Anaconda - Everyone Sit Down. - Comments

  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    I've always been a major fan of hers. She's so strong and I love her attitude. She does what she wants and I admire that. I love her music and the Anaconda video is hotttttt.
    August 23rd, 2014 at 05:23pm
  • Gypsy Soul

    Gypsy Soul (100)

    United States
    First, the thought that some idiot could say something like that to you disgusts me. You are absolutely gorgeous! Don't let anyone let you think differently.

    Second, I hadn't actually listened to the song until I started reading this, I just knew that it was like her way of promoting larger girls. And now that I listened to it, I love it. Yeah, on the technicalities of music, the song doesn't work properly. The lyrics, music, and chorus mashup goes awkwardly; but as a general concept, it is wonderful. And as a way to deter from fat shaming, it is perfect. It does sort of promote skinny shaming, but I think that's more of her way of saying: Fuck what skinny girls think, and just love yourself.

    I am not skinny, by far. And one of my best friends is a big girl as well, but from being around her all summer, I am more confident with my body, because she's super confident about who she is(she's lesbian and she doesn't let anyone judge her. Or anyone.) and because of that, I'm more comfortable wearing things I wouldn't otherwise wear. Like, I had a pair of shorts from the end of the schoool year. I wore them once to school and then didn't feel comfortable wearing except under a dress. But, I wore them to work a couple weeks ago, and my only issue was annoyance from pulling them down repeatedly. (The ultimate short-big thigh dilemma.)

    Everyone needs that person who is comfortable enough with themselves that it rubs off on them. And everyone needs to take a chill pill on the hate. Cause people are crazy.

    Wonderful blog! Keep your head up and smile! Smile
    August 23rd, 2014 at 03:10pm
  • Alsoldey

    Alsoldey (230)

    United States
    Anaconda is fucking gold and I love her! Also, it makes me wanna work my own booty, like hot damn...I needed to drink water after that, and the last bit with Drake just killed me. lmfao
    August 23rd, 2014 at 09:01am
  • raja sahara

    raja sahara (100)

    United States
    Anaconda is history in the MAKING. The world needed something like that song and that video.
    August 23rd, 2014 at 07:55am
  • kittencore

    kittencore (100)

    United States
    See, I'm not really all that big on Nicki either. I just know that she's an excellent person who doesn't deserve the kinds of things being said about her. So, I agree. And she truly is an artist. She just doesn't appeal to everyone.
    Right on.
    August 23rd, 2014 at 07:55am
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    I don't generally go right for Nicki's music on my iTunes or anything, but goddamn, everyone needs to appreciate the true art that is her videos. Also her verse in Monster.

    But yeah, you basically summed up all my thoughts.

    I can't wait until Iggy Azalea is gone forever, though.
    August 23rd, 2014 at 07:23am
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    I don't generally go right for Nicki's music on my iTunes or anything, but goddamn, everyone needs to appreciate the true art that is her videos. Also her verse in Monster.

    But yeah, you basically summed up all my thoughts.

    I can't wait until Iggy Azalea is gone forever, though.
    August 23rd, 2014 at 07:23am
  • kittencore

    kittencore (100)

    United States
    I'm really glad this brought positive attention towards the points that I made. I'm kind of sad that I deterred the actual point of the original post into a thick awareness type thing, but it needed to be said. I completely understand how the last person to comment feels when shopping.
    At 13, I was a size 8 and anorexic because I thought I was too big. And now it's double that size in just three years. It plays a major role in my depression, now mild compared to beforehand. Thank you both for sharing your opinions as well! <3

    I basically just use this blog as a way to get out everything going on with me, so to know that there are the silent followers is enough for me. I appreciate you!
    August 23rd, 2014 at 04:13am
  • poison and blood

    poison and blood (100)

    United States
    Firstly, this is a terrific blog. I personally don't like watching the video because I find it boring, and not because it's explicit. I really am not fazed by that stuff. (On that note, I think you meant "risqué" instead of "risky". Cute)

    I so appreciated the portion on being thick. I'm just losing weight now, but I'm still the one of the bigger girls. Fortunately, I could be described as curvy as I have a very defined waist, but while it's being promoted as desirable, no one actually voices it, and that's so poisoning to the mind. I once had one of my girlfriends tell me, " wow! You are so skinny!". She said it as a compliment and now even 5 lbs above that is fat to me. No one has really complimented me on my curves.

    I received a pair of jeans for Christmas and cried for almost am hour because they were too small. I hate shopping, but I also love it. I just wish it was easier. My friends always drag me into popular stores and I can only look around and pretend the clothes would ever fit me and watch as my friends buy whatever they want. Malls don't carry plus sizes much. I've got big boobs, but most of the weight is in my legs (I'm a pear, essentially) so bottoms are impossible to shop for. Just the other day I was shopping and my friend pulls out a medium skirt and my other friend said, "omg you fatass". I was like...are you joking? It's not okay and people need to get over thin shaming. Fat shaming has been constant and vicious. Thin shaming sucks, but it's not nearly on the same level.

    I also hate the racism! It's sickening. It's quite unfair to the majority of whites (as majority is NOT racist) because it makes us all look like inconsiderate, incompetent and close minded fucks. It is just like how America is seen as trashy , fat and self righteous when it's really not that bad.

