:49pm
  • @ Tipsy Returns
    :) I accepted your friend request and I'm counting on you talking to me every day now since I read your comment. Honestly, I haven't been reading much on Mibba, so I don't have any recommendations for stories on here, and besides P&P the last book I read was the Divergent trilogy. If I come across anything though you'll be the first person I tell about it :).

    Is that miniseries on Netflix? I've seen the Keira version of P&P so many times that I've lost count. My senior English teacher in high school even let us watch it in class at the end of the year after we finished reading the book. It was amazing! :)
    July 30th, 2014 at 12:44am
  • @ Lulie Belle
    You're seriously making me so so so happy. Actually, its Keira Knightly, and it was the first Pride and Prejudice movie I watched. The guy playing Darcy was so good looking in that haha. And so was Keira. After that, I researched everything ever made on the novel, and found this mini tv series, which you'll find loads better (the characters aren't that good looking though. But the execution of the story and the acting of the actors will make up for it). I think they cut a lot of important scenes in Keira's movie, maybe because of less time. You know, the ending didn't really satisfy me, specially when the book ended in perfection. But still, somehow, I've managed to watch the movie like...eight times. God, I'm mad XD

    To be honest, I started looking up for romance after reading Pride and Prejudice. Even started trying to write the genre after reading the novel (I'm still pathetic though, haha). Earlier, I saw the story was romance, and would immediately pull out of reading. Now, I'm searching for stories that would actually be at par with P&P. Maybe you could recommend me something, if you know.

    And I'm sending you a friend request. I'm definitely talking to you everyday haha Cute
    July 29th, 2014 at 02:40pm
  • @ Tipsy Returns
    Oh my goodness! :) There really is someone out there like me! Haha! Thank you for commenting. Austen has been one of my favorite novelists for a long time and I agree with you wholeheartedly... If I could somehow manage to write just one thing half as good as anything she wrote I'd be happy with my life. I can count how many times I've seen the movies of Pride and Prejudice. My favorite is the one with Kira Knightly (forgive me if I butchered the spelling of her first name), but I watch the older one with my mom every year. I can't remember who plays in it now. I will definitely look up the Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle.

    Thanks again for commenting, and I think we should be Mibba friends so be sure to keep in touch :)
    July 29th, 2014 at 02:30pm
  • Oh My God hi!

    Really, I had no idea I would find someone like you here! I'm just so glad. Let me clarify the "someone like you" part, its about being a romance author, but not alluding to physical relationships. I myself am the same, and I just didn't think anyone on here would have the same thought process as me. Not to mention, I'm a lover of Pride and Prejudice.

    I've read the book five times, LOL and even watched the movies and tv series based on it. You really should watch the mini series starring Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth. Its plain awesome. And about Austen, I too think if someday I'm able to write something half as good or as meaningful as hers, my life would be complete. I've read all her works, and thoroughly loved all of them. Thank you so much for this blog! You made my morning. Cute
    July 29th, 2014 at 04:23am