Is the World Turning Against Me? - Comments

  • hun, email me, please. I'm getting worried
    September 3rd, 2014 at 08:24pm
  • Well... That sucks. I hadn't even thought hay the option would be justified if not forewarned. I would assume if things (short story/taken off of cowriter) some Mod would have notified you beforehand. Have you asked or sent a message to an admin? Either way, that's stupid and I'm sorry it went down like that.

    For the blog- I haven't been on here nor do I know you personally, but by expressing yourself to get anything off your chest has a way of making yourself feel a little bit better. At least it has for me. I believe the latest blog I put up was how shitty of a day I was having, but once I typed it out, and had a few cigarettes and a tall Jack and coke, I was doing alright. Go on and get it out for your system. If that means you have to go balls out, then BALLS to anyone who decides to criticize you. Fuck them and their insensitive crap.

    You keep doing you, sweets. Have a good one! :)
    September 1st, 2014 at 03:29pm
  • don't let something like this get you down even more; you're a great person, it sucks hearing how much you suffer :(

    if writing a blog about your ex will help you get it off your chest, then i 100% think you should do it.

    Have a great night, i hope you have better days
    September 1st, 2014 at 02:40am
  • I agree with sodapop, writing a blog about your ex would be cathartic and you could just let off some steam. I hope your life turns around and happier things start happening, you definitely deserve it! I'll still read whatever you write, I don't know why you would be deleted as a co-writer or have anything else deleted.
    I'll be sending good vibes to you.
    September 1st, 2014 at 01:11am
  • that's really strange, I've never heard of that happening before. maybe someone...reported them? or something? but I honestly can't imagine WHY someone would do that (and if that was the case, wouldn't a mod notify you about it first so you'd have time to save your work or whatever?) that seriously sucks, I'm sorry that happened to you. maybe you can contact someone about it and try to get some answers.

    as for the blog, do whatever you need to do to feel better about this situation. Mibba is a pretty quiet website that hardly anyone knows about, so no one in your life will be able to see what you write, especially if you don't use real names or anything. (plus, I'm sure you know there's a little option you can select as you write the blog that makes it so that only Mibba users can view it.) just do whatever makes you feel more at ease. you deserve to let it all out.
    September 1st, 2014 at 01:08am