    The only point of argument that I have to make is that I don't know where you got the idea that Robin Thicke is still being praised. Yes, perhaps the song comes on the radio every once in a while, but his positive fame decreased significantly almost a year ago. He's notorious at this point. Of course, I'd love to hear your views on it. Perhaps I've missed something!

    Again, lovely blog full of great arguments. It's people like you who take time to voice things that actually make people think. That's when a difference can be made.
    August 23rd, 2014 at 01:38am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    The sad truth is that if Nicki were a male then none of this backlash would have been happening. It's society's misogynistic way of thinking that has led to all of this hate and backlash. The end of the video and how people are reacting proves that point. At the end, she does give a male a lap dance. But have any of us seen any negative comments towards the male who got the lap dance? No. Whenever a male is involved in these sexual videos, he is never bitched at. It's always the female who is degraded and bitched at because how dare a woman be sexually active or sexually liberated. When it comes to sex, it's never the male's fault according to society. It's always the female's and it is sickening.

    To be honest, I highly dislike Nicki Minaj's music. Although this could be related to the fact I highly dislike rap altogether. However, Nicki is a strong woman. From the video, you can tell that she's very confident in her body. She wouldn't do any of that if she wasn't confidence and in today's world, it takes a lot for a woman to have any sort of confidence in her body. If we're not "too skinny" then we're "fat". If we're not "fat" then we're "too skinny". Women are always over pressured to attain "perfect beauty" when no such thing exists. It's hard for women to feel confidence in themselves so I commend Nicki for having this sort of confidence in the face of everything. Nicki is a great advocate for Black people and she is a great advocate for women of any race/ethnicity.

    With all of that said... It's best to never read YouTube comments on any video. Like yesterday, I was watching an ASL Ice Bucket challenge video by someone who has ALS and the comments were downright disgusting. People on YouTube are trolls, to put it simply and nicely. They want a rise out of you. They want you to get angry and feel angry at them. They want to upset you. By responding to them and/or giving them acknowledgement, you're feeding into exactly what they want. Really, it's best to just not pay attention to YouTube comments in general. YouTube comments have become on the same level as 4chan these days.
    August 23rd, 2014 at 01:15am
  • kittencore

    kittencore (100)

    United States
    All of you are lovely for understanding. I hesitated to post this because of all the different possibilities, but thank you for being so open minded. I know so many people who would rip me apart for my opinions on this. I appreciate all of you so kindly. <3
    August 22nd, 2014 at 11:00pm
  • xSweet.Afterlifex

    xSweet.Afterlifex (100)

    United States
    This is why I don't read YouTube Comments.

    Also, the whole thing about clothes and having trouble with your size. I seriously just wanted to reach through my computer and hug you because, I know how it feels. I was there and still am. I'm not happy with my size, but I've learned to ignore what people say about it. I hope one day you can get there too.

    As for the racist thing... it's getting completely out of hand. It's become half of the reason I no longer go in public very often. Because I sometimes just want to rip the faces off of the people that say shit. I don't give a crap what color your skin is, you're nice to me, I'm nice to you, and that can go both ways to being rude, or nasty.

    I haven't personally seen Nicki's video but from what you said, if it was a guy that did a video like that it'd be fine. All this sexism and racism is getting out of control. So is the bullying, which is what all of that in my opinion is.
    August 22nd, 2014 at 10:53pm
  • louis tomlinson.

    louis tomlinson. (100)

    United States
    I agree with most of this blog. I've supported Nicki for a long time, and whether or not people like her kind of music there is no denying that she is an extremely hard working, independent woman who deserves to be where she is. People are disgusting.

    That being said, I have a little issue with the "skinny shaming thing" not so much in Nicki's song but in "All About That Bass." The girl who sings it has a line calling thin girls "stick figure silicone Barbie dolls" and I don't think that's right. I'm not fat, but I'm certainly not skinny but I still don't think her song is putting out that good of a message. I have friends who were born thin and can't help but be that way. I'm not saying being fat is harder than being thin, but I don't think we have to make one body type seem worse than the other, you know? I think both are okay. Sorry I got carried away haha. Rant over.
    August 22nd, 2014 at 10:48pm
  • divine;

    divine; (150)

    United States
    I love Anaconda. I personally feel Nicki took her sexuality and rapped just as hard as if a man would. And Sir Mix-a-lot complimented her for that.

    So, yeah, random comment of the day haha.
    August 22nd, 2014 at 10:48pm
  • adam driver.

    adam driver. (100)

    United States
    I'm a white person and white people piss me off. lol
    August 22nd, 2014 at 10:42pm
  • kittencore

    kittencore (100)

    United States
    I wasn't saying Meghan was skinny shaming at all? I'm saying others are saying that she is.
    August 22nd, 2014 at 10:10pm
  • solo sunrise

    solo sunrise (260)

    Neutral Zone
    I heard someone say that if she were a male rapper, she probably wouldn't be getting as much shit, and they're probably right.

    [Also with the All About That Base thing, right after the "skinny bitches" part, the lyrics are something along the lines of "no, I'm just playing, I know you think you're fat/but I'm here to tell you that/every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top." So I don't think that's skinny shaming really.]

    Do yourself a favor and don't read the YouTube comments. Facepalm
    August 22nd, 2014 at 09:56pm