Has This Been Posted Yet? (Ferguson) - Comments

  • lackadaisicalify

    lackadaisicalify (100)

    United States
    @ AmorarEsDeVivir
    You're welcome! I agree with you, I do like the goals of the change.org petition more as well. Everything it lists is ideal, and like I said, signing it doesn't hurt anything, it's just that it's not likely that the government will actually listen to it Rolling Eyes

    But yeah, hopefully they both do hit their goals and have a great influence on police misconduct. I'm crossing my fingers and sharing as much information as possible and I'm glad you are, too. This is definitely one of those times when living in a technologically advanced world has its advantages. I'm so glad news about what's going on from firsthand accounts is so easily accessible because it's making more and more people realize that this has to stop.

    And what's even more baffling than believing that all these deaths of innocent black individuals are just "isolated incidents" and not a product of ongoing systematic racism is that people will grasp at straws, trying to justify the unnecessary deaths. Not only that, but the news and police forces will straight up LIE about what happened to cover up their tracks. It's disgusting. Like, how far do they have to go for it to get through people's ignorant minds that this is not okay? Until it's a straight up genocide? I mean we might as well already be there, and it's sickening.
    August 15th, 2014 at 05:48pm
  • AmorarEsDeVivir

    AmorarEsDeVivir (100)

    United States
    @ sodapop curtis
    Thank you! I signed that petition as well. I really like the Change.org petition better, to be honest, mainly because it lists out more detailed provisions that will move toward a solution more effectively, I think, than cameras alone. But I agree that since the one on the White House web site is guaranteed to be seen by the right people, it's important to sign, too. Thanks for linking me to that.

    Hopefully they BOTH hit their goals. I know the Change.org one isn't guaranteed to be considered, but it's shooting for a million signatures and a million voices will be pretty damn hard to ignore.

    I also really appreciate the link to resources to help the Brown family. I am completely unable to donate right now, since I'm going through some major financial hardships, but I can share the link to those who might be able to do more than I can.

    It truly baffles me that there are so many people who honestly believe we live in a post-racial society. There are still people clamoring to claim that Michael Brown and all the poor black boys who have been murdered before him were all isolated incidents and that what's happening in Ferguson right now, and that what's happened before Ferguson, has nothing to do with racism. The fact that people honestly believe that is mind-blowing and terrifying to me. =/
    August 15th, 2014 at 04:48pm
  • lackadaisicalify

    lackadaisicalify (100)

    United States
    Here's an even better petition to sign that aims to require all police to wear a camera to detour misconduct and abuse of power so that situations like this can be prevented in the future. Since it's on the white house's official website, the government actually has to give a shit about it if it reaches its signature goal. Not to say that signing the change.org petition won't do anything, but the one I linked will definitely be more powerful if it goes through.

    Here's another link to help out the Brown family in their time of need (funeral and burial expenses, travel and living expenses, and the rest will go to those in need through their newly founded Brown Memorial Fund)

    Thank you for making this blog and actually caring. This is the first issue I've ever seen that no one has lashed out against or actively sided with the cops on, and that in itself is kind of a miracle, considering how often people like to disagree on things- especially problematic and harmful things. Maybe this will open up people's eyes to see that racism is still (unfortunately) prevalent in our world as it ever was, and it seriously needs to change.
    August 15th, 2014 at 04:29pm