Things (That Are Perfectly Fine) but Sorta Bug Me in Stories - Comments

  • Number 4, though, it's so true! I don't really read band slash anymore, but when I used to, it would be like that a lot of the time and it bugged me. I'm not sure how to describe why it turned me off, but it did and I'm glad someone else sees that Shifty
    July 30th, 2014 at 04:18am
  • I feel the same about #1 (original fiction included). I just have a distaste for the overprotective brother cliche altogether, because from my reading experiences 1) usually the brother isn't overprotective unless the plot says he needs to be, 2) he never really has any motivation to distrust the love interest (apart from his sister being his sweet little special snowflake who no one's allowed to lay a finger on... again, when the plot says he needs to feel this way), and 3) because the sister's wants and feelings aren't taken into consideration, and when the older brother confronts her and/or the love interest (assuming that #2 is applicable), he doesn't look overprotective; he just comes off as a possessive jerk.
    I feel like some readers/ authors interpret younger to be more vulnerable, and vulnerability apparently makes the romance more "adorable". Not to say that's entirely false, but I don't find it cute at all when it's not written well and riddled with cliches.
    July 30th, 2014 at 03:59am
  • I hate the first point! It's always the younger sister who has brothers that act like parents (which the parents don't pull up about that) and in some stories they're sent on tour for "punishment" because the conventional standard of grounding and taking away privileges doesn't work so hey, let's reward them! Rolling Eyes
    July 30th, 2014 at 02:39am
  • I stopped reading fanfiction for that reason
    July 29th, 2014 at 09:50pm