I'm Depressed - Comments

  • PoeticMess.

    PoeticMess. (150)

    United States
    Don't cut.
    Fuel your pain into something worthwhile. Take everything that hurts and what you don't understand and fuel it into art, whether it be painting, writing, drawing. Be productive with your pain, make it useful.

    I've been diagnosed with depression for a long while and maybe you should look into getting help. Just talk to someone. I'm telling you, cutting is not going to help you. Don't do it.

    & as for not being able to pull yourself back together, it happens. Depression comes in waves, some days you're better than others, so just hold on. Turn your attention to something else for awhile. Depression can only keep you down if you let it, so get out there, smile the best you can, and act like nothing hurts you.

    It sucks when your own emotions aren't what you want them to be. When you want to be happy, but there's nothing you can do about it. I completely understand. I've been going through the same thing for years. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. :)

    A quote I live by:
    "It's not about forcing happiness, it's about not letting the sadness win."
    August 17th, 2014 at 10:12pm
  • Ghoul Scouts

    Ghoul Scouts (165)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    You could have a natural unbalanced chemical in your head. Otherwise it's triggers in your life. I know how you feel though. I fell back into depression too. Mine is triggered though. If you ever need to talk, I'm here.
    August 17th, 2014 at 09:31pm