I Hate Thunder Storms and Scorpions - Comments

  • @ rainbebez.tears.
    Yeah, I'm fine. I took some Benadryl and put some Allegra cream on it, then I slept for a few hours. By the time I woke up, all the swelling had gone away.
    July 31st, 2014 at 08:53pm
  • My god, a scorpion?!? Are you alright??
    I couldn't, nope, nuh-uh. No thank you. I am suddenly very content with living in New England, where we don't have scorpions. (though if I really did try, I probably would be able to find a deadly species here and there...)
    July 31st, 2014 at 07:32pm
  • @ Albluerose
    They can be dangerous, yes. The one's around here aren't really that dangerous to humans. Out of 1,500 scorpion species, only 50 of them are lethal to human beings.

    Since I typically don't leave my house when it rains, the lightning doesn't scare me. I'm perfectly safe in my home cocoon as long as I stay away from things that are plugged in and water. At least, that's what my mind is convinced of. Loud noises and I don't get along, hence my fear of thunder. Throughout school I would always have to cover my ears when the fire alarms went off, or if I hear any sirens, or if the music in the car is too loud. Loudness is just not my thing. Yet, I adore elephants and the obnoxious noises that come from their trunks.
    July 31st, 2014 at 02:34pm
  • I always thought scorpion stings were dangerous??? Am I wrong??

    Good lord i know the feeling with storms, I fear the lightening. No so much thunder because it can't harm you. Lightening how ever as beautiful as it is, that is a deadly beast. Lol
    July 31st, 2014 at 02:20pm