Pick & Choose Feminism - Comments

  • divine;

    divine; (150)

    United States
    @ Queen In The North
    I don't fight people. Like ever. I just take in their viewpoints and I say mine and we build upon them.

    Feminism goes beyond the pay gap and rape.

    I can't talk for every feminist ever, but I can talk about myself. I am a black feminist living in America. I identify as a feminist because no one really cares about black women in my society. Every group and every gender really doesn't give a fuck about us besides other black women. We are constantly fighting for existence and our rights. The earlier feminist movements only helped white women. (I.E only giving white women the right to suffrage when the 19th amendment was made)

    So we basically fight for our right to exist. Down to the way we style our hair to the way we choose to own our sexuality (which is hard since black girls are sexualized from youth while being taught to not be sexual beings at the same time). As a black feminist I also have to care and worry about black trans* women who face the highest number attacks in the trans* community.

    Which is the main reason I call and fight for feminism.

    While I say that, I also identify as a liberal feminist. So I believe in individualism. Every feminist has the full right to care about more issues more than others, as long as she believes in the equality of the sexes. Cause that's really all it takes to be a feminist.

    You believe in the political, social, and economic equality of the sexes?

    Boom. You're a feminist. That's all there is to it.

    Not every feminist cares heavily about the pay gap or rape or abortion.

    They just want to have a fighting chance of existing/living in their society.

    They can be as ultra femme or ultra radical, not shaving, fuck men as they want to be.

    As for 'modern feminism' some tumblrs are good at it, some of it are shit at it. And that goes for feminist on and off line as well as anything. It does not reflect the entire movement.

    Am I making sense? Ha. I feel like I can explain this better.

    Like, even if some of the issues don't personally affect you, it shouldn't stop you. A lot of the issues in the movement don't personally affect me, but I still choose to be in the movement. Like, don't be afraid to claim the word. It's not as bad as people make it seem to be.
    August 29th, 2014 at 02:08am
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    @ essence.

    Well for me, I just don't feel like western society needs feminism as much as some other un developed countries. I'm doing really good for myself, as are all the females I know, so I feel like it isn't a topic that needs discussion in my area. I mean, people talk about the pay gap, but that doesnt exist in my country. I get paid more than my partner for doing a really easy job, simply because im good at it - Yet I don't have any formal qualifications in the area. I admit, things like that this do exist in other developed countries, but because it's not happening to me I feel a sense of...it's hard to describe it without sounding like a douche, but I suppose I just don't feel like it matters to me. Of course I think about all the other women in the world, but I feel more for the women who get their genitals mutilated than those how are upset about their pay gap. I'm just one of those people unfortunately.

    Plus, my whole entire life I've lived by labels, I just don't think this one suits me. I feel that in civilized society, all genders can stand on their own feet and fight, All I see is a bunch of chicks blogging on tumblr and stuff. It just doesnt appeal to me - Of course that's only modern feminism. The first branch of feminism appeals to me greatly - After all, my country was one of the first to let women vote due to our wonderful Kate Shepard.

    Not trying to start a fight or anything, and I think most feminists are great, I'm more against Femi-nazi's persay.

    But yeah, to summarize:
    Some of the issues that modern feminism talks about don't bother me, so I don't feel as if I could ever fit into that label of being a feminist. It's hurtful to see all the rape statistic's thrown around and used against men, and the whole 'teach them not to rape thing', is kinda illogical to me. As a rape victim, I know that saying no won't stop them. Some people are just horrible by nature. I think a lot of the problem for me through is that I just don't like the negative one's I encounter, telling me that I'm brainwashed and all that. All I can say is: Human's are horrible, it's in our nature to be animalistic, and whether you are a woman or a man, you make your own path. I feel like strength comes from you alone, not a group you identify with.

    I think the movement itself is beautiful however, I just can't be apart of it unfortunately. I'm more of a 'self preservation' type of person.
    August 29th, 2014 at 01:37am
  • divine;

    divine; (150)

    United States
    @ Queen In The North

    Why let this minor issue stop you from identifying as a feminist?

    I address this issue and I see the issues in the movement, but that doesn't stop me from identifying as one.


    edit: you don't have to change your views, I'm just wondering why. Because the people who do this aren't true feminist so why let them be the reason you don't want to be one, you know?
    August 28th, 2014 at 01:49am
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    I feel the same way! That's why I'll never identify myself as one.

    I mean, Im all for humans. Das it. Haha.

    I'm pro whatever anybody wants to do - apart from be a serial killer or something, haha.
    August 28th, 2014 at 01:27am