ER Visit - Comments

  • Koda

    Koda (100)

    United States
    @ Zombicide

    Well, I am glad that you are okay now. Here lately, it seems as if all I have heard is people going to the hospital or having to have major things done. Thank you about my mom. She has Pancreaitits, and really there isn't much that the doctors are doing or can do. They have made her stop eating for around three days and then put her on a clear liquid diet such as broth, iced tea, jello, and juice. She has lost 8 pounds in four days. If they don't figure out what caused her pancreas to do what it is doing, she could have damage to her kidneys, lungs, or heart, and have permanent damage to her pancreas which could end up being surgery to get a new one which would also mean, a donor. But I am just thinking about the scenarios and the things that could possibly be horribly wrong.
    August 15th, 2014 at 02:52am
  • Zombicide

    Zombicide (100)

    United States
    @ Koda
    thank you so much dear! i just got back not too long ago. i feel a lot better. i was diagnosed with costochondritis, which is inflamed cartilage around the ribs and breast bone. that makes your chest hurt and swell - but with my anxiety, i freaked out because i felt like i was having a heart attack and i started to have a panic attack and i couldn't breathe. im calmed down and i was given medicine to help the swelling go down.
    best of wishes to your mom, i hope she is well soon <3 there's a lot of wonderful doctors out there!
    August 15th, 2014 at 12:16am
  • Koda

    Koda (100)

    United States
    Get to feeling better!!!! My mom is in the hospital, so I know what your family and friends are going through. I hope it is nothing serious at all. Get well soon!!!
    August 14th, 2014 at 08:42pm