How Do You... - Comments

  • I honestly think you're putting too much thought into this, if she doesn't like you and you know deep down that your intentions for your boyfriend are good then let her deal with that. Sitting down could clear some of the air but the rest is up to her. if she's the type of to make backhanded comments and talk shit then you show her that you're better than that. Reacting to her immature bullshit (sorry to sound so harsh but she's way to grown to be acting like this) will only make the things that she's said true. Keep your head held high and keep on going with your boyfriend because at the end of the day it's about you and him and no one else, his mom won't be moving in with you guys (if you haven't already) she won't be kissing him good bye before he goes to work you get what I'm saying??
    September 4th, 2014 at 03:55am
  • have you sat down with her and had a convo about why she dislikes you so much? like, talk it out and stuff and then maybe she'll realise that oi you ain't going anywhere and etc etc and she'll learn to dislike you less or even at all

    or do what park yoochun said and give off the idgaf vibe because that works wonders HAHAHA IT DRIVES THE OTHER PERSON CRAZY I'VE DONE IT IT WORKS I SWEAR
    September 3rd, 2014 at 10:44am
  • Ah, I'm sorry you're going through that. Funny thing is, my mom & my grandmother haven't ever gotten along. When my mom was pregnant with me, my grandma wanted her to have an abortion. Yea, shit was bad. Still is. The thing is, is that I've realized you have to be the better person & just act like it doesn't bother you. My mom hates that woman (& after uncovering some dirty family secrets, I do too), but face to face she treats my grandmother with respect. & trust me, that woman insults mom every chance she gets. Comments on her cooking & the way she dresses & acts & all that stuff.

    If you do what my mom does, the most that you'll get out of it is putting up a wall in front of you & acting like it genuinely does not bother you when it does on the inside. Just showing her that you could be that person with the "I don't give a fuck" vibe could be detrimental to her ego.
    September 3rd, 2014 at 06:12am