What Makes a Fan? - Comments

  • @ delirium. @ Join the Masquerade @ sheepcat;
    Sorry I didn't respond guys! I've been terrible for replying the last while! I agree with all of you: I think it is subjective and purely down to how you define yourself. Thanks for commenting and giving your opinion!
    August 23rd, 2014 at 08:54pm
  • I agree with Join the Masquerade and delirium. with it being subjective.
    For me to cross over from "casual listener" to "fan" I guess it would be when I listen to an album quite a fair bit and know their lyrics and have urges to listen. I mean, I call myself a fan of Marianas Trench despite only listening to their album Ever After.
    August 10th, 2014 at 10:53am
  • I thing "being a fan" has a subjective definition. You are a fan of something if you believe you are. It would be impossible to define it in any specific way that would include everyone.
    I mean, I'd say I'm a fan of 30STM. I think I'm missing their latest album and haven't really been paying attention to what they've been doing lately (save for Jared's movie roles), but I still enjoy their stuff. I'd consider seeing them live again. I define that as being a "fan" but there are others that wouldn't.
    August 10th, 2014 at 07:36am
  • I believe a fan is a person who considers themselves one. There's no definitive definition, though to some to be even a slight fan of a musician (I'll use that since it's easier to explain) you have to love every song, know the titles, lyrics, when they debuted, what song came out on what CD and in which month/year. Personally I think that's rubbish because if it's that then I'm a very shitty fan of every single artist/band I've ever liked.

    So, that's why I can say I am a "casual listener" of some music, but a fan to some artists.
    August 9th, 2014 at 11:51pm