Thick Girl Problems - Comments

  • Why are you so nice to me sara omg I luh you. Stay strong babe, it'll get better I promise!!
    August 29th, 2014 at 08:46pm
  • you're so on point here, bae. i can't entirely relate to the "big girl" thing because i'm not a big girl physically. but i've struggled most of my teenage years and now into my 20's with anorexia nervosa. i'm not fat, but i FEEL like i am sometimes. i'm doing a lot better now, with a great support system and now two years of therapy, but i still have rough days and food really isn't my friend right now. but i love you, bae. you're beautiful, no matter what you're weight. the number on the scale is just your relation to gravity on this earth. that's what my therapist used to tell me. scales don't measure your kindness, your empathy, your creativity, your heart. you are absolutely lovely, and i really, really hope you know that. and i know maybe it's a little wrong for me to be a technically skinny girl telling you all of this, but i know what it's like to feel like i'm fat when i'm not. i know what its like to hate my body. i used to slice my thighs and my stomach with razors because i hated myself so much. i hate shopping. but i feel for you. it's not the same, but i can understand to a degree. i love you. don't you ever take anything out on your body. it's keeping you alive. cherish your body. love it. much love, beautiful. muahh<3
    August 29th, 2014 at 08:32pm
  • I figured the best way to relate to people is through experiences of my own that I know other people share. Those saying 'thank you' for writing this shouldn't be; I hit a rough patch through it and had to stop a couple times. But things are getting better for me, and even if you think you're already there, it'll get better for you, too.
    I love you guys, oh my gosh. <3
    August 23rd, 2014 at 11:19pm
  • This hit home for me. Thank you for writing this; society can fuck right off. Hug
    August 23rd, 2014 at 05:30pm
  • This is perfection. I started out tiny and gained a ton of weight due to medications and health problems . . .and an intense love of all things chocolate, not even gonna lie. It took me years to live with the fact that I'll never be tiny again but I can be fit and healthy, and that includes mentally healthy.

    I used to really bug out over society's opinion of my weight and appearance. I had the cruelest brother in the world who tried to convince me there was nothing to like about me because I am fat. Sometimes family are worse than strangers because they feel like since they know you they can criticize you freely. Screw them. Screw society and their messed up opinions. They're the ones with problems, not you or me or any other thick girl on the planet.
    August 23rd, 2014 at 01:39pm
  • Aww, sweetie, I'm so sorry you dealt with that, and let me just say I know how it all feels. I'm pretty big myself, but not only am I starting a diet and exercising, I'm also learning to love myself. Surround yourself with awesome people, and you won't even care anymore c:

    I needed to read this, thank you! Hug
    August 23rd, 2014 at 09:05am
  • You guys are sweet. I just put my story out there because I felt like I needed to get it all out somehow. I've been on that kind of roller coaster ride of feeling okay and not about myself. It's slowly getting better. But thank you both for sharing as well. I appreciate it.
    August 23rd, 2014 at 08:22am
  • This speaks to me on so many levels.

    I'm thicker in the hips, buns, thighs, and waist area. I've always been kinda chubby since I was a kid. I've still got my chubby cheeks to this day. But I embrace those.

    I always tend to have this daily internal conflict between: I'm perfectly imperfect the way I am, and then there's these moments: God I'm so fat. I need to exercise each day. God, get up fatty. My sub-conscious can be kinda bitchy.

    I used to get called fat in elementary and middle school. But when I got to high school it changed. I got viewed as "thick" because of my hips and thighs and butt. I wasn't viewed as fat. But I still felt like it.

    I think it was my 9th or 10th grade year that I started skipping meals til one day I almost passed out in my kitchen. I'll never forget that day.

    Each day I steel teeter and totter between loving myself and being grossed out. I guess we will just have to take it a day at a time.

    I hope that you overcome this and live a happy life. Everyone should be able to be comfortable in the skin they're in. And your skin is beautiful as well as your soul. (God, I sound like a fortune cookie or something)

    But seriously. I think you're a gorgeous person inside and out (I creeped your pics) and if you ever wanted/needed to talk. I'm only a message away Hug
    August 23rd, 2014 at 08:18am
  • I like working on my soul too, burger in hand. Scooter Society will do its thing but what matters is that those of us within society try to make a difference, if we wish to.

    In any case, I wish you the best and thank you for sharing such a personal story about your struggles.
    August 23rd, 2014 at 08:16am
  • Thank you, sweetheart. I support you as well.
    August 23rd, 2014 at 08:11am
  • I'm so sorry about all you've been through. :(

    I support you, I know what it's like to feel this way, and I truly hope you can find happiness one day.

    If humour makes you feel better, I would recommend this video, it always cheers me up. :)
    August 23rd, 2014 at 08:07am